Chapter 885
"Su Bo, can you tell me the story of this bronze mirror?"

Su Hai nodded and said seriously: "As for this bronze mirror being dug out of an ancient tomb, I don't know which ancient tomb it is. When this bronze mirror was dug out, the copper There is a parchment next to the mirror, and the story of the bronze mirror is recorded on the parchment."

"Probably during the reign of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, there was a large family in Pingyang County. He had a daughter named Tang Cai. She liked looking in the mirror very much. She had to look in the mirror at least a hundred times a day before she was alive. Gradually, she fell in love with the things in the mirror. Own."

"This Tang Cai would talk to herself and herself in the bronze mirror every day, as if she was crazy. When she was 16 years old, when she went to the temple to offer incense, she was caught by five gangsters and broke into a ruined temple. Get up."

"Although Tang Cai was rescued in the end, her most precious thing was gone. Her father kept scolding her, saying that she had humiliated him. In a rage, Tang Cai bumped her head on the bronze mirror, In the end, her blood lit up the bronze mirror."

"After Tang Cai died, her father regretted it very much, so he buried her and her favorite bronze mirror together. Until recent years, some tomb robbers stole this bronze mirror. Because there will be a fang in the bronze mirror. Tooth girl, so many tomb robbers are afraid. When I saw this bronze mirror and read the story recorded on the parchment, I decided that this antique could sell for at least 1000 million, so I offered it at a price of 20. Bought it."

"A dark shadow usually appears in this mirror. I don't know what happened today, but the dark shadow never appeared."

Zhao Qiaoling said: "Okay, Su Bo, you must be delusional. If this mirror is really so evil, why can't we see it?"

Su Hai looked helplessly at Lao He beside him, and said, "Lao He, tell me something, have you ever seen the black shadow coming out of the mirror?"

Lao He said: "Master, I have seen it, but I don't know why, but I can't see it today. It's really strange."

Guo Qishai said: "Uncle Sub, if you are willing to listen to my advice, I advise you to throw away this mirror."

Su Hai was confused and heartbroken, and said, "Throw it away? This is an antique worth tens of millions, how can I be willing to throw it away?"

"Even if it's an antique worth hundreds of millions, is it more important than your life?"

Su Hai was stunned for a moment and said, "You mean, my mirror will kill me?"

"You have been infested by the damp and evil spirit of this mirror, your heart is damaged, and your lungs are infected. Recently, you often have nightmares at night, and you have to do it all night. The quality of sleep is seriously low. If you continue like this, it will take less than three months , your life is gone."

Zhao Qiaoling heard her back getting cold, and said, "Don't be so scary, Su Bo is in good health now, how could he only have three months to live?"

Qin Ruxue said: "Yes, I think Su Bo's spirit is very good now, it's impossible for something to happen just because of a mirror."

Su Hai bowed his head and said nothing, suddenly he said: "Guo Qishuai, what you said is right, I have suffered from severe pneumonia recently, and my heart disease has become more serious, I always have insomnia at night, I can't sleep, if I fall asleep, I will Nightmare. What is going on here? Is it really related to this bronze mirror?"

"Su Bo, think about it carefully, when you didn't get this bronze mirror, was your body in good shape?"

Su Hai said affirmatively: "Yes, before I got this bronze mirror, I was indeed very energetic. But since I got this bronze mirror, my health has become worse day by day."

Zhao Qiaoling said: "Qi Shuai, what did you see? Is this bronze mirror really so evil?"

"Actually, it's nothing. It's just that a girl's grievances are locked in this mirror. The grievances continue to condense in the dark environment, and finally they can rush out of the mirror to intimidate others. It's not easy to scare normal people to death because of the grievances in this mirror. Yes, so, the resentment in the mirror will first invade a person's body, make that person weak, and finally scare that person to death."

Zhao Qiaoling didn't believe it, and said, "Am I exaggerating what you said? This is the first time I've heard that resentment can transform into a human form, and resentment can kill people. What reason do you have?"

Guo Qishai said: "If I hadn't used a strange power (spiritual power) to seal the resentment in this mirror, you would have seen the resentment flying out of the mirror and gathering souls."

Qin Ruxue couldn't imagine what it would be like to gather souls with resentment, and she couldn't help but ask because of her curiosity: "Guo Qishuai, are you talking so evil? Gathering souls with resentment is unheard of, and we all have studied science, There can be no such thing as you said in this world, unless we can see it."

"Hey..." Guo Qishai sighed and said, "Do you have to watch it?"

"If you don't look at me, how do I know if what you said is true? Besides, I've never seen resentment gathering souls, so just let me open my eyes!"

Zhao Qiaoling also said: "Guo Qishuai withdrew your strength and let me see this wonderful gathering of resentment."

Guo Qishuai said: "Resentment gathering soul is a very scary scene, are you sure you want to watch it?"

Zhao Qiaoling said: "I'm sure, I'm not afraid."

"Okay, you guys are ready."

Zhao Qiaoling stared at the bronze mirror, waiting for a miracle to happen.

Qin Ruxue's eyes were also unblinking. She seemed to be absolutely sure that the bronze mirror could not have any weird phenomena.

Su Hai reminded: "Miss, you must be mentally prepared. This scene is really scary. If you watch it, you may have nightmares at night."

"Su Bo, I'm not a child, you don't need to remind me."

Guo Qishuai suppressed that resentment with his spiritual sense, and that resentment was still struggling in the bronze mirror, grinning his teeth, especially fierce.

When Guo Qishuai withdrew his consciousness, the resentment rushed out of the mirror immediately, turning into a black human figure, with his mouth wide open, biting Zhao Qiaoling with fangs.

Zhao Qiaoling let out a fright and fell into Guo Qishuai's arms.

Qin Ruxue took three steps back in fright and fell to the ground.

Guo Pingping also turned pale with fright and trembled all over.

Guo Qishai immediately used his spiritual consciousness to seal the resentment, covered the black cloth of the bronze mirror, and said: "I know that your resentment is deep, but the person who broke your body has long since turned into dust. Your resentment should not be If you spread it on others, you will have someone to blame. It’s time for you to leave.”

Guo Qishuai waved his finger in front of the bronze mirror a few times, his finger emitted a golden light, the light flashed on the bronze mirror and then disappeared, and the resentment in the bronze mirror also disappeared with the disappearance of the golden light .

Guo Qishuai handed the bronze mirror to Su Hai and said, "I've helped you resolve the grievances in the bronze mirror. From now on, this bronze mirror will be just an ordinary mirror, but it can be sold for hundreds of thousands as an antique."

Su Hai lowered his head and said, "I'm ashamed, I'm ashamed, I still treat it as a treasure. Guo Qishuai, thank you for helping me relieve the resentment on the bronze mirror, and I also want to ask you to relieve the resentment on me."

(End of this chapter)

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