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Chapter 882 Don't Believe

Chapter 882 Don't Believe

Guo Qishuai stood there, stepped on his back, and said, "Remember next time, be more polite when you see me and my sister, otherwise, I will make your teeth fall out next time."

"Don't dare, don't dare."

"Please, both of you, please come inside."

After the room was booked, Guo Qishuai, Zhao Qiaoling, and Qin Ruxue made another phone call, asking them to go to room [-] of Xianhe Hotel.

Soon, Qin Ruxue and Zhao Qiaoling came to the room booked by Guo Qishuai.

Guo Qishuai asked them to order whatever they like.

Zhao Qiaoling ordered two signature dishes, which cost more than 1000 yuan, and Qin Ruxue ordered one, which cost more than 2000 yuan. She was a little embarrassed.

After the dishes were served, Zhao Qiaoling asked Guo Qishuai, "You went there to ask for the Yin-Yang Talisman, did you get it?"

"Now there is no need for the Yin-Yang Talisman. My eyes can see through everything."

Qin Ruxue said in surprise: "What do you mean? Can you still see through our clothes?"

Guo Qishuai said: "If I want to see it, all of you have no secrets from me."

Qin Ruxue didn't believe it, and said, "You're bragging, don't you know how to see through your eyes?"

"It's a little more powerful than clairvoyance."

"I don't believe it, unless you can tell me how many peanuts are in my hand?"

Guo Qishuai glanced at Qin Ruxue's hand and said, "This is very simple. You have two peanuts in your hand, and one of them has a small hole bitten by a bug."

Zhao Qiaoling said: "Did he guess right?"

Qin Ruxue nodded and said: "It's not bad at all. There is indeed a small insect bite mark on one peanut. The insect bite mark is very small. If you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all."

Zhao Qiaoling said: "It seems that he said that he can see through everything, this is not bragging."

Qin Ruxue said: "I want to try again."

"How else do you want to try?"

"It's not difficult to see through this, but what you need to look at in this quarry is stones. If you don't see right, you will lose millions, so—"

Zhao Qiaoling said: "That's right, betting on rocks is indeed more difficult, come and let's try again, Ruxue, you pick another thing, hold it in your hand, put it under the table, and let Guo Qishuai guess."

Guo Qishuai was still thinking, okay, guessing this is too easy, should we play something more exciting? "

Guo Pingping took a bite of the dish, rolled her eyes twice, and said, "Brother, what are you talking about playing?"

"Let's guess what Qin Ruxue's internal organs are like?"

Guo Pingping didn't believe it, and said: "Brother, this is something that only X-rays can do. How can you see through it with the naked eye? I don't believe it."

Qin Ruxue said: "I don't believe that he can see through my internal organs."

Zhao Qiaoling said: "How about this, Ruxue, let Guo Qishuai take a look at your internal organs, if he is right, then we will believe it."

Qin Ruxue said: "Okay, Guo Qishuai, listen, my stomach has been hurting recently, and I don't know the reason. I wanted to go to the hospital for a checkup these days, but my dad had this kind of pain again. There is no money at home, so this matter has been delayed. Just in time, you said that you can see through people's internal organs, so you can help me see why my stomach hurts."

"What's so difficult about this?"

"Brother, think about it clearly, that's her stomach, how could your eyes see through her stomach?"

Guo Qishuai looked at it with his spiritual sense, and then he determined the cause of the disease.

He didn't dare to look down, because the secret method of spiritual consciousness is really more powerful than a microscope, and he can see everything very clearly.

"Does your stomach hurt a lot recently, and it's the lower abdomen that hurts the most. When it's severe, you feel weak all over, and sometimes you have a fever and muscle aches, right?"

Qin Ruxue felt that she had encountered a miracle doctor, because she had all the symptoms Guo Qishuai mentioned.

"Yes, yes, this is what happened to me recently. Can you tell me what caused it?"

"Actually, you have chronic appendicitis. The end of appendicitis has festered and will recur at any time. The reason why you don't feel pain now is because you took painkillers, right?"

Qin Ruxue said: "Yes, I feel that this is an ordinary pain, and it will be fine after taking some painkillers."

"Painkillers can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause. When the medicine wears off, you will be in pain again."

Qin Ruxue said: "I believe you, you can really see through people's bodies."

Qin Ruxue felt that she didn't have any secrets in front of Guo Qishuai, so she felt a little embarrassed, but at the same time she felt that she was just a patient in front of Guo Qishuai, and she didn't need to think too much at all.

Guo Pingping was very surprised and said: "Brother, you really saw her appendix."

"It's true, it's still very clear."

Zhao Qiaoling didn't seem to believe it, and said, "Then what's wrong with me?"

"You? Qiaoling, don't you need to read it?"

"Look!" Zhao Qiaoling insisted.

"If you feel unwell, don't drink anything too cold. Also, drink more brown sugar water when you get home."

"She's here..." Qin Ruxue covered her mouth after saying two words.

Zhao Qiaoling blushed like fire, and said: "It seems that you can really see through, I believe you. But, Guo Qishuai, it's nothing to be able to see through other people's internal organs, can you remove his appendix?"

"I want to say that I can sit here without moving and remove her appendix, do you believe it?"

Zhao Qiaoling shook her head and said, "I don't believe it, can you remove her appendix with your thoughts?"

"Little sister, do you believe it?"

"Brother, I believe you can break a rock, but I don't believe anything about the operation in the air."

Guo Qishuai cast his eyes on Qin Ruxue, and said, "Student Ruxue, what about you? Do you believe that I can remove your appendix?"

Qin Ruxue thought to herself that no matter how powerful you are, you can remove my appendix just by moving your mouth?

"I don't believe it, this needs surgery."

Guo Qishuai said: "Since you don't believe me, then I will tell you with actions!"

Zhao Qiaoling said: "What? Do you really want to try?"

"Or you wouldn't believe it!"

"Well, you can try it if you want. I want to see how you removed her appendix."

Guo Qishuai looked at Qin Ruxue again and said, "Now, as long as you agree, I will remove your appendix."

Qin Ruxue said: "Guo Qishuai, I know you are capable, but no matter how old you are, you can't remove my appendix without touching me? Could it be that you can still perform surgery in the air? Do it with your eyes. Operation?"

Qin Ruxue's eyes were full of suspicion.

Zhao Qiaoling said: "Ru Xue, just let him do it, what are you afraid of?"

"Okay, Guo Qishuai, for the sake of your seriousness, I promise you."

Guo Qishuai asked Qin Ruxue to maintain a certain posture and not to move, because his scalpel was very sharp, if she moved accidentally, it might damage her other internal organs.

(End of this chapter)

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