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Chapter 835 Abnormal Hospitality

Chapter 835 Abnormal Hospitality
"Then thank you, Young Master. But, Young Master, I want to leave here tomorrow."

Xiao Han was a little surprised, and said: "Miss Qing, why are you doing this? Could it be that our Lingdong Villa neglected you?"

"No, no, Young Master, don't misunderstand me. You Lingdong Villa have treated me very well, but I have never heard from my handsome brother. I am worried about his safety. I want to go home and talk to my sister about it." Let's see how to rescue Qishuai brother."

"Oh, girl Xiaoqing, so you are worried about this! I don't think you need to worry at all, because my father has already found a way to unlock the time-space lock. As long as my father unlocks the time-space lock tomorrow, Miss Qing will You can go to the time and space of the Demon Race to save people."


"of course it's true!"

"That's great! I wonder what method your father will use to open the time-space lock?"

"Five Lightning Bombardment Jue, my father's Wulei Booming Jue has already reached the eighth floor, and tomorrow he can break through the ninth floor. As long as Miss Qing is willing to do a little favor tomorrow, my father can easily break through the ninth floor. By then The Mozu time-space lock is easy to open."

"As long as I can open the door to the time and space of the Demon Race, I can do anything."

"Miss Qing, tomorrow I just need to help my father lead the five thunders to my father to practice in the secret room. With the five thunders, my father can practice the five thunders."

"It's easy to say, this one."

"My father is afraid that Miss Qing will not have enough spiritual power tomorrow, so I gave you a lot of elixir today. I also hope that Miss Qing can practice hard and improve her cultivation."

"This is no problem, I will work hard to practice, you don't need to worry about me."

"Okay, then I wish Miss Qing a smooth cultivation."

Xiaoqing didn't think there was anything wrong with Xiao Han's words.

Before, she felt that the Xiao family's attitude towards her had changed too quickly, and she still had a lot of doubts in her heart, but now she completely trusted Xiao Han.

Xiaoqing felt idle and bored, so it was okay to chat, she asked, "Master Shao, I can ask you, did you suspect that Qin Kun was planning to rebel?"

"Of course, my father's eyes and ears are also numerous in Lingdong Villa. There are many people. Qin Kun thought they were his confidantes, but they are actually my father's confidantes. That day, my father received a letter saying that at noon that day, they would talk to me. My father didn't want me to go, but I insisted on it again and again, and my father agreed, but I can't go in person, I want Li Yue to replace me."

"Li Yue pretended to be me and went to the island to pick up Zheng Fang, but he didn't pick up Zheng Fang. Qin Yu told Li Yue that Zheng Fang was already in the broken house on the east side of the island. Li Yue went, but Li Yue didn't even hold back his tenderness towards Qin Yu, and wanted to be with her in the broken house... As a result, Qin Yu took out a dagger and killed Li Yue. After Li Yue died, I left, and I was alone from the Dao slipped back into the secret room and told my father about Qin Yu killing Li Yue."

"Since your father knew about Qin Kun's plot, why didn't you take him down? Could it be that your father can't beat Qin Kun?"

"My father has already practiced at the first level of the God Transformation Realm, while Qin Kun is only at the later stage of the Golden Core Realm. He is not as good as an ant in front of my father. He thinks he has practiced the Five Thunders and the Top Art It’s wishful thinking to be able to compete with my father.”

"Qin Kun also knows how to fight with five thunders? Where did he get his secret book?" His secret book was stolen from my father. "

"Is your father's martial arts cheats so easy to steal?"

"Of course it's not easy to steal. If I tell you that my father deliberately let Qin Kun's confidant steal it, do you believe it?"

"I don't believe it, your father is not stupid, why did he let Qin Kun steal his secret book?"

"Because that cheat book is fake, according to the practice of that cheat book, Qin Kun doesn't know how he died in the end."

Xiaoqing suddenly realized, and said: "Oh, so that's the case, so now you can talk about why your father didn't do anything to Qin Kun after he discovered Qin Kun's conspiracy?"

"This is even easier, because my father wants Qin Kun to be completely exposed, and wipe out all the forces he has cultivated over the years."

"I heard that Qin Kun was killed this afternoon. How did he die?"

"Oh, it's like this. When Qin Kun was patrolling the island, he encountered a strong enemy and was killed by him."

"I heard that at night, your father brought almost all the people to avenge Qin Kun. What happened?"

"The strength of the people here is not weak. Their purpose is to seize Lingdong Island. My father and them have set a rule. Tomorrow morning, they will come to Lingdong Villa to compete for hegemony. They will win two out of three rounds. Whoever loses will be Leave Spirit Island."

"Are you so sure? Will you win?"

"Of course my father never does anything he's not sure about. Well, Miss Qing, you don't have to worry about it, just replenish your spiritual power. Tomorrow morning, you will help my father practice the Five Thunder Bombing Technique."

"Well, you guys should rest early too!"

Zheng Fang has been sitting there without a chance to interrupt. At the end, she said: "Miss Qing, don't worry, the owner will definitely rescue your brother."

"I'm afraid that my brother will be more ill than good. After all, there are demons there. Okay, Zheng Fang, you go back first, I will practice hard."

After Xiao Han and Zheng Fang left, Xiao Qing closed the door, thinking in her heart, old fox, does he really treat me like a three-year-old child?
There is nothing to be courteous about, rape or steal, I have to find a way to get out of here.

Xiaoqing turned into a green ball of light, and when she wanted to fly out of the window, her head was blocked by the seal on the window.

Xiaoqing was hit by the seal force on the window and fell to the ground.

She looked at the seal on the window and said, "What a powerful seal, but if you want to control me, Xiaoqing, I'm afraid it won't work."

Xiaoqing put her hands on her temples, and the blue spiritual power burst out all over her body. She sent the blue spiritual power to two fingers, pointed at the window with the index finger and middle finger of her right hand, and the white seal on the window immediately sealed her body. The cyan spiritual power was reflected back.

Xiaoqing was backlashed by her own spiritual power, and took three steps back, saying: "What a powerful seal, it seems that Xiaoqing can't get out. Sister, where are you, come and save me."

Xiaoqing felt extremely helpless there.

Brother Qishuai, you will be fine, you can travel through countless worlds, you will be fine.

Xiaoqing thought so in her heart, but she was not sure at all, she felt that she was just lying to herself.

"Xiao Zhen, you hypocrite, let me out quickly, otherwise, I will destroy your Lingdong Villa."

No one responded outside the window.

Xiaoqing became anxious, and said: "What exactly does this Xiao Zhen want to do? He treats me so well and makes me eat so many elixir. What is the purpose?"

"He will never be so kind to me. He must have a conspiracy."

"What conspiracy can he have?"

(End of this chapter)

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