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Chapter 831 2 Difficult Choices

Chapter 831 Dilemma
Cheng Gang's head hurts a little.

He covered his head with his hands, shook it vigorously a few times, and said, "What's wrong with my head? Why can't I remember anything."

Guo Qishuai said: "If you can't remember it, don't think about it for now. Your mood swings will cause blood to surge, so that the black poisonous insect has a chance to breathe."

"My lord, I really want to figure out the reason, because I didn't feel that I was poisoned at any time before. I have always been very cautious. I wonder if it is because of our demons. It is not suitable for life outside the time and space of the Demon Race."

Tong Chao said with certainty: "This is impossible. Before, we demons have lived on Lingdong Island for hundreds of years, and we have never heard of anyone with black worms in their heads. This black worm is probably Duan Zongxia's freshman. Seed Gu."

"What? Gu? You mean that black bug in my head is Gu?"

"should be."

"But why did Duan Zong put a Gu on us? We are loyal to him."

"Duan Zong doesn't trust anyone, especially after he pulled me down from the position of Demon King, he wonders who will kill him every day. Because he is not sure who will kill him among his subordinates, so He put Gu on all the officials, which also explains why people above the tenth commander are sick."

"Duan Zong? Duan Zong is so cruel? He doesn't even trust those of us who are willing to work for him?"

"Facts have proved that he does have foresight. Aren't you all betrayed?"

"We follow the Lord because the Lord's work can convince us more. This is not a betrayal, it is called abandoning the dark and turning to the light."

Tong Cai asked suspiciously: "I have a question that I can't understand now. Why didn't you get sick when you were in the time and space of the Demon Race, but did you get sick when you came out?"

Cheng Gang was also confused, he didn't know anything, and said: "I don't know when I got this poison."

Guo Qishuai looked at the poisonous Gu in Cheng Gang's head again with his spiritual sense, and said: "This poisonous Gu is as big as a soybean. Judging from the damage it does to your head, this poisonous Gu has been in your body for ten years. .”

"Ten years?" Cheng Gang couldn't believe it, and said, "That is to say, I have been infected by this poison ten years ago?"


"But in the past ten years, I have never felt a headache. Why do I have a headache when I leave the time and space of the Demon Race?"

"That's because the poisonous gu in your head can eat something every year. After eating that kind of thing, the poisonous gu will hibernate. Each dormancy period is one year. After one year, if the poisonous gu If you can't eat that kind of thing, the poisonous Gu will be very angry, and then keep jumping in your head, and even bite your brain."

After listening to Guo Qishuai's words, Cheng Gang suddenly realized, and said: "I know what's going on with the poisonous Gu in my head. This is completely a conspiracy by Duan Zong. Since Duan Zong became the devil king, he has carried out a series of tricks on us. High-handed rule, as long as anyone doesn't like it, he will order that person to be killed. In this way, he suspects that everyone is disloyal to him every day."

"One day, Duan Zong called all the officials to the Mozu hall, and served the exact same dish to every table. Since we ate that dish, every year on that day, we will eat a very special dish. The dish, that kind of green wave, tastes delicious, and every official will especially like that dish on that day."

Tong Chao recalled, and said, "I've never heard of green waves. What kind of dish is this?"

"Green wave is actually a dish made with spinach and hundreds of seasonings. The spinach is rippling in water and looks very beautiful. Duan Zong called that dish "green wave". He also said that the dish can prevent headaches, I hope everyone can take a sip. One year, there was a chief surnamed Peng who didn’t drink Lubodang on a certain day because he didn’t believe that he would get a headache, but he fell ill the next day, and it was very severe. He committed suicide three days later."

Guo Qishuai said: "You just said that Duan Zong would give you green waves every year, do you know which day it is?"

"I know, it is the No.15 day in May every year. Counting the time, yesterday should be the time when we eat green waves, but, yesterday, Duan Zong was killed by the suzerain. Today we are out of the time and space of the demon race, today We got sick."

"The poisonous gu can't eat anything that makes it dormant, so the poisonous gu has awakened."

"My lord, this green wave is only available in the time and space of the demon race. Shall we go back and make some green wave?"

"The green wave can't relieve the poison in your head at all. Duan Zong mixed the antidote into the green wave, and you mistakenly think that the green wave can detoxify. In a short time, I'm afraid it will be difficult to find the antidote."

"My lord, what should I do? If there is no antidote, many people will die."

"Report—report to the lord. Several centurion commanders couldn't bear the pain in their heads, so they drew their swords and killed themselves. There was also a centurion commander who committed suicide by hitting his head on a stone."

Cheng Gang stood up and said, "Why is this happening? Let the brothers bear with it, the Lord is thinking of a way."

"However, lord, they are really suffering. Some commanders can still suppress it with spiritual power, but some people don't know how to suppress headaches at all."

Cheng Gang knelt in front of Guo Qishuai and said, "My lord, please save them!"

Tong Chao reprimanded: "Cheng Gang, what are you doing, get up quickly! Didn't the lord promise to find a way to save them?"

"Lord, please save them. Lord, I know you can do it. Use your spiritual consciousness to suppress their poisonous poison."

Tong Chao said: "Cheng Gang, get up quickly, the lord has just fought against Qin Kun, and his spiritual power has not yet recovered. It has already consumed a lot of spiritual power to save you just now. You ask the lord to save those people again, and let the lord Is the Lord alive?"

Cheng Gang said sadly: "Master, I know you are very tired, but I can't bear to part with my brothers!"

Guo Qishuai asked him to get up, and said: "You get up first, your brother is also my brother, and I don't want them to have trouble. How about this, I promise you, help them suppress Gu worms."

Tong Cai immediately knelt down to Guo Qishuai and said, "My lord, no!"

Guo Qishuai said: "Why not?"

"My lord, you need to recharge your batteries right now. If you use up a lot of spiritual power, then when the people from Lingdong Villa attack, none of us will survive. There is a chance of life."

Tong Chao said: "What Cai'er said makes sense. Lord, you have to think twice! For the sake of the lives of thousands of demons, please keep your spiritual power."

Guo Qishuai said: "Tong Chao, Tong Cai, I understand what you mean, but the people in Lingdong Villa haven't acted yet, so let's take a break for the time being. The most urgent thing is to let those who are sick to preserve their strength."

(End of this chapter)

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