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Chapter 83 Disagree

Chapter 83 Disagree

"Mother, don't be fooled by his appearance, this person can come and go freely in the heavenly court, and has great powers."

Bai Suzhen shook her head and said: "Zhenjun Erlang, I think you have misunderstood him. He is really a mortal. He has not yet condensed his energy. A centipede who has cultivated for 300 years can defeat him. How could he possibly be able to defeat him?" How about coming and going freely in the heavenly court?"

Erlang said: "If you don't believe me, you can ask him. Boy, let me ask you, did you hurt my celestial eye that day?"

"Zhenjun Erlang, I think you misunderstood. How could I hurt your eyes? Maybe I was too handsome that day, so I blinded your eyes."

"You—" Erlang was so angry that he wanted to kill Guo Qishuai.

"Mom, he wants to hit me." Guo Qishuai pretended to be very scared.

Li Shan's old mother protected Guo Qishuai and said: "He is still a mortal who doesn't know how to use magic, so don't scare him."

Erlang stared with anger, and said: "Old mother, you were deceived by him, his cultivation level is higher than mine, and that day he injured my celestial eyes, which caused me to be in pain for many days."

The old mother of Lishan didn't seem to believe Erlang God's words, and said: "He hurt your sky eyes? Why don't I believe it at all? Well, Erlang God, it is your important responsibility to protect the safety of heaven, but you can't frame good people out of thin air. .I have something important to discuss with the Queen Mother, so I ask you to move out of the way."

The old mother of Lishan said these words very seriously, so Erlangshen had to lower his head and let Guo Qishuai in.

After arriving in the Heavenly Court, Li Shan's old mother turned to Guo Qishuai and said, "It seems that your strength is not small, and you can actually hurt Erlang God's eyes."

Bai Suzhen said: "Master, can he really defeat Erlang God?"

"You let him speak for himself."

"I... Actually, I am indeed a mortal, and I don't have magic power. The reason why I hurt Erlang's eyes that day was because of the help of an expert."

Li Shan's old mother nodded and said, "Who is that expert?"

Guo Qishuai shook his head and said, "I don't know either. In short, he is a person who can bring me to any world. I don't even know how powerful his mana is."

"I believe what you say."

"Mother Lishan, please rest assured. Although he has high magic power, he will not take the initiative to attack others. He will only attack when I have been hurt by external forces and my life is in danger."

"Really? If that's the case, then the old man wants to try the expert in you."

Guo Qishuai became anxious, and said: "Old mother, calm down, how dare the expert on me fight with my mother?"

Bai Suzhen said: "Master, Guo Qishuai is still in a hurry to go back to save people? What if you kill him with your attack?"

The old mother of Lishan said: "Suzhen is still right, let's go, I will take you to find the Supreme Lord."

"Thank you mom."

The old mother of Lishan sent Guo Qishuai to the Doushi Palace of the Taishang Laojun. The Taishang Laojun heard that it was the old mother of Lishan who came, and welcomed him in very warmly.

"Old gentleman, I am here to disturb you again."

"Where is it? It's my honor for Lishan's old mother to come. Sit down, please sit down, please sit up!"

After sitting down politely, Li Shan's old mother went straight to the point and said, "Old gentleman, I go to the Three Treasures Palace for nothing, and I came to you today because I want you to save someone?"

"Save people? Save whom? Which immortal is injured?"

"No god was injured, it was a mortal who ate your expired Ten Thousand Lives Life Pill."

Taishang Laojun looked at Guo Qishuai and said, "Why didn't you tell those people that this medicine has a shelf life of six hours?"

"I didn't pay attention to it. Laojun, tell me, what will happen if you take your expired medicine?"

"The expired medicine is also a fairy medicine, but the curative effect is not so good."

"However, there is a 70-year-old grandmother. After eating it, her paralyzed legs became very painful, and she looked very uncomfortable. Will her life be in danger?"

"The reason why she feels pain in her legs is because her nerves are slowly repairing. After the repair is complete, she can walk. However, this painful process is a bit long. If the Wanling Life Pill has not expired , maybe a few minutes of pain will pass, now, this pain..."

Guo Qishuai knelt down to Taishang Laojun and said: "I beg Laojun to be merciful and give me an antidote."

"You want an antidote?"

"Is there a problem?"

"If you want to understand the medicine, the old man's legs will be paralyzed for the rest of his life."

"Huh? Laojun, I can't just watch my grandmother suffer and ignore it?"

Old Mother Lishan smiled and said: "Old gentleman, the pain is very unbearable after taking expired medicine. Can you just be compassionate and give her an antidote and a universal life pill?" "

Taishang Laojun said: "I have a Huayu Pill here, which can relieve the suffering of patients. At the same time, I also have a Wanling Life Pill. Take it! It is also a good deed I have done."

"Thank you sir."

After the Taishang Laojun gave Guo Qishuai the Huayu Pill and the Wanling Life Pill, he also told him that the validity period of the Wanling Life Pill was only one hour left in the mortal world, and asked him to take it to the patient quickly.

Guo Qishuai agreed one by one.

Guo Qishuai was afraid of wasting time, and after thanking the Supreme Lord, he was about to leave. Bai Suzhen was still a little bit reluctant, saying that there were many things she wanted to ask him.

The system didn't give Guo Qishuai a chance, and directly changed him from Bai Suzhen's years ago to the real world.

Bai Suzhen saw a white light appear in front of her. After the flash, Guo Qishuai disappeared. She was still very curious and looked around, but found nothing.

Lishan's old mother also said that Guo Qishuai really has an expert to help him, and that expert's magic power is not inferior to hers.

Bai Suzhen waited for Guo Qishuai to leave, and then she remembered to repay her kindness.

"Master, I have a matter that has lingered in my heart for a long time, and I don't know how to tell the master."

"What do you want to say, just say it."

"Master, my disciple was caught by an old monk when he was still a little white snake 700 years ago. When the old monk wanted to take my snake gall, a little shepherd boy saved my life. This kindness, This disciple has always remembered, never forgotten, today, this disciple dared to mention this matter to the master, in the hope that the master would allow the disciple to go down the mountain and take a walk in the world of mortals, so as to end the fate in his heart."

"No!" Li Shan's old mother resolutely objected.

Bai Suzhen coquettishly said: "Master, this disciple will never do anything harmful when going down the mountain this time. I promise that as soon as I repay my kindness, I will immediately return to Jiulong Cave of Mount Emei to continue my practice."

Li Shan's old mother also softened her heart, and said: "It's not that I don't let you go down to earth, it's because your mind is too simple, and I'm afraid that you will be bullied."

"The disciple thanked the master for his concern, but the master and the disciple have lived for more than 700 years. The disciple can still distinguish between good and evil."

Li Shan's old mother frowned, but still did not agree to let Bai Suzhen go down to earth.

(End of this chapter)

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