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Chapter 809 I have a showdown

Chapter 809 I have a showdown
Guo Qishuai said: "Xu Xian, let's talk about this matter when we go back, shall we?"

"No, I don't want to go back. If I die, I will die here."

"Since you believe in King Tongming's words, why are you still unwilling to give up your wife?"

"I... I can't bear it. I've been with my wife for so long, and I don't want to leave her."

"Since you are not willing, it means that you still love your wife. Look at yourself, your wife is carrying a big belly, and she has to fight with goblins for you. Even if you don't feel sorry for your wife, you should feed your wife's belly Think about your child."

Xu Xian squatted there, full of conflicts, and said: "But, Mr. Guo, I am human, and I don't know what to do."

"Officer, don't treat me like this, okay? Don't drive me away. You believe me, from the beginning to the end, I have never hurt you." Bai Suzhen's tears were like pearls, falling from her eyes one by one. Eyes rolled down.

Xu Xiandao: "Who said you never harmed me? You forgot, on the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, I was almost killed by you."

"I didn't mean it that day."

"I don't want to hear it, I don't want to hear it."

Guo Qishuai said: "Xu Xian, since you already know that my sister is a thousand-year-old snake demon, then I might as well make it clear. My sister is indeed a white snake demon who has cultivated for 700 years."

"What? Is she really a thousand-year-old snake demon?"

Bai Suzhen cried bitterly, not knowing what to say.

The bride next to her was so frightened that her legs became weak and she sat on the ground.

Soon, Guo Qishuai saw a clear stream flowing from the bride's feet.

The bride deliberately covered it with her hands, but her face was really ugly.

Pale, with a horrified expression on his pale face.

"Although my sister is a thousand-year-old snake demon, she is a good snake demon, a snake demon that cannot be better."

"You said he was a good goblin, then let me ask you, why did He Xiaoqing want me to sue?"

"Officer, that was a complete misunderstanding. We didn't mean it."

Guo Qishai said: "Sister, I know your grievances best. Let me talk about this matter today."

"You said?" Xu Xian looked at Guo Qishuai suspiciously and said, "What can you say? You don't know what happened to me."

"Of course I know. Not only do I know everything about your past, I also know everything about you."

"Now that you know, tell me, how did I get the lawsuit?"

"You are sued, it's all because of a misunderstanding, it's not that Sister Bai and Sister Qing deliberately harmed you. If they want to harm you, a hundred Xu Xian are all dead."

"You said they didn't want to harm me, then why do you think I would be sued?"

"Because Xiao Qing has already stolen a lot of official silver before you. Stealing official silver is a capital crime, and ordinary people would not dare to do it. But Xiao Qing is not an ordinary person, she is a green snake demon who has been practicing for 500 years. Xiao Qing stole a lot of official silver, and that was all done before meeting my sister Bai. After Sister Bai and Xiao Qing became sisters, Xiao Qing never went to the treasury to steal silver again. "

"Whether there is or not, it is not done by a gentleman. Stealing once is a thief, stealing ten times is also a thief. In short, Xiaoqing is a thief. How did I live with her for so long?"

Guo Qishuai said: "Xu Xianxian, please find out the truth of the matter. You were working there as an apprentice. Not only did you not make any money for a month, but your brother-in-law had to pay for your tuition. If you want to marry a wife and open a pharmacy, that is simply a dream. Sister Bai didn't plan to give you official money to open a pharmacy, but you don't have any money, what should you do? Xiaoqing had to let you open a pharmacy with official money. Originally, the chance of being caught was very small, but you just Met your brother-in-law, so you got a lawsuit."

"Stealing official silver is not good after all. No matter what you say, I think Xiaoqing should not steal official silver."

Guo Qishuai said: "Of course I know that stealing is bad, but Xiaoqing and Sister Bai didn't mean to harm you."

"Okay, let's not talk about this matter, then let me ask you, what about the fact that my wife turned into a python and scared me to death?"

"Xu Xian, you still think that your wife is trying to harm you, right? Let me tell you, he has no reason to harm you. What is in your Xu Xian? Is it worth my sister harming you? The reason why my sister married For you, it's all because of gratitude."

"Repay the favor? I don't understand. When did I give her favor?"

"One thousand, seven hundred years ago, in that life, you were a little shepherd boy, and my sister was a little white snake without magic power. One day, after she was captured by a monk, the monk wanted to break her guts. At this time, you She came forward to save my sister. In order to repay her kindness, my sister came to the mortal world after 700 years and 700 years. She found you and married you after all kinds of hardships. Thinking, if it wasn't for this reason, how could my sister marry a poor boy like you?"

Xu Xian looked at Bai Suzhen and said, "My lady, is what he said true?"

Bai Suzhen nodded with tears in her eyes, and said: "Yes, what he said is true. I'm here to repay you, officer, and I don't intend to hurt you. The reason why I turned into a boa constrictor and scared you out is because At noon that day, I drank realgar wine and couldn't support myself, so I showed my original shape reluctantly."

Xu Xian slapped himself twice and said, "Madam, I'm sorry, Madam, I'm sorry, it's all my fault. I've made you suffer, so just hit me!"

Xu Xian took Bai Suzhen's hand and asked Bai Suzhen to beat him.

Bai Suzhen shook her head and broke away from her hand. She burst into laughter and said, "Guanren, what did you say? How could I be willing to beat you? As long as you can forgive me for not telling you the truth, I will be very happy."

"My lady, let me see how my son is doing."

"Officer, you...why do you mention this again?"

"I'm sorry, lady, I was wrong. I will never talk about son or son again. As long as it is born by a lady, I like it."

"Then what if..."

"There is no chance. How could the lady lay a few snake eggs?"

These few words made Bai Suzhen extremely embarrassed, and said: "You...official, how can you say that? I mean what if I give birth to a girl?"

"Oh, as long as it's human, I like it."

Guo Qishai said: "Sister Bai, it's time for us to go back."

Bai Suzhen said that if she was not pregnant, it would not be a problem to take him and Xu Xianfei, but now that she is pregnant, she can only take one person to fly.

Guo Qishuai asked Bai Suzhen to fly back with Xu Xian first, so that he could walk back to Qiantang County slowly.

Bai Suzhen didn't want to, and Xu Xian also said that he was afraid of heights, he would get dizzy when flying, so it's better to go back on foot, after walking out of the Valley of Returning Souls, they will find a carriage.

Bai Suzhen disagreed at first, but Xu Xian persuaded her again, "If you don't think about yourself, you should also think about the child in her belly. If there is fetal movement, it will be a big problem."

(End of this chapter)

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