Yijie Taobao store

Chapter 799 Tea tasting

Chapter 799 Tea tasting
Ding Song took a long breath and said, "A week ago, I received an order in the urban area. It was the middle of the night. The woman had just come out of the train station with a suitcase. I took the car I drove up to her and said to her, beauty, where are you going? The beauty said to go to Yangjiazhuang, and when I heard it was from the countryside, I didn’t want to go.”

Guo Qishuai was very curious and said, "Why don't you go to the countryside?"

"I like to drive in the city. I have been to Yangjiazhuang. There is a section of the road there that is too difficult to walk. If the technique is not good, the car may be driven into a ditch."

"Then why did you let her get in the car again?"

"That's because I fell in love with her. Since my wife and I divorced, I have been depressed. I hate all women, especially beautiful women. Why can they find good husbands? I At that time, because of impulsiveness, I became hostile to that girl. It happened that the girl just had a pretty face, very little social experience, and she didn't have any defense against strangers. I asked her to put her luggage in the middle She let her sit in the third row of seats, and I let her sit in the co-pilot, and she also sat. After she got in the car, she played games on her mobile phone without looking at me or the road. , I talked to her, but she didn't care. Such a woman has a big heart, and I didn't even clock her, and she didn't know."

"Go on."

Both Zhao Qiaoling and Qin Ruxue are recording, this recording can be used as evidence.

"You all must have imagined what happened later. I dragged her to the purple bamboo forest in the east of the city. When she saw the bamboo leaves outside the window, she panicked and asked me if my master had gone the wrong way. I said yes. , This is a small road, walking here will be faster and save her a lot of money. She said that she doesn't care if it saves money or not, as long as she can be sent to her uncle's house. "

Guo Qishuai said: "You mean, the girl's home is not in Yangjiazhuang? Is she going to meet relatives?"

"That's right, I found out later in the process of chatting with her that her name is Zhu Xiuzhen. She used to go to Lingtong City No. [-] High School and just graduated. She went to Xucheng University three days ago to see if the school is good. Good, she is very satisfied, the school environment is good."

Zhao Qiaoling was surprised and said, "Wait a minute, did you just say that the girl's name is Zhu Xiuzhen?"

"It's Zhu Xiuzhen, she's really pretty, but of course she's far behind the two of you."

Zhao Qiaoling said: "It seems that the person who was killed was Zhu Xiuzhen. She was the class flower in your class before, Guo Qishuai. I heard that you once confessed your love to her."

Ding Song was scared, and said: "Master, please forgive me, I really didn't know she was your girlfriend."

"Whether she is my girlfriend or not, it's wrong for you to kill someone. Besides, don't you still want to kill my girlfriend today?"

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, I just wanted to scare your girlfriend. If your friend doesn't have such a beautiful bracelet, how could I dare to bully her?"

Guo Qishuai said to Zhao Qiaoling: "Are you jealous again?"

"What do you say?"

"When did this happen. At that time, I was nothing, and Zhu Xiuzhen suddenly asked me to confess to her. How could I know that she had colluded with Ren Zhipeng and wanted to tease me? Because of this, I was still very angry ?”

Qin Ruxue said: "I told you two to stop arguing, Zhu Xiuzhen is already dead."

Guo Qishuai's face was serious, and he said seriously: "Go ahead and tell me, how did you kill Zhu Xiuzhen after you arrived in the Purple Bamboo Forest?"

"I stopped the car, took out a dagger, put it on her neck, and told her that if she was obedient, handed over the money, and obeyed me, I would let her go. She was very angry and said , I was dreaming, and I wanted to call the police, and threatened me that as long as she didn't die, she would put me in jail."

"After I heard this, I gritted my teeth in hatred and slapped her a few times, and then she became more honest. From now on, no matter how I treat her, she will not move. The matter is over, I originally wanted to spare her But she said that she must put me in jail. There was no way, so I strangled her and threw her body into a dry well in the north of the city, and it hasn’t been found for a few days.”

Zhao Qiaoling said: "No wonder there is no information about Zhu Xiuzhen's killing on the Internet."

Qin Ruxue said: "Didn't someone in the classmate group keep sending messages looking for Zhu Xiuzhen these past few days? They haven't found it until now. Her family has called the police, but there is no news."

Zhao Qiaoling said: "This bastard has taken advantage of her and still refuses to let her go. She is really worse than a dog."

Guo Qishuai said: "It seems that we can only hand you over to the law. Let the law punish you."

"No, sir, no, please, if I die, what will happen to my three-year-old child?"

"You killed Zhu Xiuzhen, what did you ask Zhu Xiuzhen's parents to do?"

"I've already regretted it, please raise your hand!"

Guo Qishuai said with anger: "I think you are a dog who can't change your shit. Don't you still want to join the two of them today? People like you can only be appeased by the law if they are severely punished!"

Ding Song shook his head and said, "Department, don't send me there."

How could Guo Qishuai listen to him?

Guo Qishuai chanted the mantra, took the gold bracelet off Ding Song's hand, hit him in the vitals, immobilizing him, and then drove to the police station.

After Guo Qishuai handed over Ding Song to the police, he also handed over the recording. The police simply asked Guo Qishuai and others to take notes, and then let them leave.

After returning to Guo Qishuai's house, Zhao Qiaoling was still in shock. After Guo Qishuai poured her and Qin Ruxue two cups of tea, he asked them to calm down first.

Qin Ruxue smelled a strong fragrance of tea, so she took a closer look and said, "Guo Qishuai, is your tea tea the concubine's smile?"

Guo Qishui said calmly: "Do you know Concubine Xiao?"

"My dad has a bag, only 5 grams. He spent [-] yuan to buy such a small amount, and he is not willing to eat it at ordinary times. Every time he only takes it out to greet guests when important people come to the house."

But Zhao Qiaoling couldn't see anything. She took a sip, smelled the tea, and said, "I'm not interested in tea. I feel that all tea tastes the same. I think this tea is just strong, sweet and sweet. There's nothing else to feel."

Qin Ruxue said proudly: "Qiaoling, I may not be as good as you in terms of learning, but in terms of tea tasting, I may be much better than you. My father taught me to recognize different tea leaves since I was a child, and also taught me How to taste tea. I have learned a lot of knowledge for a long time.”

Zhao Qiaoling did not refute, and said: "If you say that I am not as good as you in tea tasting, I will admit it. Miss Qin, then I would like to ask you, this concubine laughs, why is it so expensive? It always sells for 1 to [-]."

(End of this chapter)

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