Yijie Taobao store

Chapter 792 Asking Forgiveness

Chapter 792 Asking Forgiveness
"Okay, Chaoer, go and make arrangements. Bring the eight-seater helicopter over and bring seven or five bodyguards there. This scene must be spectacular!"

"Got it Dad!"


Tang Bao smiled triumphantly and said, "The store manager, I think he is a lunatic. Did you hear what he said just now? He said that if Mr. Lin can't make it within 25 minutes, he will let Mr. Lin The rest of my life will be spent in the coffin, such an arrogant person, I really don't know the heights of the sky and the earth."

Lin Yudie also sneered and said: "I think he is not only arrogant, but also likes to brag! He just answered a phone call, and then he directed and acted there. Maybe that person is Tuo, he This is playing a swollen face to pretend to be a fat man, a dead duck with a hard mouth, but dare not admit it when he loses."

Tang Bao made a beating expression and said, "I also think he is bragging. It is impossible for Mr. Lin to take the initiative to call him."

With 5 minutes left, Tang Bao felt that victory was in sight. He said with a sneer and sneer, "Oh, I said Mr. Guo, Mr. Guo, how are you doing now? Where is Mr. Lin you are talking about?"

Guo Qishuai said: "What are you in a hurry for? Isn't it time yet?"

"Yes, the time is not up yet, but now there are only 5 minutes left. Do you think there will be a miracle in these 5 minutes?"

"Even if it's the last minute, I still have a chance."

Lin Yudie smiled triumphantly with a winning expression: "I want to see, after these 5 minutes, what do you use to buy my jewelry. Tang Bao, get ready, when the time is up, Qian Don't let him get away."

"Don't worry, sister Lin, if he dares to run, I will break his legs."

3 minutes left...

It would be a lie to say that Guo Qishuai is not in a hurry, but his performance is shocking!
At this moment, he was not in a hurry.

Zhao Qiaoling said: "It seems that Lin Shitong will not come. You said earlier, if you are not sure, I will ask my dad to call him. Now, even a god can't save you."

Guo Pingping said: "Brother, that 8000 million is not a small sum, why don't I raise money for you first?"

"no need!"

"No need? Is Lin Shitong here?"

"Listen, the sound of the helicopter."

Guo Pingping looked up and saw that a helicopter really flew over.

Many people looked up at the helicopter, and some people were still discussing which rich man came.

Someone also contacted the current bettor and directly guessed that Lin Shitong was here.

In Shitong Express, Lin Shitong has 100 domestic flights, 1000 international flights, and more than [-] helicopters in various cities. Now that this luxurious helicopter flies over, it is easy to think of the current bet.

Tang Bao looked up at the helicopter, feeling uneasy in his heart, and said, "Sister Lin, is it true that Mr. Lin's helicopter is here?"

"Don't talk nonsense, why did Mr. Lin's helicopter come to our small shop?"

There is a very wide space in front of Hongguang Jewelry Store.

There is a very wide platform in the center of that place, on which a helicopter can be landed.

When the helicopter was about to land, there was a strong wind above the heads of Guo Qishhuai and others. The wind blew Zhao Qiaoling's long hair, making it almost impossible to open her eyes.

Many people have never seen such a spectacular scene, so they all stared their eyes wide, even in the strong wind, they were not willing to blink half their eyes.

After the helicopter landed on the platform, it slowly stopped. When the door of the helicopter was punched, many people stared like lanterns.

Is this big man really Lin Shitong?

Many people already have the answer in their hearts.

The helicopter in front of them is a luxury eight-person helicopter with a total value of [-] million.

In addition to the pilot, the plane can seat seven people.

Only Lin Shitong has this lineup, and some other stars can't afford such a plane.

Lin Shitong is rich, and that's definitely not something he boasted about. Before, he just asked for [-] million yuan in order to buy a pill of Guo Qishuai.

In Lingtong City, ordinary people couldn't see Lin Shitong at all. Those journalists who wanted to interview Lin Shitong had to make an appointment, and some people couldn't make an appointment for half a year.

Lin Shitong also has a very hot temper. If you ask some questions during the interview and make him unhappy, he can ask his bodyguards to carry that person out at any time.

This is a person who can't control his urge to urinate with fear at the first glance. This is a person who is more powerful than a tiger and a wolf. When such a person stands in front of the employees, even if he doesn't speak, his employees will be scared. I feel like there is a mountain pressing down on my head.

People who don't feel that kind of coercion can't imagine it at all.

It was such a person who was actually called over by Guo Qishui today.

A good show is about to be staged!

When Lin Shitong stepped off the helicopter, his five bodyguards stood guard in front, and his son supported his hand.

When Lin Shitong stepped off the helicopter, many people exclaimed.

Most people still think this is a bit too weird!
Tang Bao exclaimed: "Lin... Sister Lin, it's really Boss Lin, and Boss Lin really arrived within an hour."

"I saw it, Mr. Lin is really here! I never dreamed that Mr. Lin would come."

"Lin... Sister Lin, what should I do?"

"What should we do? Boss Lin is here, let's hurry up to welcome him?"

"It's not Sister Lin, if Mr. Lin is here, we will lose."

"If you lose, you lose, just knock your head three times."

"It's not Sister Lin, what should I do?" Tang Bao was anxious, knowing that if he lost, he would drink urine.

Lin Yudie just kowtowed three times, which was too easy, but Tang Bao wanted to drink urine, which was not an easy thing to do.

Five bodyguards were clearing the way in front. Many spectators were taking pictures with their mobile phones, and some even used their mobile phones to interview Lin Shitong. However, they were pushed away by the five bodyguards before they reached the edge.

Lin Shitong saw Guo Qishui and the store manager Lin Yudie.

For this Lin Yudie, Lin Shitong still has an impression.

Young and promising, beautiful, in good shape, can speak, and even do business. At last year's annual meeting, Lin Yudie even shook hands with Lin Shitong.

Lin Shitong felt that if she did not make any mistakes, it would not be a problem for her to be promoted to regional manager in a few years.

For such a capable store manager, Lin Shitong liked to see her very much before, but now, seeing Lin Yudie, he wished to strangle her to death.

Because Lin Shitong suspected that it was because of her that he was called by Guo Qishuai.

If his suspicion is confirmed, Lin Shitong will never let her go easily.

"Boss Lin! Why are you here?"

Like a maid, Lin Yudie greeted her respectfully.

One of Lin Shitong's bodyguards blocked her there.

Lin Shitong didn't even look at her, instead he smiled at Guo Qishuai beside him, and said warmly: "Oh, Mr. Guo, I'm late, please forgive me, Mr. Guo!"

(End of this chapter)

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