Yijie Taobao store

Chapter 79 It's Reasonable

Chapter 79 It's Reasonable
Bai Suzhen said: "It's not difficult to find the antidote. Every year on the first day of the Lunar New Year, you come to my Jiulong Cave to pay me New Year's greetings and report on your practice this year. I don't think you have done anything harmful. I will give you the antidote."

The centipede nodded and said: "Madam Bai, don't worry, I will definitely do good things with all my heart, and I will only do good things instead of doing bad things."

Guo Qishuai said to the woodcutter again: "Brother, you don't have to be afraid of him, he doesn't dare to eat you, if she dares to harm you, just bite a drop of blood on him, and her skin will fester immediately."

The woodcutter bit off a finger and shook the centipede in the face.

His blood just hit Centipede Jing's face, Centipede Jing let out a scream, covered his face, and rolled on the ground.

Bai Suzhen immediately pointed with her finger, and after a white light entangled the centipede essence, she used her power to repair the festering place on the centipede essence's face.

Although it is repaired, there is still a scar on the face, which looks ugly.

Bai Suzhen said: "I told you that she no longer dares to touch human blood anymore, you should believe me now, right?"

It was the first time the woodcutter saw his own blood so strong, he said excitedly: "I have a way to deal with her, then I won't be afraid of her in the future."

The centipede pleaded with Bai Suzhen and said: "Madam Bai, you should detoxify me, otherwise, any mortal can kill me in the future."

Bai Suzhen said: "As long as you don't provoke mortals, how can mortals harm you?"

The centipede begged Bai Suzhen several times, but Bai Suzhen didn't agree to give her the antidote.

The woodcutter found a way to restrain the centipede spirit, so he was not afraid of her, so he asked the centipede spirit to carry the bundle of firewood on his back and sent him down the mountain.

At this time, the centipede was very careful every step he took, and reminded the woodcutter from time to time not to get his blood on her.

Just like that, Centipede Jing was still uneasy and said that if the woodcutter wanted to harm her, she could kill the woodcutter before she died.

Guo Qishuai looked at Bai Suzhen, who was as beautiful as a flower, and said, "Thank you, Madam Bai, for saving my life."

"You don't have to be polite, son."

"I'm Guo Qishuai, the owner of Yijie Taobao Store, and I'm lucky to meet Bai Niangniang here."

"It turns out that you are the owner of the Yijie Taobao store. You are handsome, but your attire..."

"People in our world wear tight clothes like this. It's easy to walk and do things in tight clothes."

"I can see, but I'm not used to your attire. In my opinion, men wear long gowns with dignity, and women wear long gowns, which look gentle."

Guo Qishuai shook his head and said: "I don't think so. In our world, everyone wears tight clothes, but there are also many gentle women. Also, on your side, there are many women who wear long gowns, but do But the things about her are frightening, such as the centipede just now. Although she looks gentle and beautiful, when she reveals her true colors, she will scare people to death."

Bai Suzhen nodded and said, "Young master is right."

"Although Bai Niangniang is a thousand-year-old snake demon, she doesn't have any evil spirit. She has a lot of popularity and looks fascinating."

Bai Suzhen covered her face, smiled, and said, "How did you know that I am a thousand-year-old snake demon?"

"Not only do I know that Bai Niangniang is a thousand-year-old snake demon, but I also know that Bai Mistress was accidentally caught by Monk Fahai 700 years ago and almost died. It was a little shepherd boy who saved your life. You still plan to find that The little shepherd boy is going to repay his favor, am I right?"

Bai Suzhen was surprised: "How do you know these things?"

"I have the ability to understand the world, and I can travel through billions of worlds."

Bai Suzhen said: "It seems that I shouldn't have rescued you just now."

"What does the white lady say?"

"You have such great ability, how can you not beat a centipede spirit who has cultivated for 300 years?"

"Bai Niangniang misunderstood, the reason why I can travel through billions of worlds is not because of how powerful I am, but because I have an expert to help me, but now, the expert has sent me to this world, and he doesn't care about it. So, if Lady Bai hadn't rescued me just now, I would have been eaten by that centipede spirit now."

"I see!"

"Bai Niangniang, I have a question to ask Bai Niangniang, what is the next sentence of that sentence?"

"You said."

"The King of Heaven and Earth Tiger!"

"Pagoda Town River Demon!"

"Bai Niangniang, you are indeed the one who placed the order at the Yijie Taobao store, and I will deliver the goods to you."

"I also guessed it was you, because just after I placed the order, there is an extra person of unknown origin on my Mount Emei."

Guo Qishuai handed the bottle of snow lotus rock sugar water to Bai Suzhen, and said, "Madam Bai, please accept your product. If it tastes good, please give me a five-star praise from Madam Bai."

"no problem!"

When Bai Suzhen got the bottle of snow lotus rock sugar water, she still felt a little cold.

It's hot July here, and the temperature is over 30 degrees. If you just bask in the sun for a while, you will feel flustered and depressed.

Bai Suzhen held the bottle of ice-cold snow lotus rock sugar water, smelled the sweet smell, but didn't open the bottle cap anyway.

Guo Qishuai asked strangely: "Bai Niangniang, why don't you open the bottle cap and have a taste of this snow lotus rock sugar water?"

Bai Suzhen shook her head and said, "I can't open it yet."

"Why?" Guo Qishuai asked in surprise.

"Because my bottle of Snow Lotus Rock Sugar Water is for giving away."

"Give it away?" Guo Qishuai was a little confused, and said, "You don't mean to give it to your sweetheart, do you?"

"My sweetheart? It's nothing. Today is the day when my master leaves the customs. I want to give her a gift, but I don't know what to give her. Just when I was hesitating, suddenly, a million dollars appeared in front of me. On the screen of the Taobao store in Jiejie, it said that you can place an order, I clicked it out of curiosity, and as a result, the order was placed, and I really received your gift."

Guo Qishui originally wanted to see Bai Suzhen drinking the snow lotus and rock sugar water, but unfortunately, the snow lotus and rock sugar water was not ordered by Bai Suzhen herself, she gave it to someone else.

Guo Qishuai delivered the goods to Bai Suzhen by himself. He has already completed the task, and now there is no problem even if he wants to go back. However, he feels that Zhao Qiaoling's grandmother's illness can't waste time, and he must find the antidote as soon as possible. However, the antidote Only Taishang Laojun knew that Guo Qishuai's desire to see Taishang Laojun was not an ordinary trouble.

Guo Qishuai thought of a way. He took out the expired Wanling Life Pill from the phone, showed it to Bai Suzhen, and said, "Sister Bai, I have something to ask you."

Guo Qishuai himself changed his name to Bai Suzhen as his elder sister, and he felt that it was a very happy thing to recognize Bai Suzhen as his elder sister.

After Bai Suzhen heard this, she was also very happy, and said: "Since you call me sister, then I will recognize you as my younger brother. I wonder if you have anything to ask me?"

(End of this chapter)

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