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Chapter 731 Discussing Poetry

Chapter 731 Discussing Poetry
"What? Are you jealous?"

"What do you think? I regret asking you to help me start this chat. You said what poems should I tell her, can I say something else?"

"Don't regret it, let me tell you, every girl has a dream of being a poet. They don't know how to write poetry themselves, and they hope that others can do it. Poetry is also the thing that best expresses the feelings of two people. The beginning of the Book of Songs That is to say, Guan Guan Jujiu is in Hezhizhou, a fair lady, a gentleman is good. Only by using poetry to chat can you show that you love elegance!"

"You sound nice, and I also know that poetry is elegant, but the key point is, am I that material? You're gone, and I'll have a chat with her, isn't that revealing?"

"This is a later story. The key is to seize this opportunity and let her take the initiative to like you. When the time is right, you can confess."

"However, I still feel that I am not good enough for her."

"I said, you don't have to be too pessimistic. Although Xue Lingxia likes ancient poems, she also has a half-knowledge, half a bucket of water, not much better than you, and you are still a good match. Besides, isn't she also a high school graduate? The two of you The degree is still the same high."

"If you say that, I have confidence. In fact, Xue Lingxia failed the college entrance examination after graduating from high school. She didn't even pass the college entrance examination, and her family had no money. At that time, I was working in Huarong Cosmetics Co., Ltd., the salary was mediocre, and many people quit their jobs, but Xue Lingxia persisted. Later, Huarong was acquired by someone, and Xue Lingxia insisted on staying. The benefits of the employees are getting better and better. The former beauty was dismissed by others, but now the beauty is unattainable. With her own hard work, Xue Lingxia finally got the opportunity to work in the sales store."

He Jundao: "It seems that you know a lot about her. Did she tell you?"

"My aunt said it."

"Dingling!" Qin Yong's WeChat rang again.

【Are you asleep?I'm still waiting for my answer? 】

Qin Yong put the phone in front of He Jun and said, "Think of the answer quickly, my beauty is going to be angry."

He Jun thought for a while, and said: "You reply like this. Say that Xia Guang hid behind the clouds in shame because she saw the beautiful woman on the ground, and Phoenix forgot to flap her wings because she saw the beautiful woman, so she fell headfirst and her head was crushed." It broke, so it can only move on the ground."

When Qin Yong heard it, he laughed, and said, "Okay, you, you can explain it so funny. If you post it like this, Xue Lingxia might laugh so hard that she can't sleep all night, right?"

After Qin Yong sent He Jun's words, Xue Lingxia sent him an emoji covering her mouth and laughing, followed by three applauding emojis.

[But who is the beauty in the poem? 】

Qin Yong was confused after seeing this question. He asked He Jun: "Yes, who is the beauty in your poem?"

He Jundao: "I said earlier that Xue Lingxia and you are both half buckets of water. They just like poetry, but they don't know much about it. You tell her that the beauty in the poem is hidden in the word at the beginning of each line, so that you can get the most out of it." She read it by herself."

"The talented girl of the Xue family looks like a fairy, and she embroiders mountains with her dexterous hands. Xiaguang is ashamed of hiding behind the clouds, and she flies to the ground like a phoenix."

Qin Yong turned the poem out and read it lightly, saying, "Among the four sentences in this poem, the first word of each poem is Xue Lingxia Miao. Why didn't I see it?"

He Jundao: "That's why you are a stick. This kind of poetry is called Tibetan acrostic poetry. I will learn more in the future."

"You are Bangchui." Qin Yong was unconvinced, but he couldn't find a reason to say that He Jun was Bangchui. In short, he felt that he was very happy to reply.

He Jun felt that it was too much to say that Qin Yong was a stick, so he didn't argue with Qin Yong.

Xue Lingxia quickly replied: Your poems are beautifully written and the rhetoric you use is also very good. I like it very much, but I dare not compare it with the four beauties.You have won the prize. Thank you for your poem. In return, I plan to give you one.

After receiving this sentence, Qin Yong asked in surprise, "Can you still write poetry?"

[The class is playing the axe, I hope you don't laugh when you read it. 】

He Jun stared wide-eyed and said, "What? She can also compose poetry?"

"Did you make a mistake? She said she was going to write a poem for me."

"I really underestimated her, but let's look at the level of poetry first."

Qin Yong replied: I can't wait!
Qin Yong sent another anxious emoji.

Qin Yong felt a little inferior and said, "Do you think we can still talk with her?"

"Why can't we continue talking?"

"You have done me a disservice. Poetry is not my strong point in the first place, but now because of you, isn't it pushing me towards death?"

"Don't be too discouraged. Poetry is just the seasoning of life. The most important thing is your work. If you can be beautiful, even if Xue Lingxia doesn't agree, her parents will agree."

"It's true, but it's a pity that I don't know what my fate will be tomorrow."

About 5 minutes later, Xue Lingxia sent a message.

[The king of Qin is so domineering that the world is equal to him, and even the brave soldiers are afraid.Heroes returned to the Qin Dynasty one after another, and the letters passed down by handsome men became myths. 】

After posting this sentence, Xue Lingxia also asked: You are making a fool of yourself!
After Qin Yong read it, he was full of admiration, and said, "I can't compare with this talent. This poem is also a poem with hidden acrostics, and when combined, it makes Qin Yong handsome."

"There is no problem with the rhyme of this poem, and the meaning is very coherent. On the surface, it is about Qin Shihuang's unification of the six countries. Later generations described him as like a myth. In fact, it is saying that Qin Yong is really handsome. Good poem , even I may not be able to think of such a poem in such a short period of time. Didn’t she graduate from high school?"

"She definitely graduated from high school. Besides, I don't think her poetry is good either!"

"If she doesn't know how to write poetry, then there must be someone behind her."

"What are you talking about? Someone is behind her? This is too interesting, is it the two of us in love, or the two of you?"

"That's definitely the two of you in love, and the military adviser behind the two of you is even stronger."

Qin Yong praised Xue Lingxia's poems for being very imposing, and he also modestly said that he was not that handsome.

Xue Lingxia said that he was modest, and asked him what kind of work he was doing in the south, and whether he planned to go there in the future.

Qin Yong said that he worked as a foreman of cosmetics in the south, and he didn't have much money for a month. He wanted to come back and find a job in Huarong Cosmetics Co., Ltd. He also asked Xue Lingxia about the recruitment situation of their store.

Xue Lingxia told him that Huarong Cosmetics Co., Ltd. directly recruits workers for their store and requires a bachelor's degree or above. There is no chance for a high school graduate like him, and they dare not accept them even if they go through the back door.

A few words made Qin Yong very uncomfortable, and He Jun persuaded him that as long as Mr. Guo stepped forward, the chances of entering the Huarong Cosmetics branch were still very high.

(End of this chapter)

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