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Chapter 70 You Lie

Chapter 70 You Lie

And Jiang Sinan's courage and confidence.

Like a deflated balloon, Jiang Sinan lowered his head and said, "Hero Lu's consonant finger really deserves his reputation. I'm willing to bow down, but if I don't accept it, I will challenge you."

"You can challenge me, but if you use poison again, I will let you drink all the wine."

After Jiang Sinan left, Guo Qishuai flew from the first floor to the second floor.

Lu Xiaofeng spat out a mouthful of blood, supported the railing with his hands, and said: "I never thought that the poison of Hedinghong is really extraordinary."

Guo Qishui immediately helped Lu Xiaofeng and said, "Master Lu, how are you? I'll help you go to the room to rest."

"It's okay, this poison can't kill me."

After Guo Qishuai helped Lu Xiaofeng to the guest room, Lu Xiaofeng said: "It's strange, Jiang Sinan clearly said that the two jars of wine are poisonous, why is the one you drank not poisonous?"

"I don't know what's going on? Maybe it's because he didn't inject enough poison!"

"Stretch out your hand."

Guo Qishuai gave Lu Xiaofeng his hand, and Lu Xiaofeng took his pulse, with a strange expression on his face, he said: "No, your pulse is wrong!"

Guo Qishuai's heart tightened, and he said, "Hero Lu, will I die?"

"Are you going to die? How could you die without being poisoned? Your pulse is very good, as if you were not poisoned. Mr. Guo, according to your pulse, you are poisoned. However, your poison has been given by your body. It's resolved. As for the special things in your body, I don't know. Mr. Guo, the poison of Hedinghong is extraordinary. I must use the exercises to expel the poison immediately. I am afraid that someone will disturb me while I am practicing the exercises. , so I ask Mr. Guo to protect the law for me."

"Lu Daxia, please rest assured, I will guard the door, even if it is a fly, I will not let it fly in."

Lu Xiaofeng was really poisoned, after he was poisoned, he suppressed the poison with his true energy, and pretended to be calm, he took Jiang Sinan's Yunmeng Flying Snow Sword with his consonant finger.

Now, Lu Xiaofeng's poison is almost out of his control, he must get rid of the poison calmly, otherwise, when the poison hits his heart, his life will be lost.

Guo Qishuai stood quietly at the door of the guest room, he hadn't asked if the "Book of Lu Ban" was an order from Lu Xiaofeng.

The wait is long, and the wait is also anxious. It's okay to wait for ten or eight years. The problem is that if Guo Qishuai can't finish the task quickly and his phone runs out of battery, he will stay in Lu Xiaofeng's world.

At this moment, how could Guo Qishuai bother Lu Xiaofeng?

As long as Lu Xiaofeng is disturbed by others, he is afraid that his life will be in danger.

Guo Qishuai walked around the door, a little anxious, but he couldn't disturb Lu Xiaofeng.

At this moment, a tall, thin man wearing black clothes, holding a big knife, and wearing a half iron mask walked over.

After seeing Guo Qishuai, he said bluntly: "I often hate money, I want to ask my friend, is Lu Xiaofeng in this gambling house?"

"He's not in now!"

"You are lying!"

"I don't have to lie to you!"

"I just met Jiang Sinan on the street outside the gambling house. Jiang Sinan said that his long sword was broken by Lu Xiaofeng, and that Lu Xiaofeng was in this gambling house. I advise my friends to tell the truth, otherwise..."

"How about otherwise?"

"Otherwise, the knife in my hand will not agree."

"The knife in your hand can't speak. Whether it answers or not has nothing to do with me."

"If he doesn't agree, you won't be able to keep your head."

"Can a dumb scrap metal chop off my head?"

"Do you want to try?"

"I don't want to try, and I don't want to fight you. I have no enmity with you, so there is no need to fight."

The man in black said coldly: "If you don't want to fight with me, just tell me, where is Lu Xiaofeng?"

"do not know!"

Chang Henqian stretched out his hand, trying to grab Guo Qishuai's throat.

Throat lock?
Guo Qishuai greeted him immediately with Phantom Palm.

He cut the man's wrist with his palm, the man didn't expect Guo Qishuai's palm technique to be so wonderful, he immediately withdrew his palm, changed his technique twice, and aligned with Guo Qishuai's palm.

Guo Qishuai and the man took three steps back at the same time.

Chang Henqian looked at his palm, a little in disbelief, and said, "What kind of palm is this?"

"Phantom palm!"

"I've never heard of it, my friend. Seeing that you are dressed so strangely, you must not be from the Central Plains. I don't know who your friend's apprentice is. Can you tell me?"

"Who is the next apprentice, you don't have to know."

"If you don't say it, then don't blame the soul-breaking knife below for being rude to you."

"Break the soul with one knife, and the soul flies away!"

Chang Heanqian drew out his long knife and chopped off Guo Qishuai's head.

Guo Qishuai didn't have a long sword or other weapons in his hand, so he grabbed a railing and hit Chang Hean Qian's head with the railing.

However, what Guo Qishuai did not expect was that his railing was blown to pieces by the opponent.

This person's soul breaking knife is really weird, and his internal strength is not weak.

Guo Qishuai threw the half of the railing at Chang Henqian.

Chang Heanqian split the half of the railing in half with a knife, flew directly down from the second floor, and cast the soul-breaking knife technique in the air, trapping Guo Qishuai under the knife curtain.

Guo Qishuai's head was completely blocked by murderous aura, and he had no way out.

Just when Guo Qishuai was in a dilemma, suddenly, a white figure flew down from the sky.

After the figure flew over Chang Heanqian's head, he slowly landed in front of Guo Qishuai with a big knife between his two fingers.

"Mr. Guo, I surprised you."

When Guo Qishuai saw that it was Lu Xiaofeng, he relaxed his nervousness and said, "Thank you, Daxia Lu, for saving your life."

"Mr. Guo, you are being polite. This person is here for me. You just blocked it for me."

Although Chang Heanqian's Soul Breaking Knife is powerful, Lu Xiaofeng's Lingxi One Finger is even more powerful. It seems that there is nothing else in this world that can avoid Lu Xiaofeng's two fingers.

Guo Qishuai was sometimes curious, if Li Xunhuan fought against him, would his two fingers be able to catch Xiao Li's flying knife?
These two superheroes are in different planes, so there is no chance to compete against each other. However, Guo Qishuai thought, if I can learn how to point to each other, I can try to pick up Xiao Li Feidao.

Just when Guo Qishui was thinking about it, Chang Henqian had already knelt down in front of Lu Xiaofeng.

"Hero Lu, I need help from Hero Lu, please..."

Before he finished his "please", Lu Xiaofeng had already pulled Guo Qishuai to perform light kung fu, penetrated the roof, and flew away.

"Hero Lu, Hero Lu..."

Chang Hean Qian flew into the air, but his lightness kung fu was not high, so he didn't fly out of the roof. Fortunately, he stabbed the beam with a big knife, and flew out of the roof with that force.

However, he flew out of the roof and saw that the surroundings were empty, and there was no sign of Lu Xiaofeng for a long time.

The reason why Lu Xiaofeng's Lingxi Finger is so amazing is not because of how magical his Lingxi Finger is, but because...

(End of this chapter)

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