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Chapter 675 Complicated Things

Chapter 675 Complicated Things
"Your father is so powerful, why do you think he committed suicide? Son, the matter in the court is much more complicated than you imagined."

"The reason why my father didn't retaliate was because he had a kind heart. He couldn't bear to watch the people in the world suffer?"

"You are wrong, I said you are still too young. How many troops and confidantes your father has, don't I know? Don't I know how big waves he can make? Since I want to rebel, of course I have to plan carefully and put All people are included. Your father's power in the court at that time was only [-]%, which was not a problem at all. As for the [-] border guards in his hands, there was no chance to leave the border, because the army of the Beimang tribe was Outside the border, you can enter the border at any time. Besides, if your father abandons the border and attacks the capital, he will be attacked by the enemy, and he will fail in the end. Your father is a smart man, so he consciously drank the poisoned wine , fulfilled me."

"You are so despicable!"

"Yes, I have calculated thousands of times, but in the end I still missed you."

"Okay, Qingping, don't say anything. If you know the general idea, just smother yourself to death. What we need is stability. In the past few days, the Beimang tribe has sent an additional team infected with the plague. When they attack us, they don’t resist and let us kill them, but after killing them, those plagues will spread in our army again, so the top priority is to stabilize the dynasty. Qingping, you died alone It can be exchanged for the stability of the world, why don't you follow my father and end it yourself?"

"What a filial son! He actually persuaded his father to end his own life!"

When Zhao Zhen heard this, he was shocked. He turned his head and saw a man with a face covered in black and gray walked in from the gate of the palace.

Although this person was wearing luxurious clothes, there were many tattered holes in the clothes. The holes had just been burnt out, and black smoke was still coming out of some of the holes.

The man's clothes were also covered in black ash, as if he had just crawled out of the fire.

"Zhao Ming, you are still alive?"

Zhao Ming stood at the door and said: "Zhao Zhen, your conspiracy has been ruined, why don't you kneel down and admit your mistake to your father?"

"Ming'er, it's really great to see you, Father, before he dies."

"Father, it's all the fault of the child. The child came back late and made the father suffer."

Zhao Ming knelt down to Emperor Qingping.

"Ming'er, get up, get up, you are not wrong, the fault is father, father trusts your elder brother too much. This plague was passed on to me by your elder brother. After I was infected with the plague, I will treat your elder brother Without the slightest doubt, he also gave him the right to dispatch the imperial guards to fight against the plague in the capital, who would have guessed that all of this was his conspiracy, and his real goal was my throne."

"Father, the child is back, and everything here will be handled by the minister."

"Okay! Be careful tomorrow!"

"My child understands."

Zhao Zhen sneered and said, "Zhao Ming, you are not dead yet?"

"I let you down."

"No? I'm not disappointed. Just now I was thinking, if you were burned to death like this, how sorry would you say I am? I didn't even have the chance to say one more word to you at the end."

Zhao Mingdao: "I also really want to say a few words to you, otherwise, if I was burned to death like this, I'm afraid I won't rest in peace when I get to the underworld."

"Don't say anything else, tell me, how did you escape from the secret passage?"

"What? Your uncle Su Bu didn't tell you?"

"My uncle? My uncle is going to burn you to death. After they lit the fire, they came to the Hall of Cilu."

"Your uncle actually didn't want to burn me to death. He told me a way out, and I came out of the tunnel."

Su Bu glared at Zhao Ming angrily and said, "Nonsense, who made you come out? I wish I could kill you."

"You could have killed me with one sword, but why didn't you? It's because you didn't want to kill me."

Zhao Zhen looked at Su Bu and said, "Uncle, why did you let him out? You know that only one of him and I can survive."

Zhao Mingdao: "You are right. Only one of us can survive. Now that I am alive, you must die."

Su Budao: "Don't listen to his nonsense, how could I let him out?"

"However, I have seen that secret passage. The steel bar thick as an arm is very strong. No one can break such a thick steel bar. Once someone is trapped in it, they will never get out. Even if they don't set fire to it, they will die, let alone you And set a fire poured with vegetable oil."

Zhao Mingdao: "Zhao Zhen, you are right. With such a big fire, it is impossible for anyone to be alive, unless there is a secret passage inside the iron cage."

Su Bu was in a hurry, and angrily reprimanded: "Your Highness, you must never believe what he said. If I want to let him out, why should I lock him in? Isn't it superfluous?"

Zhao Zhen nodded and said: "Uncle, don't be angry. I just wanted to follow Zhao Ming's words and play a play with him. My Highness, if you don't believe anyone, you can't disbelieve uncle? If it wasn't for uncle to bring your [-] troops Back in the capital, it is impossible for me to control the situation in the capital so quickly."

"Your Highness, don't talk nonsense with him, lest you have long nights and dreams."

Zhao Zhendao: "It's okay, I still have a secret to tell him."

"What secret?"

"Actually, you are not Qingping's son."

"What do you mean?"

"It's impossible for Qingping to have a son."

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"You can ask your mother."

"I'm not going to believe your bastard."

"I also overheard this secret. Back then, your mother and concubine fell in love with the Third Highness, but Qingping also loved your mother very much. He was even willing to accept the child in your mother's womb. After Qingping ascended the throne, He found a crime of collaborating with the enemy and treason, killed your biological father, and then he married your mother in a fair manner. In order to make your mother happy, he passed on the crown prince that should belong to me to you. You know Isn't this secret very surprising?"

Zhao Ming shook his head and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? How could my mother have anything to do with His Highness the Third?"

"You can ask Qingping if there is any connection! You can ask Qingping before he is dead! You old man, you should quickly tell the truth about that year and don't bring this secret to the coffin."

"Nizi, you naughty son, how dare you speak to me like this. Minger, don't listen to his nonsense, you are my son."

"Did you hear that? Father said that I am his own son."

"Come here, bring Qingshou up."

"What? Qingshou? The Third Highness of the year?" Zhao Ming asked very puzzled.

"Yes, now he is your father."

Two guards brought a man in his 40s to the main hall.

The man's face was thin and yellow, and he seemed to have been malnourished.

(End of this chapter)

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