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Chapter 666 Exploring the Prescription

Chapter 666 Exploring the Prescription
Guo Qishai said: "Your Highness, please rest assured. If these 10 taels of silver are wasted, I will bear all the losses alone."

The prince said: "It can be said that the matter of the general being the prince is a lot of trouble. The prince sees it in his eyes. Even if there is any loss of money, the prince will not let you bear it. The general can do it at ease, and all consequences will be borne by you." The crown prince will bear it for you."

"Then thank you, His Royal Highness."

Guo Qishuai finally said that the antidote to the plague was of great importance, and he wanted to listen to the reports of Doctor Ye and Doctor Hua.

The prince quickly invited Doctor Ye and Doctor Flower over.

Guo Pingping also came in after Divine Doctor Hua, and he said to Guo Qishuai: "Brother, five more people died just now. Before, when Divine Doctor Hua and Divine Doctor Ye were not separated, there were prescriptions for treating fever and other medicines. Many patients can withstand the cold syndrome, but now, after the cold syndrome and the fever syndrome are treated separately, the patient's condition has become much worse, and more people have died than a few days ago."

Hua Wuyou looked sad, and said: "Mr. Guo, I also used Heartbroken Pill, but it still doesn't work. I really can't do anything about this disease."

Doctor Ye also sighed and said: "I have never seen such a severe plague. I have used all the prescriptions, but the patient's illness is still not cured."

Guo Qishuai said: "What are the reasons for those patients to die in the end?"

Hua Wuyou said: "It's all because of suffocation. In the end, it seemed that the air sucked into their stomachs didn't work anymore. A patient said that someone was stuck in his neck before he died. Can't breathe."

"I can't breathe, maybe there is a problem with my lungs."

"Is something wrong with your lungs? Consumption?"

Guo Qishai said: "The inflammation in the patient's lungs may be too severe, so the air the patient breathes into the lungs cannot be absorbed at all, so they suffocate and die."

Hua Wuyou said: "If I now know what is wrong with the patient's lungs, then I can prescribe the right medicine."

Ye Zhiping said: "If you want to see the patient's lungs, you have to dissect the patient's body. Who would want to do that?"

Physician Hua also said: "People here are unwilling to have their bodies dissected, they think that will affect their reincarnation."

Guo Pingping said: "But those people can accept cremation, why can't they accept autopsy?"

Doctor Hua said: "This spark is because they are afraid of the plague. They believe that as long as the corpse is intact, it will not affect reincarnation. However, dissection will leave their bodies incomplete, so no one accepts it."

The prince said: "The people's thoughts are deeply ingrained, and it may be difficult for them to change their minds for a while. However, I think of a person who can make sacrifices for this plague."

Hua Wuyou couldn't think of what kind of person it was, so she asked with doubts: "I don't know what kind of person His Royal Highness is talking about?"

"Guanjun, I know that some officers and soldiers died of the plague in the intensive care unit. Doctor Hua, tell those people that if anyone is willing to donate their body for autopsy, the prince is willing to give his family 500 taels of silver as a gift." award."

Doctor Hua nodded and said: "The common people will do the work of those people. However, no one can say for sure when the patient's body will fail, so the dissection of the corpse..."

The prince said: "Of course we can't force them to make sacrifices for this kind of thing, just let it happen!"

"Report, report to Your Highness, there is an old man in the intensive care unit who is dying and begging Doctor Hua to dissect his body after his death."

The prince was surprised: "Oh? Someone is willing to donate his body?"

The man knelt on the ground and said, "That's right. The old man's name is Yang Daqiao. His son, daughter-in-law and grandson are all infected with the plague and are in serious condition. Yang Daqiao didn't agree to release his body after his death this afternoon." Donate it, but at night he suddenly agreed."

Hua Wuyou said in surprise: "What did you say? He agreed? Why did he agree?"

"Because his grandson's condition got worse, he wanted to save his own grandson."

"I see."

"Doctor Hua, go over and have a look, Yang Daqiao is probably dying at this time. He said he can't breathe air at all."

Doctor Hua bid farewell to the prince and went to the intensive care unit.

The prince also sent an order to ask people to borrow money from those rich merchants.

Guo Pingping was worried that Guo Qishuai would be in danger, and she had to be careful when she asked him to go to Qinglong Mountain.

An hour later, Yang Daqiao's body was dissected by Hua Wuyou and Ye Zhiping. When they saw Yang Daqiao's lungs, they were all shocked.

Yang Daqiao's lungs were full of blood, and every alveolus was surrounded by blood and thick phlegm.

And they also found that Yang Daqiao's lungs gradually became more serious from top to bottom, that is to say, Yang Daqiao's pneumonia started from the throat.

Hua Wuyou and Ye Zhiping were silent for a long time after watching it.

Hua Wuyou said: "Doctor Ye, it seems that I was wrong. I have been treating the patient as a fever, and I have used some heat-dissipating medicines to increase the phlegm in the patient's throat. After the patient has a lot of phlegm, the phlegm cannot be discharged in time and it reaches the lungs. in."

Ye Zhiping also said with shame: "I used some anti-cold medicine to make the patient's phlegm accumulate in the lungs. It seems that I was wrong. Now as long as I can control the patient's phlegm and let them breathe smoothly, I think they will be able to breathe freely." A chance to survive.”

"However, if this is the case, when we prescribe medicine to patients, we cannot quantitatively determine cold and heat. We must prescribe medicine based on the patient's actual condition."

"You are absolutely right. Judging from Yang Daqiao's lungs, this heart-breaking pill is still effective. His lung inflammation has almost been eliminated. If we can resolve Yang Daqiao's phlegm in time, he will be fine. He won’t die.”

"Yes, there are so many medicines for reducing phlegm in our traditional Chinese medicine, why didn't you think of this?"

"Okay, don't say anything now. Let's quickly refill the prescription for the patient. If we change the prescription and can save more people, then Chen Daqiao's death will be meaningful."

As soon as Hua Wuyou and Ye Zhiping came out of the anatomy room, Guo Pingping ran over and said: "Miracle Doctor Hua, Doctor Ye, it's not good. Yang Daqiao's grandson is seriously ill and has difficulty breathing. What should I do? I can't bear to watch. If he dies, I want to bleed him."

Ye Zhiping said: "Miss Guo, your blood has saved many people in the past few days, but the efficacy of your blood is getting smaller and smaller. I think so, Doctor Hua and I have developed a treatment plan , let’s change the side medicine for Yang Daqiao’s grandson.”

"Well, hurry up, Yang Daqiao's grandson may not last long."

Doctors Hua and Doctor Ye gave Yang Daqiao's grandson Yang Jun a serious diagnosis, and they believed that his symptoms were fever and that he should use medicine to dissipate heat.

The two increased the prescription, and half an hour later, the medicine was boiled. After the doctor Hua gave the medicine to Yang Jun, Yang Jun unexpectedly...

(End of this chapter)

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