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Chapter 664 Investigate the Cause

Chapter 664 Investigate the Cause
The man immediately smiled and said: "Oh, I thought you had something? So I wanted to know about the plague. Come in. Let me tell you, my mother died unjustly. I can't open the pot anymore."

Guo Qishuai said: "My lord will truthfully report your situation to the court. Now, I have a few questions I want to ask you, and please answer them truthfully."

"Don't worry, I will answer truthfully."

"Let me ask you, when did your mother get the plague?"

"My mother was on the second day of June. On that day, I clearly remember that my mother and my wife went back to my husband's house. After returning, both my wife and my wife felt tired and uncomfortable."

"What about your wife?"

"My wife has been cured at the county government office. She is resting at home now, why don't I ask her to come out?"

"Thank you!"

After the man called his wife out, his wife was still a little shy and asked her why she was called out.

Her husband said that someone from the government came and wanted to know about your plague.

The woman said: "I don't know how I got the plague. Anyway, after I came back from my father's house with my mother-in-law that day, we got sick. My mother-in-law was in poor health and passed away in the county government office two days later." .”

Guo Qishuai said: "You and your mother-in-law are here to see your father, so what's your father's name?"

"My father's name is Yuan Hai. He was very ill. We didn't know it was a plague at the time, but we found out later."

Guo Qishuai said: "It seems that Yuan Hai passed the plague to you and your mother-in-law."

The woman said: "My father has passed away, and my mother-in-law has also left. I don't know how this plague came about."

Guo Qishuai said, "Can I see your yard?"


Guo Qishuai searched their yard for a long time but found nothing.

Duan Renpeng didn't understand, and said, "General, what are you looking for?"

"Nothing? Let me see if there is any place where the plague spreads in this yard."

"Has your lord discovered anything?"

Guo Qishuai shook his head and said, "Not yet. Let's go to Yuan Hai's house to have a look!"

The woman came over and said, "My eldest brother, second brother and eldest sister-in-law and second sister-in-law, after my father got sick, they also got sick one after another."

"Then how are your brother and sister-in-law doing now?"

"The eldest brother and the second brother are still being treated in the intensive care unit of the county government, and the elder sister-in-law and the second sister-in-law have already left."

The woman began to cry as she spoke.

Guo Qishuai exchanged the one tael of silver in his hand for ten taels of silver, handed it to her, and said, "You take this money first, don't be too sad."

"Thank you, sir, thank you, sir."

The couple knelt down and kowtowed to Guo Qishuai at the same time.

Guo Qishuai brought Duan Renpeng and others to No.18 Hongye Lane.

This is Yuan Hai's home.

There is no one in Yuan Hai's house, and the lock on the gate has rusted.

Duan Renpeng looked at the lock and said, "My lord, why don't I smash the lock?"

Guo Qishai said: "How can this wall stop us? Fly in and take a look."

"Okay, my lord."

Guo Qishuai asked Duan Renpeng to fly in with him, while the other three waited outside.

Guo Qishuai found that the yard of Yuan Hai's house was also very clean. Although no one cleaned it for many days, the yard did not look messy.

After Guo Qishuai searched the yard, he went to the chicken shed.

There were no chickens in the chicken coop, only a few mice ran away quickly after hearing the footsteps.

Duan Renpeng said: "My lord, what are you looking at in the chicken shed? It stinks to death."

"There may be plague in the chicken coop."

"Chicken plague? It's possible. However, there has been no news of large-scale death of chickens in Yangmei County recently. It seems that the theory of chicken plague is not reliable."

"If it's unreliable, you have to check it out."

Guo Qishuai went to the upper room to look again, but found nothing.

Finally, he walked out of the yard in disappointment. When he was sighing in the yard, he suddenly heard a "tick".

"What sound?" Guo Qishuai asked nervously.

"My lord, you have never been so nervous even when you saw a tiger. What happened to you today? The water in the well was hit by something and made a ticking sound. Why did it scare you?"

"There's something special about this ticking sound."

"What's special?"

"Did you throw a stone into the well just now?"

Duan Renpeng shook his head and said, "No."

"You didn't throw stones, so let me ask you how did the ticking sound in the well come about?"

"The ticking sound should be made by a small stone falling in."

"No, there is something special about this ticking sound, we have to find out why."

"My lord, it's just a tick, what's the secret? Why don't we go look elsewhere?"

Guo Qishuai said: "This ticking sound may help us unlock the secret of this plague."

When Duan Renpeng listened again, the ticking sound was gone.

"My lord, the ticking sound has never been heard again. I think we'd better look elsewhere!"

"It can't be just one sound, let's wait. Come, hide."

Guo Qishuai and Duan Renpeng waited in the house for two hours. After dark, they still didn't hear the ticking sound.

Duan Renpeng's eyes hurt from staring, he yawned, and said, "Oh, my lord, the ticking sound still hasn't happened, let's withdraw!"

"hold on."

"Okay then, just wait."

A lot of mosquitoes suddenly appeared in the sky, and Guo Qishuai could hear the buzzing sound of the mosquitoes very clearly.

"Why are there so many mosquitoes here?"

"Hey, my lord, there are a lot of mosquitoes here in summer. There are many mosquitoes, and there are also many little swallows. There are also the most bats at night. Sometimes, you can see bats in the sky over the entire Yangmei County."

Guo Qishuai asked curiously, "Have there always been so many bats in Yangmei County?"

"I heard from people in Yangmei County that the number of bats in Yangmei County has only increased in the past one or two years. Also, the number of mosquitoes in Yangmei County has only recently increased."


"Listen!" Guo Qishuai said to Duan Renpeng next to him, "Another crisp ticking sound."

"My lord, I heard it too."

"It's not the sound of stones falling into the well, it's the sound of bat droppings falling into the well."


"Another sound, my lord!" Duan Renpeng said excitedly, "I saw a bat drop a drop of shit when it flew over the mouth of the well."

There are more and more bats in the sky. While catching mosquitoes, they directly drop their shit on the ground.

There is shit in the well, and there is shit outside the well.

Duan Renpeng said in surprise: "My lord, is this bat feces the direct cause of this plague?"

"We still need to do a research on this, and ask His Royal Highness to send more people to do a survey. If those who got the plague have been in contact with water or vegetables with bat feces, then we can be sure that this plague Something to do with bat poo."

(End of this chapter)

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