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Chapter 649 The Seeker

Chapter 649 The Seeker
Ye Lin said: "What do you ask my mother to do?"

"Do you know that this jade pendant was a token of love that I gave to your mother back then?"

"What? You gave this jade pendant to my mother? Impossible, impossible."

"What's impossible?"

"My mother said that if I meet you in the future, I will definitely kill you with my own hands."

"What your mother said was angry, Ye Lin, take me to see your mother quickly."

"You really want to see my mother?"


"Do you want my mother to live longer?"

"of course."

"Okay, if you want my mother to live, then you can give me your head."

"How do you talk, kid? Can my head save your mother?"

"Of course, my mother suffered from Banyue Cuimingsan, and she couldn't be happier. The person who poisoned her told me to exchange your head for the antidote within half a month."

"Who is the poisoner?"

"I don't know, he's a man in a black robe and a mask, and he has a weird expression when he speaks."

"Ye Lin, Lin Lin, take me to see your mother, maybe I can find an antidote for her."

"Okay, I'll take you there. At that time, if you can't find the antidote, then I will exchange your head for the antidote."

Not only did Xuanyuan walk up to Guo Qishuai, he said, "Master Guo, I think..."

"You want to save Ye Xiaomei first, right?"

"I know that in this way, we may delay our time to obtain the antidote, but I really can't watch Xiaomei die."

"Okay, I'll go with you, but we have to make up for the lost time later, because the people in the entire Yangmei County are waiting for the antidote, and if we delay for a while, many of them will die."

"I know, I know. Thank you Mr. Guo for your success."

Xuanyuan not only said to Ye Lin: "Ye Lin, where is your mother, let's ride there."

Ye Lin said: "My mother is in a cave in Broken Soul Mountain. There is a path to go up, and you can also ride a horse."

"Okay then, you ride my horse and I'll hold the horse in front."



"I'm going to ride on the same horse as him."

Ye Lin looked at the handsome Guo Qishuai and said.

"That's not right, Mr. Guo is the general who put down the chaos, how can you ride the same horse with him?"

"What? He's the general who put down the chaos?" Ye Xiaomei couldn't help laughing, and said, "Is he the general who leads you alone?"

"He is the general who suppressed the chaos appointed by the crown prince, and he still has the seal of the general on his body. Don't talk nonsense."

"I'm going to ride with him on the same horse."

"Why are you so disobedient?"

Guo Qishuai felt that the woman in white was quite pretty, so he felt that riding a horse with her would not be a disadvantage, so he said with a smile, "Do you know that I am not a decent person?"

Ye Lin looked at Guo Qishuai with eyes like a nympho, and said: "Then you should also know that I am not a decent woman either. Generally speaking, when I meet a dishonest man, I become a dishonest woman. If I meet a gentleman, then I will become a fair lady."

Guo Qishuai smiled bitterly and said, "Does the girl like modest men or men who are not serious?"

"If a man is serious, where did I come from?"

Guo Qishuai was so embarrassed to answer this question, he touched his nose and said: "The girl naturally came to this world after the girl's father and mother got married."

"You are so right, but my father is not a good father, but my mother is indeed a good mother. If I have to choose between my father and my mother, I am willing to let my father die."

Ye Lin was already sitting on the horseback, and Guo Qishuai didn't care whether to hug her or not.

"You will make me fall like this. Do you have the heart to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade?"

"I really don't have the heart to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade."

"Duplicity guy, do you think I'll believe you if you say you're not serious?"

"Drive!" Ye Lin hit the horse, Guo Qishuai was unprepared and almost fell off the horse.

Fortunately, he grabbed Ye Lin's waist in time.

Ye Lin's horse riding skills are much better than Guo Qishuai's. If Guo Qishuai hadn't relied on his own martial arts, he would have been thrown off the horse by Ye Lin.

Ye Lin didn't need to say it now, Guo Qishuai hugged Ye Lin almost out of breath.

Guo Qishuai's heart beat faster and his head was hot. He had this feeling when he was hugging Zhao Qiaoling before, but today he also felt it.

When the horse was walking on the mountain path, Ye Lin said: "Hold yourself tight, the road ahead is a bit steep, maybe you will fall."

"Try it? If I fall, you will follow me."

"You really are not a decent man."

"If a man is too serious, wouldn't a woman be helpless?"

"If men don't take the initiative, then women have to change their ways."

"Miss Ye Lin, I'm curious, how did your mother and your father meet?"

Ye Lin's heart sank, and she said, "How do I know this? Besides, Xuanyuan doesn't just know if he is my father or not. I want to save my mother with his head."

"If Xuanyuan is not only your father, do you have the heart to kill him?"

"I said, between my mother and my father, if I have to die, the one I would rather die is my father. Because he has never taken care of me once since I was born. Such a father, there is What's the difference between no and no?"

"You should know that your father may not be willing to let your mother die. If he was a kind and righteous person, he would not have left you mother and daughter behind."

"If he refuses, I will kill him."

"Your martial arts can't kill him."

"So I sat on your horse."

"What do you mean?"

"I can't kill him, but you can. Aren't you his boss? If you let him die, he will die."

"I've got to have a reason for letting him die."

"You want a reason, right? Just say that he abandoned his wife and son, heinous. Is this reason enough?"

"Abandoning a wife and child is only a moral matter, and it is not a heinous crime, which will not lead to death."

"Forget it, I don't care what method you use, as long as you kill him, I will be yours."

"I don't seem to be interested in you. I don't see anything about you that would make me kill for you."

Ye Lin said: "As long as you kill Xuanyuan, I will be yours tonight, and I will not pester you. Do you think this is a good reason?"

"I feel bad. Because I'm not that kind of man."


The horse moved forward for more than 100 feet, and Ye Lin suddenly flew off the horse. After she landed, she said: "Come down, this is the cave where my mother lives."

Just as Guo Qishuai got off his horse, Xuanyuan not only rushed over, he asked Guo Qishuai, "General, you and my daughter had a great time chatting on horseback, what are you talking about?"

This question really stumped Guo Qishuai, if he told the truth that Ye Lin wanted him to kill him, then Xuanyuan would not know whether to cry or laugh.

(End of this chapter)

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