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Chapter 645 Reminder

Chapter 645 Reminder

Yang Ye said: "Don't ask, I won't tell."

Hua Wuyou was so anxious that she wanted to hit someone, and said: "Magistrate Yang, I have been serving your family for these years. I have shown you all serious and minor illnesses. I have saved your family many times, but you Treating my family like this is really wolf-hearted."

Yang Ye was disheartened, and said: "Stop talking, when I learned that my son infected your daughter and wife with the plague, I also reprimanded my son, and I also hope that your daughter and wife will be fine. , but now, it’s useless to say anything, because I have nothing to worry about.”

Guo Qishuai said: "Doctor Hua, don't worry, if he doesn't say anything, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince will find a way to make him talk."

After Guo Qishuai brought the army back to Yangmei County, the prince welcomed them very warmly.

In the Yangmei county government office, after hearing the words of Guo Qishuai and Hua Wuyou, the crown prince slapped the gavel angrily and said, "Yang Ye, this crown prince will ask you again, where are the daughter and wife of the genius doctor Hua? Don't tell me, don't blame the prince for torture you."

"His Royal Highness, if you want to use torture, you can use punishment. I'm afraid you won't be able to sit on the throne for a few days."

"What do you mean?"

"It's nothing interesting, His Royal Highness, cherish your last wonderful time."

Eunuch Zhang was so angry that he walked up and gave Yang Ye a big mouth, and said in a woman's voice, "You bastard! How dare you talk to His Royal Highness like this, I think you don't want to live."

"Hahaha... Eunuch Zhang, I don't think you will live long, so hurry up and use any power you have."

Eunuch Zhang said angrily: "Someone pulls Yang Ye down, and he must tell the whereabouts of Hua Shenyi's wife and daughter."


After Yang Ye was taken down, Guo Qishuai said to the prince: "Your Highness, what Yang Ye said is interesting, we must take it seriously."

The prince pondered for a moment, and said, "Mr. Guo, what do you mean..."

"Your Highness, please don't blame me. I'll just tell you my opinion."

"Mr. Guo, please tell me, how can I blame you?"

"His Royal Highness, Yang Ye said that you will not be the crown prince for a long time. This is definitely not just talking casually. He may know something inside."

"Eunuch Zhang, order the jailer to pry Yang Ye's mouth open no matter what method he uses. I want to know why this crown prince can't hold this position for long."

"Old slave, just do it now."

Guo Qishai said: "Your Highness, I think what Yang Ye said may be related to those plague patients."

"how do I say this?"

"Yang Ye caught many plague patients in Yangmei County that night. He gathered these people together, and later hid them somewhere. If Yang Ye brought these people to the capital, then those plagues would be in the capital. Spread, when the time comes, there will be chaos in the capital, and some people may take this opportunity to do some rebellious things."

The prince was a little impatient, and said: "Mr. Guo, my eldest brother has always wanted to be the prince again. He secretly made friends with many ministers in the court and China. I heard that he even made some generals in the capital join him. My father is now a stalker." , I was afraid that my elder brother was in a hurry. This time I came out for nothing, just to inspect the political achievements of Yangmei County, but I encountered this plague. I wanted to use the matter of controlling the plague to make the ministers of the court look at me with admiration, but, The current situation may be a bit complicated. I am really afraid that something will happen in the capital."

Guo Qishuai said: "His Royal Highness, don't worry, as long as the genius doctor Hua researches the antidote, then this plague can be controlled. Even if people in the capital are infected with the plague, we don't have to be afraid."

"But Mr. Guo, I'm really worried now. My eldest brother is in the capital, and there is no one who can be trusted by my father's side. If my elder brother forces the palace, I am afraid that my father will pass the throne to my elder brother."

Guo Qishuai said: "Your Highness, don't worry too much, I promise, if your eldest brother got the throne by extraordinary means, I will make him spit it out."

"Mr. Guo, thank you very much. If I hadn't had your help these days, I wouldn't know what to do?"

"His Royal Highness, you are polite."

"Oh, by the way, Mr. Guo, your sister has been taking care of those patients in the critical ward. I'm really worried about her. I asked her to rest several times, but she refused."

"My sister just doesn't want to see others suffer. I have no choice but to let her be. Fortunately, she has also taken the antidote and will not be infected again."

"So, I'm relieved."

At noon, after Guo Qishuai had eaten, he came to Guo Pingping's room.

Guo Pingping was sleeping on the table at that time.

She may be too tired.

After Guo Qishuai walked in, she didn't even notice.

When Guo Qishuai sat down, Guo Pingping suddenly raised her head. She looked at Guo Qishuai in surprise and said, "Brother, when did you come in?"

"I've been in for a while. Little sister, have you been exhausted these days?"

"Fortunately, I'm fine. Since I took the elixir you gave me, I feel very energetic and I don't feel tired every day."

"That's good, little sister, have you found anyone who cares about you recently?"

"Oh, brother, don't tell me that I haven't noticed, but there are many patients who care about me. Whenever I go in to take out the garbage and deliver meals to them, they are very concerned about me and let me rest and not be too tired. ”

"I'm not talking about that. Think about it again. Is there anyone who cares about you?"

"No? Oh, I see, brother, you talk about yourself? You have always cared about me very much."

"I didn't mean me, besides me?"

"Except that you seem to be the best to me is our mother."

"I'm talking about here, this world."

"Have I not noticed who is the best to me in this world?"

"Why do I think that prince is interested in you?"

"Oh, brother, what are you kidding? Taike is Prince Xingchao, how could he be interested in me?"

"Prince Xingchao is also a human being, not a god. He also likes beautiful women. Why can't a beautiful sister like me impress the Prince?"

"You said that playboy brother, I don't like this kind of person. You forgot how he got the plague? He went to pick up girls on the first day, and even picked up a sick one. Who can bear such a person To be a husband? Also, he is a prince, maybe he already has several wives, even if he likes me, I will not marry someone like him. "

"Little girl, it's good that you know. It saves me a lot of trouble. We don't belong to this world, and we can't have anything to do with anyone here? When we find Zou Haiping and deliver the goods to him, We're getting out of here."

"I know brother. Don't worry, I'm not interested in him, and I don't want to stay in this world."

"Brother is afraid that you will be greedy for power and wealth, so I will warn you in advance."

(End of this chapter)

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