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Chapter 64 Courage

Chapter 64 Courage

Guo Qishuai felt guilty, startled, his palms were covered with cold sweat, he thought, with such a powerful true energy, he is not an ordinary master, this time he might die.

The person who came was indeed the Black and White Twin Pearls. The two of them stopped suddenly at the door, just like two statues. They were so frightened that everyone could not breathe smoothly.



Black and White Shuangzhu said together: "Are you ready?"

The village head smiled awkwardly and said, "You two envoys, boys and girls, we are ready. Please take a rest and have something to eat before we talk."

"Don't eat."

"No rest!"

Black and white Shuangzhu said together: "Hand over the boys and girls, so we can go back and return to our lives."

When the village chief was still about to speak, Guo Qishuai stood up and said, "Isn't the appearance of you two too scary? I don't think you need to find any virgins, you just need to sacrifice the two of you to heaven."

Hei Zhu asked: "Who are you?"

Baizhu said humanely: "Could it be that you are here to die?"

"Send to die? Yes, I'm here to send you to die. I'm here to send you two to die."

Heizhu said coldly: "Could it be that you are the master they invited?"

"I don't dare to be a master, I just want to save that pair of boys and girls."

"No one can save anyone. You are no exception."

"Then let's see how capable you two are."

"Have courage!"

"brave man!"

The black and white beads said in unison: "It seems that the two of us have met our opponents today."

The two moved their hands, and two beads, one black and one white, hit Guo Qishuai's forehead.

Guo Qishuai's figure flickered and quickly avoided the two black and white beads. When he passed through the middle of the black and white beads, the body of the black and white beads had already fallen to the ground.

No one could see clearly how Guo Qishuai made the move.

No one saw clearly how the black and white double beads fell, but someone heard two throat cracking sounds from the black and white double beads.

The black and white beads were cut off by Guo Qishuai's throat and fell down.

How could Li Xun Huan's successor lose to two low-level masters?

This black and white double-bead martial arts is considered a top-notch master in this plane, but in Li Xun Huan's plane, he couldn't even catch a punch from Tie Chuanjia.

Guo Qishui was a little scared at first. After he killed the two men, the people in the fishing village cheered and regarded him as a great hero and planned to hold a banquet for him.

Guo Qishuai knew that the owner of Longhu Island would definitely come over in person, so he hadn't resolved the matter of this plane, so he couldn't leave, so he agreed to the head of the fishing village to wait for the owner of Longhu Island there.

At night, the sea breeze is getting colder and the waves are getting higher and higher.

The full moon inside the waves was shattered by the waves and will soon be restored again.

In the vast sea, a black sailboat came over.

The sailboat is huge and can accommodate hundreds of people on board.

The dragon and tiger flag was also hung on the boat, and others could tell it was a boat from Longhu Island at a glance. Many experienced fishermen were scared to hide when they saw such a boat.

Black dragon head, black tiger tail, and bursts of creepy flute sounds.

"He's here!" The head of the fishing village turned pale with fright, and said, "The owner of Longhu Island is here."

"Master Guo, our lives are in your hands."

"Guo Daxia, we believe in you, you can definitely kill the owner of Longhu Island."

After the dragon and tiger boat docked, more than 100 men in black flew down from the boat.Those men in black held their long swords and their faces were ashen. After they surrounded Guo Qishuai and others, four men in black flew off the boat carrying a black sedan chair.

The four men in black were the same height, short, fat and thin, and their steps were neat, just like the same person. The sedan chair was very stable in the air, and a bowl of water was placed steadily, and the water would not splash out of the bowl.

The owner of Longhu Island wore a dragon head hat on his head and a tiger head mask on his face. After the sedan chair stopped, he patted the table with his hand and rushed out from the top of the sedan chair. When he landed, The black sedan chair under his feet spread out and became a huge platform.

There is a large chair on the platform.

The owner of Longhu Island sat on that chair, pressed his right hand on his knee, and asked coldly, "Who is the murderer of Black and White Shuangzhu?"

This question scared the people in the fishing village so much that they did not dare to speak out, and all of them turned their attention to Guo Qishuai.

Guo Qishuai stood up from the wine table, looked at the owner of Longhu Island, and said, "I killed your two Xiongbao subordinates, and it has nothing to do with the whole village. If you have any hatred, come to me!"

"Very good, courageous, young man, I really can't see that you have the ability to kill the black and white beads of this island owner."

"Stop talking nonsense, let's make a move!"

"You want to start a fight with Benjima?"

"What? You dare not?"

"It's not that you don't dare, it's that you don't deserve it!"

"I'm not worthy?" Guo Qishuai took out a throwing knife from his pocket and said, "Do you dare to bet with me?"

"How to bet?"

"I have a knife here, you stand there still, let me shoot a knife, if I shoot you, then I have won. If I win, you must leave here unconditionally, and you are not allowed to persecute the people in the fishing village No matter what virgin boys and girls I give you, it won't stop them from fishing in the sea."

"That's fine. What if you lose?"

"If I can't hit you with a single knife, then I will let you handle it myself, and the people in the fishing village will still provide you with virgins and virgins in the future."

"Very good! The owner of this island is willing to gamble with you, let's make a knife!"

Guo Qishuai learned the throwing knife from Li Xunhuan. Although his throwing knife skills are not as good as Li Xunhuan's, he has completely mastered the essence of Xiao Li's flying knife. There is no problem in killing the owner of Dragon and Tiger Island.

Guo Qishuai clamped the flying knife between his two fingers, took a long breath, and let himself relax a bit.

He knew very well that his opponent's internal strength was definitely superior to his. If he directly attacked Longhu Island Island, he would have no chance to launch the flying knife.

Now, he can only make his opponent relax, relax and relax again. Only by taking advantage of his opponent's unpreparedness and taking him by surprise can he have a one percent chance of winning.

The village head of the fishing village felt his heart was jumping to his throat, and his stomach was so tense that it was about to be pulled into a ball.

This duel is definitely not about Guo Qishuai alone, but about the entire fishing village. If they lose, it will be their future.

A future where life is worse than death, what's the point of living?

Guo Qishuai held the flying knife very seriously, but before firing it, the island owner of Longhu Island stretched out his hand, and a strong infuriating energy sucked a long sword into his palm. Broke in two.

"Young man, don't be too rampant, let alone let you stand there and shoot the throwing knife, even if the island master doesn't move and asks you to kill me with the throwing knife, you will have no chance."

(End of this chapter)

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