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Chapter 637 Grateful

Chapter 637 Grateful
The prince smiled even more happily, and said: "Thanks to Mr. Guo's help, this prince was able to win the round. Otherwise, the position of the prince may be in danger."

Guo Qishuai said: "His Royal Highness, this Yang Ye has been gone for three days, but he still has no whereabouts of Zou Haiping, where is he now?"

The prince said: "Yang Ye probably won't come back."

"Why is this?"

"He lied about the epidemic, which is a capital offense. He knows it. However, please rest assured, Mr. Guo. I have sent General Xuan Yan to look for the Zou Haiping you are looking for. I believe there will be news soon."

Eunuch Zhang said: "Mr. Guo, I don't think we need to look for Zou Haiping now, because His Royal Highness is already cured, and we don't need Zou Haiping's tears."

"I said, Eunuch Zhang, the tears on Zou Haiping's body can dispel the plague. Now that the people in Yangmei County don't get treatment for their illness, I'm afraid the epidemic will not be controlled."

His Royal Highness said: "Mr. Guo is right. Finding Zou Haiping is equivalent to saving the people of Yangmei County. Therefore, you must find Zou Haiping for Mr. Guo."

"The old slave knows."

"Report, His Royal Highness, Ye Zhiping and Ye Langzhong are seriously ill, please tell His Royal Highness how to deal with it?"

When the prince heard this, he sat up from the chair and said, "Yesterday Ye Langzhong said that the No. [-] prescription of Feixiao is effective for this plague, and has cured many critically ill patients. Why? Ye Langzhong fell ill today?"

"Ye Langzhong has been up all night since following the crown prince to fight the epidemic. He was exhausted, and he was not in good health before, so this time, the No. [-] Feixiao didn't have much effect on him."

The prince stood up and said: "Take me to visit immediately."

The man immediately stopped him and said: "Your Highness, no, Ye Langzhong is in the critical ward, where the plague is the worst. If His Highness is infected again, then..."

The prince said: "The lives of those doctors are also their lives. They can save people without their lives. Why can't the prince go and see what Ye Langzhong is doing?"

Eunuch Zhang knelt in front of His Highness the Crown Prince and persuaded him, "Your Highness, the critical ward, please think again."

The prince said: "As long as you wear the mask properly, I don't think the plague in the ward can do anything to me. Come on, I want to encourage those patients."

"His Royal Highness..."

Guo Qishuai said: "If His Royal Highness can enter the critical ward at this time, he will definitely encourage those patients to overcome their illness."

When the prince brought Guo Qishuai, Eunuch Zhang and others to the intensive care unit, the soldiers guarding the room asked His Royal Highness to stay.

His Royal Highness insisted on going in, and in the end, they had no choice but to let it go.

In the intensive care unit, many people coughed very badly, and the whole room was very noisy.

Many people heard that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince came to see them in person, and they were all very moved. They also said that the Crown Prince is a noble man and cannot be infected with diseases.

Zhang Gonggong said that the prince is the son of the real dragon emperor, he can bring blessings to everyone, and everyone's illness will be cured soon.

Many of those critically ill patients were moved to tears.

Because they know that if they had a disease like theirs before, let alone get treatment, it would be very difficult to survive.

Finally, the prince came to Ye Zhiping's hospital bed.

Ye Zhiping wanted to get up on the bed, he coughed hard, and said: "Your Highness, no, no, this is the hardest hit area, you can easily get infected when you come here."

The prince said: "It doesn't matter, you are all citizens of Xing Dynasty. As the prince of Xing Dynasty, I should come to see you and give you encouragement."

"His Royal Highness, the old man has practiced medicine for more than [-] years, and he has never seen a cure for plague like His Royal Highness. The officials in the past had only one way to deal with the plague. As long as they had the plague, all of them were gathered and finally cremated."

"That would be very cruel."

"His Royal Highness has a kind heart. If His Royal Highness can inherit the throne in the future, it must be a blessing."

Ye Zhiping coughed hard again, and then he couldn't speak, and even had difficulty breathing.

A doctor wearing a mask next to him said: "I'm afraid Ye Langzhong will die soon, but Ye Langzhong said that Feixiao No. [-] still lacks a medicine. If you find that medicine, everyone here will be saved."

The prince said: "Mr. Guo, you must have a way, you save Ye Langzhong."

Guo Qishuai said: "Ye Langzhong's illness is not hopeless, His Royal Highness can save him."

"Can I save him? How can I save him? Tell me quickly."

"The blood of His Royal Highness can save Ye Langzhong."

Eunuch Zhang didn't understand, he was very worried, and said: "Mr. Guo, His Royal Highness's illness is just right, and his body is still very weak. If you use His Highness's blood to save someone at this time, I'm afraid that His Highness will be hurt."

The prince raised his right hand and said: "It doesn't matter, as long as Ye Langzhong's illness will be cured. I am willing."

The prince was very generous. After he asked someone to bring the bowl and the knife, he cut his wrist with the dagger.

Blood came out quickly.

When half a bowl of blood was shed, Guo Qishuai said: "Enough, Your Highness, this little blood can save Ye Langzhong."

Eunuch Zhang quickly gave Ye Zhiping to drink the blood.

After Ye Zhiping drank the prince's blood, he slowly recovered his breathing. Gradually, his face became more rosy. At this time, Ye Zhiping's spirit improved a lot. When he saw the haggard prince, he was very grateful and said: "Prince Your Highness, thank you for treating me."

The prince felt a lot weaker, but at this moment he was very happy and said, "Ye Langzhong, it's good that you are fine."

Ye Zhiping wanted to get out of bed and knelt down to His Highness the Crown Prince, thanking him again for saving his life, but the Crown Prince told him not to move, to rest for a while, and when he was fully recovered, let him continue to study Feixiao No. [-], he must study The antidote.

Ye Zhiping was so grateful that he shed tears, and said: "Your Highness the Crown Prince's kindness, Ye Zhiping will never forget it. Cao Min will get out of bed and study Feixiao No. [-]."

The blood of His Royal Highness can treat critically ill patients, which makes many people confident.

After the prince left, some people said that Ye Zhiping was so lucky that he was able to get the blood of His Highness the prince.

Some people also said that His Royal Highness is not a mortal. He not only cured himself of this disease, but he was also able to save other people.

As for why the prince's blood could save Ye Zhiping's illness, many people were very curious. Even Eunuch Zhang asked Guo Qishuai curiously, "Mr. Guo, how did the prince's blood become the antidote?"

Guo Qishuai said: "His Royal Highness has suffered from that disease before, and I cured him of his disease. There are already antibodies in his blood, and his antibodies can kill those viruses."

"What is an antibody?" Eunuch Zhang didn't understand very much.

"What is an antibody, the prince also wants to know."

Guo Qishuai didn't know how to explain it, and said, "This antibody is actually something that can kill the virus, just like an antidote."

(End of this chapter)

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