Chapter 632
Guo Qishuai said: "As long as you find Zou Haiping, the illness of His Highness the Crown Prince, I promise to cure it."

Eunuch Zhang gritted his teeth and said, "You better say something useful, otherwise, I will make you pay for His Highness the Crown Prince."

"Hey, Eunuch Zhang, His Highness the Crown Prince is fine. Why do you always say that His Highness the Crown Prince is critically ill?"

Eunuch Zhang was afraid that the prince would blame him, so he immediately explained: "Your Highness, I don't have that intention. I also hope that Your Highness can recover quickly."

"Okay, let's do as Mr. Guo wants and send people to find Zou Haiping immediately."

Zhang Gonggong said: "His Royal Highness, this Yangmei County is under the jurisdiction of Yang Ye, the county magistrate, and this task is entrusted to him. If he can't find Zou Haiping within an hour, then let him come to see him. "

Yang Ye had been waiting outside. When he heard Eunuch Zhang asking him to go in to see the prince, his hands were shaking with fear.

"Yang Ye, the magistrate of Yangmei County, comes to see His Highness the Crown Prince."

The prince coughed a few times and said, "Zhixian Yang, do you know the crime?"

Yang Ye immediately said: "The lower official is terrified, I don't know what crime the lower official has committed?"

The prince said to Eunuch Zhang: "Eunuch Zhang, tell him what crime he committed?"

Zhang Eunuch said: "Zhixian Yang, you are so brave. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has sent people to you since he left Beijing to ask if there is any plague in Yangmei County. Your answer is that there is no plague. Yangmei County is peaceful. Until noon yesterday, When His Highness the Crown Prince was in Exhalation County, he still sent people to you to confirm whether there was any plague in Yangmei County. Your answer was crisp and clear, saying that there was no plague in Yangmei County. What was the result? His Highness the Crown Prince contracted the plague when he came to your Yangmei County. , are you trying to assassinate His Highness the Crown Prince?"

"The lower official was wronged. How dare the lower official? The lower official also just learned that there is a plague in Yangmei County."

Guo Qishai said: "Zhixian Yang, I'm afraid you have known about it a long time ago, right? Your son had the plague yesterday afternoon. You don't know about this, right?"

Yang Ye stared at Guo Qishuai and said, "Who are you? You spout blood, when did my son get the plague?"

The prince looked at Guo Qishuai and said, "His son got the plague, is it true?"

Guo Qishuai said: "Return to His Royal Highness, his son was already infected with the plague yesterday afternoon, and Yang Zhixian said he didn't know about it, isn't it unreasonable?"

The prince said: "Yang Ye, this plague is related to the country. The reason why the prince came to your Yangmei County is to investigate whether there is a plague here. If this is true, you can wait to lose your head!"

Yang Ye said: "The lower official understands."

Zhang Gonggong said: "Okay, Yangzhi County, you go to find a person, this person is Zou Haiping, if you can find Zou Haiping within an hour, your capital crime will be forgiven, if you can't find it, you will definitely not be executed." Forgive me!"

"Your Majesty, let's do it."

After Yang Ye left, someone had already arrested Lin Yuxian.

Lin Yuxian's face was very pale, her body was weak, and her muscles were sore. When she knelt in front of the prince, she was extremely haggard.

At this time, Lin Yuxian couldn't arouse any interest at all when a man saw it.

"Folk girl Lin Yuxian comes to see His Highness the Crown Prince."

"Cough...cough..." Lin Yuxian coughed again.

Eunuch Zhang stared at Lin Yuxian and said angrily: "Bold Lin Yuxian, you dare to spread the plague to the prince, do you know your guilt?"

Lin Yuxian said aggrievedly: "My father-in-law was wronged, I was wronged, I didn't know I had the plague. Also, I told Eunuch Zhang about my physical condition last night, but you said it was nothing serious, you still insisted on letting me Go and serve His Royal Highness."

Eunuch Zhang was so angry that his nose was crooked, and he said: "You, you, you... You are sophistrying, so you are justified in passing the disease on to His Highness the Crown Prince?"

"People's girls don't dare. If people's girls know that they have the plague, they won't dare to serve His Highness the Crown Prince."

"Anyway, you brought His Royal Highness's illness, so you are a death penalty. Someone, pull Lin Yuxian down and chop him up!"

"It's unjust, it's unjust! Your Highness, please spare your life, Your Highness, please spare your life."

Guo Qishai said: "Your Highness, although your illness is a plague, it is not a fatal disease. As soon as the rootless water arrives, His Highness's illness can be cured immediately. As for Lin Yuxian, she is really innocent. Please, Your Highness I can let her go."

The prince nodded, coughed twice, and said: "As long as you can cure my disease, I don't have to pursue the matter of Lin Yuxian infecting me. But listen, if you can't cure my disease, Not only will she die, but you and your sister will also have to be buried with me."

Guo Qishuai said: "I understand."

Eunuch Zhang helplessly ordered his servants to take Lin Yuxian down.

Guo Qishui said: "Father, Lin Yuxian's disease is a plague, and the plague is contagious. Therefore, she cannot be locked up with other doctors who are not sick. She needs to be kept alone."

Eunuch Zhang didn't understand and said, "How can this plague be transmitted without close contact?"

"Of course, this plague is very severe. If Lin Yuxian sneezes, a lot of virus will be sprayed out of her sneeze. If a healthy person inhales her sneeze, it is easy to get plague. Prevention For the plague, the best way is to isolate the sick and the non-sick, so that the plague can be controlled."

After hearing this, the crown prince agreed very much, and said: "Young Master Guo is right, so we will do as Young Master Guo said. Lin Yuxian must be isolated alone, and her meals must be delivered to her by special personnel."

After Eunuch Zhang nodded in agreement, he said: "But Your Highness, the plague is spread through sneezing, so wouldn't normal people be easily infected? I wonder if Mr. Guo has any good ideas?"

Guo Qishui thought of masks and said: "I have a way to stop the plague. We use gauze with poor air permeability to make a mask and wear it on the mouth, which can effectively block the plague."

"Mask? What is a mask?" Eunuch Zhang and the prince were both confused.

The prince said: "Mr. Guo, what exactly is the mask you are talking about? Can you make one for us to see?"

"There's no problem with that."

Guo Qishui used a piece of gauze to make a rectangular cloth, and tied it with two bags to make a mask. After he made it, he said to Eunuch Zhang: "This is a mask. It is not easy for normal people to wear this mask." Infected."

When Eunuch Zhang was showing the mask to the prince, Guo Qishuai was still reminding him that the prince should be two meters long.

Fortunately, there is a gauze curtain in front of the prince's window, which can block some viruses.

After seeing the mask, the prince was very pleasantly surprised, and said, "This mask is really good, much better than the white gauze we used to cover our face."

Zhang Eunuch said: "Yes, Your Highness, if we can control the plague in Yangmei County this time, then when we go back, it will be a great achievement in front of His Majesty, and no one will be able to challenge His Majesty's position as Crown Prince in the future. .”

(End of this chapter)

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