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Chapter 621 Looking for trouble

Chapter 621 Looking for trouble

Guo Pingping looked at the woman strangely and said, "Who are you? Why are you here?"

The beautiful woman said: "I just arrived. I just heard you talking to the waiter at the entrance of the inn about staying in the inn. You chose Tianzi No. [-] room, so I came early."

"Wait for me?" Guo Qishuai asked strangely.

"That's right, I'm waiting for you, Mr. Guo, you don't mind if I stay here tonight?"

Guo Qishuai smiled wryly: "This room is too small to accommodate a big man like you, girl, I think you should leave quickly!"

"You want me to leave? If that's the case, I will doubt whether you two are brothers and sisters."

"What does it matter to you if we are brothers and sisters?"

"Mr. Guo, I am a very straightforward person. I don't beat around the bush. To be honest, I like you very much. If you are willing to marry me, my father will arrange for you to do something in the yamen. When my father is promoted, you Officers will also be promoted."

Guo Qishuai sat down next to the beautiful woman coldly, and said, "I'm not interested in getting promoted and getting rich."

"You don't need to be an official, as long as you marry me, you can sleep peacefully, eat and drink without worries."

"You said your father is the magistrate of Yangmei County, then you are the daughter of Yangzhi County, right?"

"Exactly, my name is Yang Hongyun, my brother's name is Yang Kunshan, my father is Yang Ye, Mr. Guo, my brother is very interested in your sister, if you want, I will marry you, and your sister will marry my brother. It’s more of a kiss, do you think that’s okay?”

Guo Pingping said: "I can't marry your brother, let your brother die."

Yang Hongyun sneered and said: "Whether you marry my brother or not, you can discuss it slowly in the future. Today I am here to discuss marriage with your brother. If he agrees to this marriage, we can worship the world at this Yuelai Inn tonight. , you can enter the bridal chamber at night."

It was the first time for Guo Pingping to see such an open woman, and she felt that such a woman was rare in her time.

"You don't want to lose face, how can you propose marriage like this."

"How to propose marriage is my business. Your brother seems to have no choice. Tonight, he has to marry if he marries, or he has to marry if he doesn't."

Guo Qishai said: "Miss Yang, I advise you to go home quickly. It is impossible for me to marry you, and it is impossible for my sister to marry your brother."

Yang Hongyun stared and said angrily: "Guo Qishuai, it's your blessing that I can fall in love with you. Don't toast or eat fine wine, there are only two ways in front of you, one is, you marry me, today At night, you can sleep peacefully in Wenrou Township. Your sister can also sleep soundly. Second, if you don’t agree to marry me, I will let someone arrest you and your sister, and then I will send Give your sister to my brother, you, I will take it to my room, and we will enter the bridal chamber as usual."

Guo Qishuai smiled bitterly and said, "Girl, you are doing well in your dreams, shouldn't it be time to wake up?"

"Guo Qishui, I can tell you that I am very awake now. You must be the one dreaming. Since you don't know how to appreciate me, don't blame me for being rude to you. Do you think I came here alone?"

Yang Hongyun clapped her hands, and saw four men in gray gowns rushing in from the door.

The four men all carried a long sword on their backs, and all of them had ugly faces, as if Lord Hades had come.

After four people surrounded Guo Qishui, the leader, a man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, looked at Guo Qishui with knife-like eyes and said: "Your Excellency, you'd better obey her, otherwise..."

Guo Qishuai said: "Otherwise what?"

The man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks didn't speak, he just pulled out the long sword behind his back, and then put the long sword back.

The actions of random inspection and sword release were so fast, Guo Pingping felt that the man had done nothing, but a teapot on the table had already been split in half.

The tea in the teapot flowed onto the table and flowed down the table to the floor.

This sword was so fast that even top-notch masters would be frightened when they saw this sword, but Guo Qishui didn't feel frightened at all after seeing that sword.

Guo Pingping shrunk her neck, clutched Guo Qishui's clothes tightly, and said, "Brother, his sword is too fast, what should we do?"

Guo Qishuai said: "Little sister, don't be afraid, such a sword is not worth mentioning in front of me."

The man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks thought that he could use this trick to scare Guo Qishuai, but who knew that Guo Qishuai would not accept his tricks at all.

But Yang Hongyun said proudly: "Mr. Guo, if that sword hit you just now, would you be dead now? If you want to protect your sister, I think you should follow me."

Guo Qishuai said: "The teapot is dead, but the man is alive. Do you think his sword can chop off one of my hairs?"

Yang Hongyun said: "Guo Qishuai, don't seek your own death. You may not know that these four are not ordinary fast swordsmen, each of their swords can dominate the martial arts, and all four of them can be masters of the martial arts. For many years, no one has been able to make two of them join hands. Your martial arts is very good, but at most you can draw with two of them. If there are three of them, you can do it in less than ten moves I can chop you up. If four people join forces..."

"The four of us have never joined forces. Even today's martial arts leader cannot catch the ten moves of the four of us."

Guo Qishai said: "If the leader of the martial arts alliance can't handle the four of you joining forces, then this leader of the martial arts alliance is too much of a loser."

The man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks said: "The leader of the martial arts is not Xiongbao, he is the apprentice of the four of us."

Guo Qishuai smiled and said: "The four of you can be regarded as the most prestigious people in the Jianghu. How could you be willing to be the lackeys of the imperial court?"

"The four of us didn't intend to take care of this matter, but unfortunately, you messed with the four of us."

Guo Qishuai wondered: "I just came to Yangmei County, and I have never met the four of you. You said I offended you, where did you start?"

"Do you remember the One Punch Man?"

"Remember, I abolished his martial arts this afternoon."

"One-Fist Taoist saved the lives of four of us ten years ago. At that time, the four of us owed him a favor. We said we would do something for him. For ten years, he has not asked the four of us to do anything. Today In the afternoon, he suddenly sent a request to the four of us using carrier pigeons. He asked the four of us to kill you. At that time, the four of us did not know who Guo Qishui was, so we found Yang Kunshan in Yangmei County. Yang Kunshan was ill at the time. We can only find his sister, and you know what happened next."

"So you four are here to kill me?"

"That's right! Do you want to kill yourself or do you want us to do it?"

Guo Qishuai shook his head and said, "I'm going to kill myself? I don't have this habit. You four should go up together. Finish the fight early and go to bed early."

(End of this chapter)

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