Chapter 53
"Did you hear it wrong? How can there be any mobile phone sound? Ren Zhipeng has already blocked the signal in this room. Impossible."

"How did I hear it coming from under my feet?"

"Impossible, hurry up and call the landlord, are you calling?"

"One gear!"

"not called!"

"Third gear!"

"You cow!"

[The order has been placed. Will the host deliver the goods? 】

"deliver goods!"

[Please move the host to an uninhabited area, and this system will enable the plane teleportation function. 】

"Is there anyone else in this iron cage? You can turn on the plane transfer function at any time."

[Host please get ready, the plane transfer function has been activated, ten, nine, eight...]

With a flash of white light, Guo Qishuai came from that plane to another plane.

This is a mansion, but there is no one guarding the gate of the mansion.

The two stone lions are very tall, but there is a thick layer of ash on the stone lions.

Obviously, that layer of dust has not been cleaned for a long time.

For ordinary large families, the stone lions in front of the door are the facade, and they must be cleaned every day. These two stone lions have fallen thickly with dust, which shows that the owner of the house is probably in despair.

Guo Qishuai took half a bottle of Coke and knocked on the door, after a few knocks, a fat old woman with gray hair opened the door, looked at Guo Qishuai, a little confused, and said, "Young master, who are you? "

"My lord, Guo Qishai, may I ask if anyone in your family has ordered anything?"

The old woman shook her head and said, "No, no one in our family has ordered anything."

Guo Qishuai was puzzled, according to the instructions of Yijie Taobao system, the owner of the order is in this big house, how come no one orders it?

However, he thought about it later, if it wasn't for the customer himself, it would be impossible to know about the order.

Guo Qishui asked again: "Old lady..."

"What do you call me? Old woman? Am I that old? Get out, get out, don't make trouble, ah! My master and miss are getting bored to death."

"Mother-in-law, can you tell me what happened to your family?"

The old lady rolled her eyes and said, "It's none of your business."

Guo Qishuai was pushed out, and the old woman was about to close the door when a very nice voice from the yard said, "Mama Feng, is that person outside here to deliver the goods?"

"Hey, miss, he said he was here to deliver goods, but we didn't order any goods!"

"Mother Feng, let him in. I ordered that guy."

"Miss, he looks weird, I'm afraid..."

"What? I look weird?" Guo Qishui was very unconvinced.

"Why are you so fierce? Look at your hairstyle and clothes, how do you look like a human being?"

Guo Qishuai said: "You don't care what I like to wear, you let me in quickly, your lady has already spoken."

That young lady's voice is indeed very sweet, as beautiful as a silver bell. Maybe she looks even more beautiful.

After Feng Ma let Guo Qishuai in, she warned Guo Qishuai: "I warn you, don't have any unreasonable thoughts about my lady, it's for your own good."

"I just give half a bottle of Coke to your lady, I have no other ideas."


Guo Qishui felt that he had been a bit duplicitous just now, because the woman who appeared in front of him was really so beautiful.

Wearing a long green dress, her eyes are watery, and every frown and smile can make people's hearts flutter.

Especially her eyebrows, like the crescent moon on the branches of willow branches, are extremely beautiful.

"Young master, have you delivered the goods I want?"

Guo Qishuai handed over the half bottle of Coke and said, "Miss, where is the Coke you want?"

"Coke? What is Coke?" Feng's mother showed two big yellow teeth and said: "Miss, the lid of this thing is open, he must have drank it, maybe even spit in it, miss, we can't take his things , you let him go."

"Hey, wait, I think his stuff is very helpful for my cooking. Mom Feng, you can go down first. I want Mr. Guo to teach me how to make Coke chicken wings."

"Miss, are you... are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Mama Feng, you don't have to worry about me."

The woman also had a very pleasant smell of peach pollen. Every step she took was like a fairy dancing.

Guo Qishui asked tentatively: "Guo Qishui, do you know what the girl's name is?"

"The little girl's surname is Chen Wanting. Mr. Guo, I really didn't expect that I would actually receive the items I ordered at the Yijie Taobao store."

"Everything uploaded by Yijie Taobao store is real and can be received."

"Mr. Guo, I clicked on a pattern in front of me out of curiosity today. I didn't expect to place an order. I'm really happy to meet you at this time. However, Mr. Guo, you said half of the time A bottle of Coke can be used to make Coke Chicken Wings, and the Coke Chicken Wings taste delicious, I wonder if it’s true or not?”

"of course it's true."

"I don't know how to make the Coca-Cola Chicken Wings?"

"Miss Wanting, if you don't mind, I can teach you."

"It's time for Mr. Lao. Oh, Mr., what ingredients do you need for this?"

Guo Qishui opened his mobile phone to search and said: "Oh, these ingredients require eight medium-sized chicken wings, one green onion, three to four slices of ginger, soy sauce, salt, cooking wine..."

"Cooking wine?" Chen Wanting asked in surprise with her eyes wide open.

"Oh, cooking wine is just ordinary wine, used to remove fishy smell."

"Oh, wine, I have it at home, is sorghum wine okay?"


After the ingredients were prepared, Guo Qishuai said while cooking, "The chicken wings should be cut with a knife, three cuts on one side, and a few holes pierced with a steel needle on the other side. In this way, the chicken wings will be more delicious during the cooking process."

Chen Wanting stared straight at her eyes, and said, "Mr. Guo, your way of making chicken wings is really strange, but the way of making water is the same as mine."

"Oh, I know Miss Chen's cooking skills, otherwise you wouldn't be able to make such beautiful braised pork."

"Mr. Guo, what should I do after the chicken wings are drained?"

"After draining the water..." Guo Qishuai turned on his phone again to look at the recipe, and said, "Oh, after draining the water, add oil to the hot pan, and when the oil boils, put the chicken wings in and fry until golden on both sides. Chopped green onion, sliced ​​ginger, soy sauce, cooking wine, no, sorghum rice, stir-fry until fragrant, then pour in the cola, cover the lid, and simmer on low heat for 10 to [-] minutes."

"Huh? Fifteen to twenty minutes, how long is it?"

"Oh, it's... fifteen to twenty-ten minutes, that's just over a quarter of an hour."

"I know, wow! It smells so good! No matter what I did before, I could never make such delicious chicken wings. Mr. Guo, I didn't expect your cooking skills to be so good!"

Guo Qishui was highly praised by the beautiful customer. He was a little elated and very excited, saying: "Thank you, Miss Chen. The reason why you couldn't make such delicious chicken wings before was because you didn't have Coke."

"But why is it called Coke? It's obviously a bottle of seasoning."

(End of this chapter)

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