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Chapter 477 Super Night Pearl

Chapter 477 Super Night Pearl

Sun Wukong said: "My old grandson can't go to the South China Sea, but I don't need your help. Bajie, I need help from Avalokitesvara."

"Brother Monkey, don't worry, this old pig will be back soon."

Guo Qishuai said: "If Marshal Tianpeng is going to invite Guanyin, I think it's better to forget it."

Zhu Bajie said angrily: "What are you talking about? You are looking down on me, old pig. I want to invite you to see Guanyin."

Guo Qishuai shook his head and said, "Marshal Tianpeng misunderstood. What I mean is, you can't invite the real Guanyin to the South China Sea this time."

"Aren't you looking down on me, old pig? Well, since you said that I, old pig, can't invite the real Guanyin, then I'll show it to you."

Marshal Canopy was not convinced, a puff of black smoke rose from his feet and flew away.

Sun Wukong said: "Marshal Tianpeng has the 36 transformations of Tiangang and can ascend to heaven and earth. Why can't he invite the real Guanyin back? Guo Qishai, I am very disappointed in you."

Guo Qishuai said: "Don't misunderstand me, my sage. I don't mean that. If Marshal Tianpeng really flew to the South China Sea, then I believe he can invite Guanyin Bodhisattva back, but if he meets a fake Guanyin Bodhisattva halfway, then he will be killed." It's hard to say."

Sun Wukong barely sat up and said, "What are you talking about? Who dares to pretend to be Guanyin Bodhisattva?"

"Red boy!"

"Ah! Terrible! This red boy's magic power is not low, I'm afraid it will be easy for him to find out some news. No, my grandson can't let Bajie be deceived, I have to go... oh! I only hate my grandson now If you can’t fly through the clouds and can’t ride the fog, what should you do?”

Monk Sha hurried over to support Sun Wukong and said: "Eldest senior brother, don't worry, second senior brother is usually lazy, but he still has the ability to recognize goblins. I think he will be able to avert danger."

The Dragon King of the Eastern Sea said: "Great Sage, now we still need someone to be a helper, just tell me, and I'll go get you."

Sun Wukong said: "Oh, now, the only one who can subdue this red boy is Guanyin Bodhisattva, but Guanyin Bodhisattva is in the South China Sea again, so..."

"Marshal Tianpeng may not be unable to invite you back, but just to be on the safe side, I am willing to go to the South China Sea."

"Then thank you Dragon King."

"Great Sage, please don't be so polite. I am too confident, that's why the Great Sage suffered such a great crime."

"Hey! What did the Dragon King say? That fire can't be extinguished by water, and I, Sun, don't know. I can't blame you for this."

"The Great Sage rests in peace of mind, I'll go."

"Dragon King of the East China Sea, wait a minute!"

The Dragon King of the East China Sea turned around and looked at Guo Qishuai, stunned for a moment, and said: "My friend, you don't have any fairy spirit on you. According to your level, you can't even enter the fairy class. How dare you call me by the name of the Dragon King, hello Be bold!"

Guo Qishuai said: "How dare a little East China Sea Dragon King put on airs in front of me? I won't tell you anything else today, I just tell you that there is no need to invite Guanyin Bodhisattva, a little red boy, I can take care of him Received."

The Dragon King of the East China Sea laughed and said: "Hahaha... You speak in a tone that is not small for a mortal. That Red Boy's magic power is boundless. Ordinary magic weapons are of no use to him. I, the entire East China Sea Dragon Palace, can't take the Red Boy away." Next, if you go over as a mortal, he can burn you to ashes with a single fire."

"If the Dragon King of the East China Sea had been useful back then, this sea-fixing needle would not have fallen into Sun Dasheng's hands. Forget it, I don't want to say more about anything else. Everyone, just follow me to conquer Red Boy."

Sun Wukong looked at Guo Qishuai and said, "You can really subdue the red boy?"

Guo Qishuai said, "Don't the Great Sage believe it?"

"If you can tame the red boy, my grandson will give you whatever you want."

"How about giving me a hundred monkey hairs?"

"Huh? One hundred? One hundred is too much, my grandson doesn't have that much."

"Don't give me a hundred hairs, aren't you too stingy? Could it be that your master's life is not even as good as your hundred monkey hairs?"

Monk Sha said: "Eldest brother, now master is caught by the red boy and taken into the Huoyun Cave, he may be eaten by the red boy at any time, you are covered in hairs, what are you afraid of if you pull out a hundred of them? How many pieces of meat do you eat?" Enough."

"Go, what do you know? My grandson's monkey hair is not ordinary. It takes a lot of spiritual energy to grow each one. It took hundreds of years to grow this body. If you pull out one, you will lose one. Naturally, it is extremely precious. , so, I can only give him ten. Ten, can you save my master?"

"Ten will be ten, come with me to Huoyun Cave to call for formation."

Monk Sha heard the sound of clouds and fog coming from the sky, he looked up and said: "Senior brother, look quickly, the second brother has invited Guanyin Bodhisattva, we don't need to give Guo Qi handsome monkey hair."

Sun Wukong put on his blindfold and said nervously: "No! That Guanyin Bodhisattva is fake, Bajie is afraid of danger, Guo Qishuai, hurry up, let's go to Huoyun Cave now."

The lands of the mountain gods looked at each other, and one of the mountain gods said, "Oh God, we mountain god lands are usually afraid of the red boy, so we don't want to go to the Huoyun Cave. In case the red boy gets angry, I'm afraid we won't have a good life in the future."

Guo Qishai glared at those people angrily and said: "You people from the land of mountain gods, if anyone dares to say one more thing today about not going to Huoyun Cave, I will burn him to ashes and never be able to stand up again."

"I will follow God to the death."

Monkey King was surprised and said, "Shangshen? You are actually a Shangshen?"

"With the gold medal of the Queen Mother in hand, which of these mountain god lands dare not obey my orders?"

Sun Wukong said: "Oh, that's the reason, that's the reason, but if you can't subdue the red boy, they are afraid that they will be burned by the red boy." "

"Don't worry, my sage, I have my own way to subdue the red boy."

Guo Qishai looked at Sun Wukong and said, "Oh, Great Sage, I see that you have trouble walking, how about you sit in the sedan with me and Qiaoling?"

Sun Wukong looked at it and said, "It's so good!"

The Dragon King of the East China Sea felt that he was no longer needed here, so he wanted to leave here. Monkey King told him that if he wanted to eat more flat peaches, he would treat Guo Qishuai better.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea saw that Sun Wukong was so polite to Guo Qishuai. He felt that this person had a different background, so he changed his attitude towards Guo Qishuai. What a nice word to say to him at the Pantao Festival.

Guo Qishui said that if he wanted to eat a few more peaches, that would be no problem.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea felt that his Ye Mingzhu was really worth it. ,

This night pearl may be a priceless treasure in the mortal world, but in his East China Sea, it is an ordinary thing.

Guo Qishuai gave Zhao Qiaoling a luminous pearl as big as an egg.

Zhao Qiaoling likes it very much. She said that such a big luminous pearl with such a good texture can be auctioned at least 1000 million at the auction.

However, when it came to how to bring the Night Pearl back in the end, it became a problem.

(End of this chapter)

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