Yijie Taobao store

Chapter 474 Finding Customers

Chapter 474 Finding Customers
"Hmph! If you don't have a mission, get out of here quickly. If my grandson finds out that you have colluded with the goblin, my grandson will beat your brains out with a stick."

"The Great Sage is powerful, I naturally know that, since this is the case, then please take care of the Great Sage along the way!"

Guo Qishuai took Zhao Qiaoling's hand, turned around and walked back.

Zhao Qiaoling also asked strangely: "Aren't we following Tang Sanzang to find that client?"

Guo Qishuai said: "This client may not be Tang Seng's master and apprentice, it may be someone else, or it may be a rabbit or a wolf. We will be in danger if we follow them."

Zhao Qiaoling said: "You mean that Sun Wukong will soon throw the red boy off the cliff, and then the red boy will blow Tang Sanzang away with a gust of wind, right?"

"Tang Seng is destined to have this catastrophe, so we don't have to follow him to this muddy water."

"But don't you care about Sun Wukong's catastrophe?"

"Their fate is arranged by the Bodhisattva, we can't change it at all. Let's go!"

"Then my gold bracelet..."

"I can't run away. The Huoyun Cave is on this mountain. As long as you find the Huoyun Cave, are you afraid that the red boy won't return your gold bracelet?"

"Okay, I listen to you. Let's go find customers. Hey, tell me, who will order my lipstick?"

"I'm also wondering, every time I appear, the place is not far from the customer, but this time, why doesn't it work? We have to go back quickly, if the customer goes far, we can't go back our world."

Guo Qishuai took Zhao Qiaoling back to the place where they had just come. After searching all the places around them, they couldn't find the client.

Zhao Qiaoling was anxious, and said: "What should I do? There is no one around here. Who placed the order? Why doesn't your store show it? Next time, you should ask the delivery person to write down their name and address. Otherwise, in such a big world, where would you find the person who placed the order."

Guo Qishuai said: "You have a good idea, I will raise it with the system, but, well, this system is too good and stubborn, so it may not listen to me."

【The host please contact the customer as soon as possible to ensure that the goods can be delivered in time. 】

"How to contact?"

[Please click the customer service button, this system will let the customer see your problem. 】

Zhao Qiaoling was elated when she saw it, and said, "So amazing? As soon as I said you have this ability?"

"Maybe it's your pale face. Your beauty is more beautiful than Qiu Lingsu, and ten times more beautiful than Shi Guanyin. Of course, the system will take your words to heart."

"Is your system going to see me?"

Guo Qishuai's heart sank, and he said, "No, the system has no love."

"Hard to say."

"I'd better contact my client first."

Guo Qishuai left a message for the client.

Hello, where is your address? "

Soon the customer replied: I am in the deep mountains and old forests, and it is not convenient to reply to the message for the time being.

Guo Qishuai: What's your name?
Client: You guessed it.

"I go!"

Guo Qishuai said angrily, "What kind of reply is this?"

Zhao Qiaoling thought about it seriously, and said, "No, this reply is very important. He has already told you some important information."

"What do you mean?"

"He said he was in the deep mountains and old forests, which means that we are not far away from him. This customer is definitely not an animal, it should be a human being, and he is very clear about your delivery mode. Excuse me, did you give Zhu Bajie, etc. What did people send?"

"Before, I delivered many times. When Zhu Bajie was still the marshal of the canopy, I delivered a few times. He knows my delivery mode best. Monkey King has also called many times, and he also understands my delivery. model."

"Then who do you think Zhu Bajie or Monkey King would make such a joke on you?"

"Sun Wukong can't hide things in his heart, he will say anything, he is unlikely to make such a joke, only Zhu Bajie has this possibility."

"There is one more question that you have to think about."

"what is the problem?"

"We delivered the goods this time."

"A lipstick, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing, lipstick is for girls, if a big man orders a lipstick, do you think he will admit it?"

"That's right, why didn't I think of this? Zhu Bajie is so face-saving, he will definitely let me find a place where no one is around to deliver the goods to him."

"So, we still have to rush back to catch up with Zhu Bajie and the others."

Guo Qishuai said: "It seems that we can only go to Huoyun Cave now. Monkey King, Zhu Bajie and others must have been led out of Huoyun Cave by Red Boy."

Zhao Qiaoling glanced around and said: "It looks like all the ground is flat. You can imagine how big this mountain is. It is estimated to be two to three hundred miles in radius. Even if the Fire Cloud Cave is on this mountain, do you think we can do it with our ability?" Have you found Huoyun Cave in a short time?"

"It doesn't matter, I have a way."

"What can you do? Although your Qinggong is good, you can't find the Fire Cloud Cave."

"My martial arts are really not good in this world, but there are many mountain gods and lands who want to listen to me."

"Go, just brag." Zhao Qiaoling thought that Guo Qishuai was bragging, and said, "Can't you say something more reliable?"

"I was serious."

"Are you serious? Why does the land of the mountain god listen to you?"

"You don't believe it? Well, look, I'll call out the mountain god for you to have a look."

"Okay, call me some mountain gods and let me see. I've grown up so much, and I've never seen a mountain god before."

"Land, mountain god, get out of here."

Guo Qishuai yelled very loudly, but none of the mountain gods came out.

He called several times and still no one.

Guo Qishuai smiled to himself, and said, "This mountain god's land may not be at home."

"Your reasoning is not good at all. The land of the mountain god is not at home. I think it's because you don't have the ability to call it out."

Guo Qishuai took out the gold medal given to him by the Queen Mother from the phone.

He pointed the gold medal at the surrounding woods, and as soon as the land was illuminated, a golden light illuminated the entire forest.

"The land of the mountain god, why don't you show yourself soon?"

Guo Qishuai's voice was very low this time, but those mountain gods and lands heard it all.

There are more than a dozen mountain gods and ten lands kneeling in front of Guo Qishuai.

The leader was an old man who looked like a fairy, with a cane in his hand, he said: "The little god is the apprentice of Moyun Mountain. After seeing the gold medal of the Queen Mother, he knew that the matter was urgent, so the little god didn't even have lunch. After eating, I hurried over. I don’t know if God has something to tell us, so please speak up.”

"I am the grandson of the Queen Mother. This gold medal was given by the Queen Mother. I can go out to the heaven without being blocked by any gods. You mountain gods and lands, it is impossible to see the gold medal of the Queen Mother in this life. See you today, it is you an honor."

(End of this chapter)

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