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Chapter 470 I want to listen to the real chapter

Chapter 470 I want to hear the truth

"Blowing dust for you, I am willing."

"Hey, let me ask you, did you spend so much money to collect merit this time? Don't you feel sad?"

"Heartache, of course heartache, more than 100 million! My money didn't fall from the sky, it was all snatched from the edge of death."

"There is also 90 yuan donated to the school, which adds up to almost 200 million."

"It's okay, it's easy for me to get money. If I get another calligraphy and painting back in this world, I can auction it for tens of millions again."

"Tell me the truth, how many merit points does it cost for you to travel through time?"

"Do you really want to hear the truth?"

"Yes! I want to listen to the truth."

"I traveled through time once, it's cheaper."

"How much is that?"

Guo Qishuai stretched out two fingers and said, "200 merit points."

"200 merit points? In order to collect 200 merit points this time, you spent almost 200 million, which means that it takes 1 yuan to buy one merit point. This time the cost is 200 million. Is this a discount?"

"Compared to yours, of course it's a discount."

"How much is mine?"

"Bringing you here once, I need to spend 10000 merit points."

"What? 1 merits? A merit is worth [-] yuan, and [-] million yuan can only be used for one time travel, and my family's money can only allow me to travel through it ten times."

"It's not calculated like that. For example, I traveled through time and met the Supreme Master. The Supreme Master gave me a few elixirs. I used those elixirs to save people. This can increase hundreds of merit points. .”

"But no matter what, I won't follow you in this kind of time travel. Tonight, you have already spent [-] million for me. I think it's too extravagant."

"For you, it's worth it."

"Help! Help!"

"Who is calling for help?" Zhao Qiaoling stood up and looked around.

As soon as she stood up, the voice died away.

Guo Qishuai thought of a person, a very scary person.

He pulled Zhao Qiaoling and said, "No one is calling for help. Come on, let's catch a fish and grill it. What do you think?"

Zhao Qiaoling sat down again, and said: "The fish in the river are very fat, but we don't have any seasoning and no fire, I'm afraid there is no way to roast this fish."

"There is fire!"

"Did you bring a lighter?"

"I didn't bring it."

"How did you get angry without taking you? Drilling wood to make fire?"

"It doesn't have to be that complicated. I'll catch a fish for you first."

Zhao Qiaoling stared at a carp in the water, and said, "This fish is very slippery. Although the water is not deep, it is not easy to catch."

"I come."

Guo Qishuai found a twig at random and stabbed the fish. The twig stabbed the fish in the back and turned its belly up.

Zhao Qiaoling immediately clapped her hands and said, "You are so powerful! You can sting a fish with just a branch."

Guo Qishuai sucked the fish into his hand with the magic of absorbing the rainbow. Zhao Qiaoling became even more curious, and said, "What kind of skill are you doing? Star-absorbing Dafa?"

"No, this is the mysterious art of absorbing rainbows. The principle is different from the method of absorbing stars. I am using the suction of true energy."

"What other secrets do you have that I don't know?"

"There is no other secret, let's grill fish now."

"I'll go get some dry firewood."

"No, we use clean energy."

Zhao Qiaoling looked around and said, "What clean energy? Could it be that there is natural gas here?"

"The combustion of natural gas also produces CO2. I won't produce anything else."

"Don't tease me, can you still burn yourself?"

"As soon as our two eyes collide, sparks can be sparked."

"Go! Come on, I want to eat fish, hurry up and grill the fish."

Guo Qishuai flattened his palm and put the fish on his palm. After he used the raging fire qi, a ball of fire appeared on his hand.

Guo Qishuai put the fish on the fire and burned it.

He can also control the temperature, which looks amazing.

Zhao Qiaoling was stunned, and said: "It's amazing, you are really good at grilling fish. When will you teach me?"

"I'm afraid I can't teach you. This kind of kung fu is difficult to learn. You just need to learn how to eat. As for how to bake, I have to do it."

After 15 minutes, the fish was cooked.

The fish meat is very delicious, and it smells very fragrant, but the taste of this fish meat is very unpalatable, because there is no salt and seasoning on the fish meat.

Guo Qishuai said: "It seems that next time, we should bring oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea."

Zhao Qiaoling said: "This fish is indeed not tasty, but I can barely eat a little bit."


"Hey, did you hear someone calling for help just now?"

Guo Qishuai said: "I heard it, it was a child calling for help."

"That kid must be very poor, let's go over and save him."

Guo Qishuai said, "Have you ever heard of Red Boy?"

"What? You said that child might be the red boy? Don't be ridiculous, this red boy is the goblin in Journey to the West. How did we come to this world?"

"I said that plane travel will take us to any world. I have been to the world of Journey to the West many times. Although there are many dangerous places in it, there is nothing wrong with it. You don't have to be afraid."

"The red boy you're talking about is the red boy who burned Sun Wukong to death?"

"If this is the world of Journey to the West, then this red boy is real. We have to be careful."

"The person who this red boy wants to eat is Tang Sanzang, and it has nothing to do with us. I think it's better for us not to go through this muddy water. We just need to deliver the goods to the customer, won't we complete the task?"

"I know, but now, we don't even know who the customer is. According to my guess, this customer is either Tang Seng's mentor or apprentice, or Hong Boy. If we want to find customers, we must first find these people. Let's go, let's go first Find the red boy."

Zhao Qiaoling was too frightened to move forward, and said, "I'm afraid."

"What are you afraid of? With me, let me tell you, what kind of powerful monsters have I never seen? This red boy can't do anything to me."

"Alright, let's go find the red boy first."

Guo Qishuai and Zhao Qiaoling searched in the direction of the sound, but after searching for half an hour, they couldn't find the child.

Guo Qishuai said: "It seems that this red boy is very cunning, he probably doesn't want us to find him."

"You mean, he wants Sun Wukong to find him?"

"It should be like this. Let's go, let's go ahead and look for it."

"Help, help, master. Master, help me."

Zhao Qiaoling stood there and listened carefully, and said, "It seems to be in the east, where we just grilled fish."

"I'm afraid he has already met Monkey King."

"Should we tell Sun Wukong that the child is the red boy?"

"It's useless, Monkey King already knew that he was a goblin, but Tang Seng wouldn't listen. Even if we told them the truth, in the end, the red boy would still be carried away by Monkey King."

(End of this chapter)

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