Yijie Taobao store

Chapter 468 The boss is crazy

Chapter 468 The boss is crazy
"why not?"

"If I want to get merit points, I must hear those guests say thank you to me."

"You waived their room fees, and it won't be too difficult for them to say thank you. In this way, I will help you."

Guo Qishuai said excitedly: "What can you do?"

"Come with me, there is no voice broadcast room. You just sit here at the front desk. If anyone comes down from the room, say thank you, and you will ask your customer service receptionist to waive his room fee."

"My clothes..."

"Take off the ancient clothes, hurry up, it's late, maybe it's really too late."

Guo Qishuai quickly notified the supervisor on duty at the time and asked him to open the door of the voice broadcast room.

At the beginning, the supervisor was very strange and asked Guo Qishuai what he was going to do. He said, those guests slept soundly at night, and if they were woken up, it might have a bad effect. "

Guo Qishuai told him not to worry about it, and he was responsible for all the consequences.

The supervisor lowered his head and dared not speak again.

After Zhao Qiaoling walked into the audio broadcasting room, she tried the voice, and then said: "Dear gentlemen and ladies, welcome to Zhanyi Gaofei Hotel, today is our hotel's ten-year special event, all guests staying in this hotel , can participate in this preferential activity. Anyone who hears this broadcast can get the room fee exempted by going to the lobby on the first floor with the key card. Please hurry up, this activity lasts for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, the event ends, and the first guest who comes to the front desk can also get a gold necklace worth 1 yuan for free. No.2 can get a gold necklace worth 5000 yuan, No.3 can get a gold necklace worth 1000 yuan Gold rings. There are beautiful prizes waiting for the first ten guests.”

Zhao Qiaoling didn't know what to say, time was running out, and she didn't have time to calculate whether it was worth it to Guo Qishuai, so she reported the thing.

Guo Qishuai was anxious, thinking, what should I do?Where can I find a gold necklace worth 1 yuan for a customer?This Zhao Qiaoling will really have a problem. After the guests come down, they can't go to the gold shop to buy again, right?

Time is life, time is related to Guo Qishuai's happy life in the future, there is no way, he looked at the gold necklace worn by the front desk receptionist, and said, "How much did you pay for this gold necklace?"

"Manager, this is a wedding necklace that my boyfriend bought for me for 1 yuan. It can't be given to you as a gift."

"Pick it off, and I'll give you [-]."

"Manager, this... It's really not about money."

"Twenty-five thousand."

"I'll think it over."

"Manager, use my gold necklace. I bought my gold necklace in ten thousand. It's made of eight blessings, and it's made of pure gold."

"I'll give you twenty thousand."

"Manager, I've been wearing this gold necklace for a year. Just give me [-]. The company is in trouble. How can I stay out of it?"

"What's your name, what's your current position?"

"I'm just an ordinary employee, my name is Qinglian."

"Ordinary employees, you have a high level of consciousness. Go to the HR department and talk about it tomorrow. You will be in the HR department in the future. Just say what I said. The monthly salary will be an extra thousand a month."

"Oh, thank you manager, thank you manager."

"Your merit value has new changes, please check."

Guo Qishuai looked at his merit value increased by 5, he was very excited, thinking, can this also increase the merit value?
The receptionist next to Guo Qishuai said, "Manager, I'll sell you this gold necklace for [-]..."

"No, I already have a gold necklace worth 1 yuan. Zhao Qiaoling sent another gold necklace worth [-] yuan and a gold ring worth [-] yuan. She also said that she did not have a gold necklace worth [-] yuan. , she was not thoughtful enough.

Guo Qishuai told him that he had finished the gold necklace worth 1 yuan.

Zhao Qiaoling continued to broadcast the event with her sweet voice.

Many guests had already fallen asleep, and when they heard the sound of the broadcast, those people were very angry.

The receptionist wanted to hit the wall with regret, thinking that such a good opportunity was wasted by her.

"Manager, what are you doing here? When has there been such an event in our store? Besides, it hasn't been ten years since our store opened?"

Guo Qishuai glared at her, and said: "If the guests come down to inquire about this matter later, if you dare to say that there will be no ten years and no such activity, then you will not come tomorrow."

The Mengmeng receptionist at the front desk didn't dare to speak loudly, and said, "I know the manager. But the manager, I'm afraid we will lose hundreds of thousands in this event? The room for this guest is not cheap."

"Tomorrow, I will ask the accountant to give me the bill, so all the money will be counted on my head."

"Yes, yes, I know."

At this time, an employee suddenly ran over, crying and said: "Manager, I want to ask for leave. My mother has a cerebral infarction and is currently being rescued in the hospital. I have to rush over there."

"Your mother has a cerebral infarction. This is a big deal. You should go quickly."

As soon as the female employee turned around, Guo Qishui suddenly realized something and said, "Come back!"

The female employee turned around in fright and said, "Manager, what else can I do?"


"Don't be afraid, I just ask you, your mother is hospitalized in the emergency department, do you have money to treat your mother?"

"Yes... yes, my family is rich, so I don't need the manager to worry about it."

"Well, I'll ask the accountant to give you 1 yuan, no, [-] yuan, and it will be treated as a help to your mother. Don't be polite."

"I'm afraid the manager can't do it? I can't ask for this money."

"No, how can you not want it? You have to keep the money. If it's not enough, you can find me directly. You open the WeChat money collection code, and I'll transfer the money to you right now."

A lot of people think that Guo Qishuai is crazy, and if the hotel owner makes such a fuss, he will soon close down.

The employee didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse. Her hands were shaking when she opened WeChat.

She also said in her heart that she would take the money first and return the money tomorrow, but the manager didn't know what was wrong.

After the female employee handed over the money, Guo Qishuai gained ten merit points in his personal center.

Seeing the merit points, Guo Qishuai jumped up for joy, but after seeing the time, he wanted to cry.

If after 10 minutes, he can't earn 200 merit points, then he will have to earn another 20400 merit points, which is terrible.

After 5 minutes, a chubby guest came out of the elevator. She was still yawning and said, "I told you that the hotel is really strange. What kind of promotions are there in the middle of the night? I'll come down." Say a word to your manager, and you can waive my room fee for one night?"

Guo Qishuai hurriedly asked the front desk to pick up the fat lady.

The fat lady gave the key card to the front desk receptionist, and after registering her name, she thanked Guo Qishuai and said, "Just say thank you to your manager, and I can exempt the room fee of 1000 yuan a night?"

"That is."

"It's that simple."

"Thank you manager."

(End of this chapter)

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