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Chapter 463 Bet

Chapter 463 Bet
Guo Qishuai said: "It's nothing, I can solve it myself."

Before Fan Bing got out of the sedan chair, he yelled loudly.

"Take it easy, take it easy, don't touch my wound."

After Fan Bing got off the sedan chair, one of his subordinates said loudly, "Young Master, Young Master, there is a more beautiful one inside."

"Really? I caught him alive."

Fan Bing's right arm had already been bandaged, and he came down to the hall with the help of two servants. When he saw Shi Guanyin, his eyes were straightened.


"Oh! Whose beauty is this? She is even more beautiful than a fairy. Do you think I am very lucky, young master? I originally only wanted to capture one, but now there are two of them."

"Master, be careful, don't touch your injured arm."

"It's okay, don't worry about me, young master, my arm doesn't hurt anymore, as long as I look at beautiful women, my arm doesn't hurt anymore."

Shi Guanyin looked at Fan Bing and said, "Do you think I'm beautiful?"

Fan Bing swallowed hard, eyes straightened, and said: "Beauty, you are really beautiful."

"Do you want to grow old with me?"

Fan Bing couldn't believe his ears, and said, "Girl, you... are you telling the truth?"

Shi Guanyin nodded and said, "When have I told lies?"

"If you're willing to marry me, I'll ask my father to divorce all my seven concubines and the main wife, and let you be the main wife, how about that?"

"I don't see it well!"

"What? You feel bad?"



"Because you look so disgusting, and you are a cripple, how could I marry a cripple?"

"I... I still have a hand."

As soon as Fan Bing finished speaking, he screamed, and then many people saw a bloody arm in Shi Guanyin's hand.

"Ah—my arm... shoot the arrow, shoot the arrow."

Shi Guanyin held an arrow in her hand and threw it at Fan Bing, stabbing Fan Bing into a hedgehog.

Those densely packed arrows couldn't penetrate in the end.

The officers and soldiers outside the door had long been lying on the ground, and now there was not even a single person who could breathe.

The move that Shi Guanyin used just now was not seen by men, it was not only fast but also very weird.

After Shi Guanyin killed those people, he said to Guo Qishuai: "It was too noisy just now, Mr. Guo, you didn't get disturbed by them, did you?"

"I do not have."

Zhao Qiaoling thought it was cruel for Guo Qishuai to break Fan Bing's arm, but when she saw Shi Guanyin made a move, she killed all those people.

Those people didn't know how they died until they were dying.

Guo Qishuai said: "You are too cruel to attack, this Fan Bing just likes you, he will not be killed."

"Fan Bing just said he liked your woman, and you broke his arm. Mr. Guo's method is not simple."

"I just took his hand, at least he's still alive."

"I said Mr. Guo, your kindness is ultimately a harmful thing. If you had killed Fan Bing at that time, he would not bring so many people to his death tonight, and he would not have to live a few more hours All of this is Mr. Guo’s fault, how can it be blamed on me?”

"Anyway, you killed this man."

"I admit that I will not only kill him, but also his father, his son, and his wife."

"The murderer is Fan Bing. He is dead. Why don't you let his family go?"

"Master Guo doesn't know the principle of cutting weeds and eradicating roots, right? You don't know, but I know it best. Back then, I was the root that didn't get rid of. The Seven Swords of Huashan brutally killed 20 members of our Huangshan family, but let me I survived alone. I survived, so they died [-] years later. Now, I kill Fan Bing, Fan Bing's father will definitely send someone to kill me, and his son will seek revenge on me when he grows up, so , I have to kill them to avoid future troubles."

Zhao Qiaoling said: "If you kill innocent people like this, do you also want to kill the family members of those officers and soldiers? Because they also have children, you are not afraid that their children will seek revenge from you?"

"You're right. After tonight, I will check to see if those officers and soldiers have any family members. If so, they will be uprooted."

Zhao Qiaoling trembled all over and said, "You...you are simply a devil."

Shi Guanyin glared at Zhao Qiaoling and said, "What did you say? Say it again."

Shi Guanyin's eyes told Zhao Qiaoling that it was a look that could kill people. If she dared to say it again, Shi Guanyin would definitely make a move. After Shi Guanyin made a move, it was hard to say whether Zhao Qiaoling would still be alive.

Guo Qishuai said: "She said you are simply crazy."

"I want her to say that as long as she dares to say it again, I guarantee that she will not see the sun tomorrow."

Guo Qishuai pulled Zhao Qiaoling aside, and said: "After talking so much, it seems that there will be a battle between you and me. Well, it's not impossible if you want me to marry you."

"As long as you are willing to marry me, I am willing to promise you any conditions."

"If I beat you, or we tie, you have to get out of here."

Shi Guanyin said confidently: "If I beat you, you will marry me, right?"


"Very well, I've been very lonely these years, and I haven't found a single opponent in the entire martial arts world. Last month, I heard that Songshan's new head is handsome and handsome, with strong martial arts. As a result, I haven't been to his Songshan yet. He knelt down and kowtowed to me and begged for mercy. Last month, Tie Hongpeng, the great master of martial arts, released a message to Jianghu, saying that he had refined the Iron Sword of Remnant Clouds and was invincible in the world. I found this with a beautiful dream. Grandmaster, in the end, after ten strokes, he vomited blood and died. That scene was really horrible. Mr. Guo, I am also someone who admires you. I pity you. I hope you don’t let me down, as long as you can live ten strokes with me , I am very satisfied."

"Don't worry, I will never let you down."

"Actually, it doesn't matter even if you can't handle my ten tricks. You are a talented person, and I will train you to be a top player."

Guo Qishuai said: "It seems that you are very confident that you can beat me."

"Don't worry, I won't kill you or hurt you. Tonight we can have a bridal chamber."

Guo Qishuai and Zhao Qiaoling blushed when they heard this.

Shi Guanyin smiled happily, and said: "You two have never even heard of such a thing as a bridal chamber, it seems that you two are still very simple. Did I pick up a big ingot today?"

Guo Qishuai said seriously: "You'd better use all your strength, otherwise, I'm afraid I'll hit you hard and kill you." "

"Are you reluctant to let me die? I knew that no one would be willing to kill me for a beautiful woman like me."

Zhao Qiaoling said worriedly: "Guo Qishuai, do you know what you are doing?"

"I know."

"Do you know that she is a big devil?"

(End of this chapter)

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