Yijie Taobao store

Chapter 455 Who's Talking?

Chapter 455 Who is talking
"4000 million, so much? I haven't seen so much money yet? What are you going to do with this Golden Guanyin?"

"Do you like it? Give it to you."

"Give it to me? This gift is too expensive, I can't take it, you'd better keep it for yourself."

"You are too polite. Don't use it with me."

"It's better to be clear."

"Okay, this golden Guanyin, I will save it for you first, and I will give it to you when the right time comes."

"En!" Zhao Qiaoling smiled happily.

Her smile is particularly brilliant, like a flower blooming in spring.

Zhao Qiaoling watched Guo Qishuai put the golden Guanyin into the phone. She also picked up Guo Qishuai's phone and looked at it in a 360-degree way without blind spots, but finally saw nothing.

"I suspect that there is a super fairy living in your mobile phone, and his magic power may be higher than that of Taishang Laojun."

Guo Qishuai nodded and said: "You guessed it right, the fairy living here has boundless magic power and is very powerful."

Sitting next to Guo Qishuai, Zhao Qiaoling said, "This golden Guanyin is so beautiful, which beauty gave it to you? Please tell me the story of the Great Desert."

"I went to the desert just to give away a bottle of Master Liu's black tea."

"The beauty in the desert is too thirsty. I ordered a bottle of Master Liu black tea at your Yijie Taobao store. You have saved her life. No wonder she gave you such a precious golden Guanyin."

"She is the daughter of the owner of Xinxing City, so the family has money."

"No wonder. But, did you come back just after delivering the black tea?"

"if not?"

"I don't believe it. In the desert, don't you-"

"Don't think about it, nothing happened to us."

"Don't you want something to happen?"

Guo Qishuai smiled wryly and said, "We were all so thirsty at the time that we didn't even have the strength to speak. Where did we get the strength to do other things?"

"Really do not have?"

"Absolutely not?"

"If one day you do something sorry to me in that world, I will never forgive you in this life."

"Don't worry, my heart is only open for you. If you are worried, I will take you with me every time I go to deliver goods, okay?"

Zhao Qiaoling said: "Okay! Tell me, which world do you want to go to?"

"It's really hard to say which world I want to go to. Because I don't have the right to choose where to go. The system chooses for me every time."

"That's it, what if we go to the world of monsters and get killed by monsters?"

"If we are killed by a demon, we are really dead."

"Huh? So bad? Then I won't go, it's better to stay in this world."

"The Zhao Qiaoling I know won't be so timid and fearful. Don't worry, only others are afraid of me. How can I be afraid of others? Don't worry, I will definitely bring you back safely."

Zhao Qiaoling asked Guo Qishui curiously: "What goods are you planning to put on the shelves?"

"What do you think, this time I let you decide, as long as you are here, no matter what world I go to, I will laugh happily."

Zhao Qiaoling's eyeballs rolled a few times, and suddenly she said excitedly: "How about we upload a set of cosmetics?"

"Did you bring it?"

"Bring it."

Zhao Qiaoling took out a set of cosmetics from her pocket and said: "I spent 6666 yuan on this set of cosmetics at Yipintang Cosmetics Flagship Store. It includes lipstick, facial mask, moisturizing lotion, and sunscreen. I'll upload it to you as soon as possible. .”

Guo Qishuai wanted to go to the world of Westward Journey, but this set of cosmetics was afraid that people who traveled to the West would not like it, so Guo Qishuai felt a little disappointed, but he didn't show it.

After Guo Qishuai put the set of cosmetics on the shelf, he said, "Don't worry, there will be an order soon."

"Is it really that fast? Who do you think will place the order?"

"Who do you want to order?"

"Let me be honest?"

"Of course you have to listen to the truth."

"Well, I said, I hope Lady Bai can place the order, I miss her very much."

Guo Qishuai sighed and said, "Madam Bai won't place an order."

"Why?" Zhao Qiaoling opened her eyes much wider. "

"Because she has a baby, and it's five months old."

"You know this as well?"

"I'm just guessing."

"It doesn't matter, even if you know it doesn't matter, am I the kind of person who likes to care about everything?"

"Of course you're not someone who cares about everything."

Zhao Qiaoling has been staring at the phone screen, her eyes are full of curiosity.

Suddenly, a dialog box appeared on the screen of the mobile phone, and there was a crisp female voice: You have a new order, please check it!

"An order is coming, an order is coming, check it quickly!"

Guo Qishuai unhurriedly took the phone and said, "Don't worry, we still have 10 minutes to prepare."

"I can't wait, I want to go to another world soon."

"Well, we still need to make preparations before we go. If we don't do it well, what do you think will happen if we get separated after we go there?"

"What you said makes sense, how can we keep us from getting separated?"

Guo Qishuai scratched his head with his hands, and said: "I think so, if we hold each other tightly during the process of going, I think there should be no problem."

Zhao Qiaoling looked at Guo Qishuai, stunned for a moment, blushed to the ears, and said: "You want me to hug you tightly? How can this be done? I won't do it."

"I just hold you and don't do anything else."

"What? You really have bad intentions and want to do other things."

"You think too highly of me. After the face-to-face function is activated, we have arrived in another world in the blink of an eye. In the blink of an eye, I can't even untie a single button of yours. You Say what can I do?"

"Is what you said true?"

"Of course, do I have to lie to you?"

"Okay, I believe you this time, but you can't have improper thoughts."

"I swear to the lamp, I will never have any unreasonable thoughts about you."

Guo Qishuai still said in his heart, if he doesn't have any thoughts when he is with a beautiful girl like you, it must be abnormal.

Guo Qishuai hugged Zhao Qiaoling and said, "Qiaoling, hold me tight, we can travel to another world soon."

Zhao Qiaoling held Guo Qishuai's hand tightly, her hand was shaking, her heart beat faster, and she said, "I——I'm afraid."

"Don't be afraid, it's just a blink of an eye."

[Please host, get ready, the plane activation function will start soon. 】

"Who is speaking?"

"It's the Yijie Taobao system. He is an amiable grandfather. You don't have to be afraid of him. He will protect us when necessary."

【Host, please don't talk nonsense. This system is only responsible for sending people there and carrying them back. As for the life and death of the host, this system has nothing to do with it. 】

"Ah? He said that our life and death have nothing to do with him."

(End of this chapter)

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