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Chapter 422 How to choose

Chapter 422 How to choose
"Ah?" Guo Qishuai thought to himself, it seems that he really misunderstood himself, "Who told you? Was it Yang Fan?"

"Don't worry about who told me, first explain what is going on with the welt marks on your body."

"That welt... that welt is definitely not what you imagined."

"What kind of thing is that? I just want to know who left so many marks on your body. How many whips did you whip that person."

"I really didn't find anyone."

"You don't say it, do you? All right! Don't say it..." Zhao Qiaoling hung up the phone before finishing speaking.

Guo Qishuai "Hello" a few times, but no one responded.

After Zhao Qiaoling hung up the phone, she felt extremely uncomfortable.

I thought, my grandma wants me to marry such a person, but he has such bad habits, how should I make a choice?
The more Zhao Qiaoling thought about it, the more sad she became, she actually shed tears.

Her crying alarmed her grandma.

Her grandma came up and knocked on the door, but Zhao Qiaoling didn't open the door, and said she was fine, so she didn't have to go in.

Zhao Qiaoling's grandmother, worried about Qiaoling, called Guo Qishuai.

After Guo Qishuai answered the phone, he said, "Grandma, hello, is Qiaoling at home?"

"Qi Shuai, just now I heard the sound of crying in Qiaoling's room. I knocked on the door, but she didn't open it. I'm afraid something will happen to him, so come over and coax her."

"Grandma, don't worry, I'll be there right away."

"Okay, Qishuai, Qiaoling is my only granddaughter and the sole heir of the Marriott Group. Since she was a child, no one dared to bully her, and she has never been wronged, so you have to treat her well."

"I know grandma!"

Guo Qishuai asked the taxi to drive faster. When he arrived at Zhao Qiaoling's home, Zhao Qiaoling's grandma called Guo Qishuai to her room first. After the nanny poured tea for Guo Qishuai, Zhao Qiaoling's grandma said, "You are so handsome! Grandma asks you, Have you had a fight with Qiaoling recently?"

Guo Qishuai said: "Grandma, don't worry, there is only a little conflict between us, I can solve it."

"Oh, that's good. Then why did Yang Fan suddenly invite Qiao Ling to dinner today? Is he plotting against Qiao Ling?"

"Grandma, don't worry. Yang Fan is my subordinate. I am the general manager of Zhanchi Gaofei Hotel. Yang Fan is the deputy manager I appointed and also my good friend. He likes Qiaoling very much, but he hasn't Confession, inviting Qiaoling to dinner today is also to pursue Qiaoling."

Zhao Qiaoling's grandmother said: "The relationship between you young people is really complicated, but I want to ask you about this matter. What do you think?"

"Grandma, my grandson believes that not everyone can break the relationship between me and Qiaoling. Yang Fan is just a small character, I don't take him seriously at all, just because he is my good friend, I take him into consideration For the sake of face, I didn’t say anything to him.”

Zhao Qiaoling's grandma said: "Grandma is happy for you because you have this confidence, but you are so handsome. Grandma has to remind you of some things."

"Grandma, please tell me."

"Grandma is from here, so of course she knows a little more about love than you do. Love is a very selfish thing, unlike clothes and hats, which can be given away casually. Also, love is the most vulnerable thing, maybe One action or one sentence of yours may cause two people to break up. I remember that your grandfather and I were very affectionate, but one day I found out that he was having dinner with another girl. I was very angry because of this. At that time I was furious at him, and he was so angry that he directly said that he wanted to break up with me, and I agreed. However, after the incident, I wondered if my attitude was too bad, and whether I should apologize to him. Just when I wanted to When I went to apologize to him, he came, and he knocked on the door three times. I was thinking, as long as you knock on the door nine times, I will open the door. In the end, he only knocked on the door eight times, and he never answered the last one. Knock down."

"Grandma, then why did you get together with my grandpa?"

"It was the afternoon of the year when I was about to get married. He ran to me and told me that the girl who had dinner with him that day was his long-lost sister. At that time, I slapped the girl without listening to his explanation. I really can’t forgive me. Later, his sister persuaded him to go and apologize to me. He came and knocked on the door. I just didn’t open the door, and finally he left crying.”

"Grandma, why did he only knock on the door eight times?"

"That's because a dog appeared when he was about to knock the ninth. The dog was going to bite him, and he was afraid of the dog, so he ran away."

"Because of this?"

"Yeah, because of these, the two of us almost missed our lives."

"But grandma, you were going to get married at that time, would you still regret the marriage?"

"Of course I will. At that time, I betrayed my parents, relatives and friends. I was reviled and lost countless money. I decided to be with your grandpa. Although we have suffered a lot, your grandpa is doing it. My family soon became rich. I could have been blessed by my parents, but I paid a heavy price because of my impulsiveness. Love cannot stand the test, and love cannot be used Just kidding, grandma hopes that you can let Qiaoling know how much you think about her as soon as possible, so that she can return to your embrace as soon as possible."

Zhao Qiaoling's grandma regarded Guo Qishuai as her own grandson, which really flattered Guo Qishuai.

"Grandma, please don't worry, I know what to do."

Guo Qishuai stood at the door of Zhao Qiaoling's boudoir, knocked on the door three times, and said, "Qiaoling, it's me, Qishuai."

"Get out! I don't want to see you again."

"I didn't do anything to apologize to you, you open the door first."

"Go to the person who whipped you, what are you looking for me for?"

"Do you want to know who exactly beat me?"

"Disgusting, I don't care who whips you."

"Actually, I was whipped 108 times by a very powerful woman, and almost killed me. I still have many injuries on my body. Would you like to help me look?"

"Who smoked it for you, who did you show it to, and why did you ask me?"

"Ah—my leg is almost broken."

There was a "plop", as if someone had fallen to the ground.

Zhao Qiaoling opened the door and looked. There was no one at the door. She walked out and looked around, but there was no sign of Guo Qishuai.Zhao Qiaoling was still thinking, did I just talk to the air?
"Bastard Guo Qishuai, where did he go?

Zhao Qiaoling closed the door, and said angrily, "What do you mean? Aren't you going to explain the reason to me? How come the half of the explanation disappears?"

Zhao Qiaoling was about to go to the bedroom to sleep, but she saw Guo Qishuai lying there.

(End of this chapter)

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