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Chapter 418 Make a Poem

Chapter 418 Make a Poem

Zhao Qiaoling always had a question in her mind, how did the whip marks on Guo Qishuai's body come from?Does he have any bad habits?

With this question, she didn't even think about it when ordering food. Whatever Yang Fan said, she said it was delicious. It's ok, you can figure it out.

Zhao Qiaoling's attitude not only did not make Yang Fan back down, but felt that there was still a chance between himself and Zhao Qiaoling.

Yang Fan ordered more than a dozen dishes, his heart ached and he wanted to bleed, but when he saw Zhao Qiaoling's smiling face, he couldn't think about anything else.

Yang Fan found a topic and said, "Oh, Qiaoling, you and Guo Qishuai are in the same class, and both of you are the top two in the class in the exam. What do you think of Guo Qishuai?"

"What about it? He is him, I am me, and I have nothing to do with him. Does it mean that two people who are next to each other have to be related?"

"It doesn't matter. In fact, Guo Qishuai and I have a very good relationship. We met in the first year of high school. At that time, he didn't like studying, and he was the last one in every exam. Many students in the class were unwilling to be with him. He played. No one asked him what problems he had, but I didn't dislike him and told him a lot of questions, so he had a good impression of me."

"Does it have something to do with him that you were admitted to Qingyun University this time?"

"This... It's also thanks to him. He got a bottle of bloody mineral water from somewhere. After I drank it, my memory became super good. In the end, my grades improved by more than 30 at once."

Zhao Qiaoling said: "So, Guo Qishuai is also your benefactor?"

"we are good friends."

"Then did you invite him over for dinner this time?"

"Yes, he will come. But you mustn't ask him about his rags."

"I know."

After the dishes were ordered, Yang Fan and Zhao Qiaoling returned to Xiaoyao Pavilion together.

Yang Fan looked at He Jun and said, "How do you greet the guests? The guests are all playing with their mobile phones."

"Why doesn't she play with her mobile phone? Hey, I said you two are really good, and you have been out for so long. Have you prepared your dishes?"

Yang Fan said: "You don't know, there are too many dishes, but not many fresh ones. Qiaoling and I searched for a long time before we found twelve dishes."

"With so many dishes flying high, you can't find fresh ones?"

"I think those dishes have been sitting too long."

He Jun said: "It doesn't matter so much, come on, let's open the cup and bowl first, and wash it with hot water. He Jun, call Guo Qishuai and ask him what he is doing."

After He Jun called Guo Qishuai, he told him to come to Xiaoyao Pavilion quickly, and dinner was ready.

Guo Qishuai said that he would pass soon.

After Guo Qishuai arrived, he exchanged glances with Zhao Qiaoling. Zhao Qiaoling seemed to be still angry. He poured a glass of white wine and said, "I'm sorry, everyone. I'm late. I'll punish myself with three glasses."

Guo Qishuai gulped it down.

Three glasses of wine, finished in three sips.

He Jundao: "Actually, you're not too late, the banquet hasn't even started yet."

Guo Qishuai said: "It's late if it's late, don't look for a reason. Today is a good day. All four of us have been admitted to Qingyun University. Come, let's toast our achievements today."

"Come on, cheers."

He Jun then raised his glass, and the others also raised their glasses.

Guo Qishuai poured another glass of wine and said, "For the second glass of wine, I wish the two beauties sitting here grow up and become younger. I wish them all smooth sailing in their college life and find the other half in their hearts as soon as possible."

Qin Ruxue raised her wine glass happily, and said, "I never thought that the talented Guo could be so eloquent. I'll just say this to you. I'll drink this glass of wine."

Zhao Qiaoling didn't drink, she didn't move, and said: "I accept your blessing, but I really can't drink this wine."

He Jun said: "What's the matter with the young man drinking some wine? It's okay."

Yang Fan picked up the wine beside Zhao Qiaoling and drank it all in one gulp, saying: "It's better for girls to drink less wine, I'll drink this glass of wine for her."

Guo Qishuai felt sour, and said, "Yang Fan, it seems that you drink well, why don't we compete today to see who drinks more."

Yang Fan shook his hand and said: "No, no, I can only drink a few cups, if I drink too much, I will get drunk."

Zhao Qiaoling said: "Yes, a man who doesn't drink is not a good man, and a man who gets drunk when he drinks is not a good man. A man who drinks moderately is a good man."

After the braised lion's head was served, six small dishes were also served. The five of them seemed to be very happy while eating and drinking, but Guo Qishuai and Zhao Qiaoling were not very happy.

When the wine was half drunk, Qin Ruxue said: "I heard that the poem written by the great talent Guo is good. Everyone is so happy today. I want to ask him to write a poem for everyone. What do you think?"

He Jun said: "Okay! This proposal is good. I wonder if the great talent Guo can make it."

Zhao Qiaoling asked strangely: "He can also compose poetry? Why have I never heard of it?"

Yang Fan said: "I only heard that Guo Dacai's bloody mineral water is very famous. Many people can't buy it for 10,000+. I have never heard that his poems are well done."

Guo Qishuai said: "Since you want me to compose a poem, then I will do one."

Guo Qishuai looked at Qin Ruxue and Zhao Qiaoling, and said, "Why don't I write a poem with Qin Ruxue and Zhao Qiaoling's names as the title, what do you think?"

He Junzhi: "I have no objection, but if your poem is not well done, if you don't get the approval of the two of them, you will be punished with a drink."

"No problem, I am a person with poor education and a good capacity for alcohol. I can drink until Yang Fan vomits blood."

Yang Fan smiled and said: "I think you can drink until you vomit blood. I still have the money for these bottles of wine."

Qin Ruxue said impatiently: "Stop talking nonsense, let Guo Qishuai write poetry."

"I'll drink a glass of wine and brew it."

After Guo Qishuai drank a glass of wine, he was about to compose a poem. Qin Ruxue said again, there was Cao Zijian in ancient times, who was talented in seven steps of poetry. Let's see how many steps it takes for today's great talent Guo to compose a poem. "

Guo Qishuai took a step forward and said, "Yes, I can write poetry as soon as I open my mouth."

"Qin Huang raised his arms to destroy the six kingdoms."

He Jun said: "Majestic! Bull!"

Guo Qishuai took the second step, stopped, and continued, "If..."

Guo Qishuai said the word "such as", but he didn't know how to answer it.

He Jundao: "Kao, this is a dead end, it's not easy to accept."

"It's like blowing dust, people say."

"Good! Not bad!"

"Good job."

"There are still two brushes!"

"See what she says in the third step."

The third step, Guo Qishuai has already finished.

"Snow dance and silver dragon send wishes!"

"Lingyan sings to send blessings."

He Jun quickly clapped his hands and said: "Miao, it really is Miao, this is a Tibetan acrostic poem, and when connected together, it becomes Qin Ruxueling."

Qin Ruxue said: "It's not satisfactory, but it's okay. I accept it. Next, you should write poems for Zhao Qiaoling."

(End of this chapter)

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