Chapter 404
He looked at the four ragged men who came in from the door, and said, "Who are you? What are you doing at my house?"

"Hahaha, that's a good question. The four of us are the Four Tigers of Saibei, and I am the boss, the Flying Tiger."

"I am the second son Zhenshanhu."

"I'm the third child, crossing the river and tiger."

"I'm the fourth eldest who wears Lin Hu."

The four said together: "We are the Four Tigers of Saibei."

"The nameless rat dares to act wild here, I advise you to leave here quickly, otherwise...'"

"Otherwise what?"

"Otherwise he will give Lin Xian'er to our four tigers to play with."

Ah Fei pushed out the long sword by one centimeter, and said, "Otherwise, I will let the four of you die on the spot."

"Hey, we are so scared. Ah Fei, do you think you are still that fast sword Ah Fei? You are just a slow sword Ah Fei. I guarantee that before your sword is pulled out, my pumpkin hammer can knock you head exploded."

"Brother, I guarantee that before his sword is out of its sheath, I can slash him with one blow."

"Second brother, I guarantee that before his sword is out of its sheath, I can hook his throat with a hook and sickle."

Three brothers, I promise I can break his head with an ax before he draws his sword. "

Lin Xian'er said: "The Four Tigers of Northern Saibei, I advise you to leave here as soon as possible. His long sword does not have eyes."

"Of course we know that his long sword has no eyes. His long sword can only be used to kill dogs."

"His sword can't kill a dog."

Ah Fei was furious, stared at those people, and said: "My sword doesn't kill dogs, it only kills people!"

"Are you worthy of saying such things? In a restaurant, you can't even beat a gangster, and you still dare to speak wild words!"

A Fei was so angry that his hands were shaking.

Guo Qishuai thought to himself on the roof, Ah Fei, you must not let those people underestimate you and seal the mouths of the four of them with your long sword.

"A Fei, you are a coward, you dare not face the reality. Look at what your woman has become? Now she sleeps with other men every day."

"No, she is for our future..."

"Fart, she's just doing it for herself, you can't satisfy her, that's why she ran out to steal. She's just a cat that can't get enough."

Ah Fei's sword has already been released.

That quick sword boy still hasn't forgotten the fastest way to draw a sword.

He still hasn't forgotten the easiest way to kill.

His sword is still the same sword, his hand is still the same as before, his moves are still the same as before, the only thing that has changed is his heart.

His heart is no longer what it used to be.

Now his heart no longer has any fighting spirit, and he can no longer let the sword move according to his heart.

So, Ah Fei fell down.

A Fei was hit in the back by the pumpkin hammer, lying on the ground, spitting blood.

Those four people's tricks were nothing more than normal, and those four people were not even considered third-rate masters, but he was beaten until he vomited blood.

Ah Fei is no longer the Ah Fei he was before. He is now an Ah Fei who can barely lift a sword.

Who knows what Lin Xian'er has done to him these two years.

"Hahaha..." Flying Tiger laughed and said, "I said earlier that he can't even kill a dog. His sword is useless."

"This is the fast sword A Fei? I can use this kind of sword when I was three years old."

Ah Fei didn't seem to admit defeat, he still wanted to try, and he still stretched out his hand to grab the sword.

He finally succeeded, he held the sword, but he didn't pick it up, because at this moment, the Flying Tiger's foot had already stepped on the back of his hand.

Flying Tiger's weight of more than 200 kilograms was all stepped on A Fei's hands...

Ah Fei's hands were trembling, his heart was bleeding, and the pain in his hands was like a knife cutting into the bone marrow.

This kind of pain is not something that ordinary people can endure. Most people would have screamed for their father and mother, but A Fei was not an ordinary person. He did not scream or shed a tear.

He is like a statue. Even if you cut off his arm, he will not scream.

Guo Qishuai's heart ached watching the roof, but he couldn't go down, because at this moment, he couldn't make a move.

It's like when a chick is about to break through the eggshell, if you help it break the eggshell, the chick may lose its life.

The chick must use its own strength to break the eggshell, so that it can survive.

The same goes for A Fei. At this time, if Guo Qishui helps him solve this matter, A Fei may not be able to stand up for the rest of his life.

Guo Qishui watched quietly from the roof. As long as A Fei's life was not in serious danger, he decided not to take action.

A small piece of tile has been in the hands of Guo Qishuai, as long as Ah Fei is in danger, that piece of tile can penetrate the head of any tiger at any time.

"Brother, do you think his hands are made of stone?"

Flying Tiger was surprised: "What? Made of stone? How is it possible? His hands are the same as ours, they are all made of flesh and blood."

"Brother, I don't think it's right! Look, your foot almost crushed his hand, but he didn't even bark."

"That's because he is numb. He is Kuaijian Afei. The former Afei is just his name. In the Jianghu, he can shock countless first-class masters. The hand I stepped on is also Kuaijian's hand .This hand can shock countless masters. When I stepped on his hand, it was like stepping on countless masters."

"Brother, I want to step on it too!"

"Why step on his hand? That hand can't even kill a dog now. With such a beautiful woman here, don't you just care about that useless hand?"

"Brother, I think it's better to kill him. I feel sick just looking at this trash."

Feitianhu shook his head and said, "No, we can't kill him. Although he is a waste, don't you think it would be more interesting to let this waste watch us play with his woman?"

"Brother is right, then we will save his dog's life first."

Fei Tianhu let go of A Fei's hand, but A Fei's hand could no longer hold the sword.

Lin Xian'er said: "Why do you four do this?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, I'll give you whatever you want, so why do this to him? He's nothing but trash."

"It turns out that you also know that he is a waste. Lin Xian'er really is Lin Xian'er. You deserve the reputation of being the most beautiful woman in Jianghu."

"You want to trouble me, aren't you a little overwhelmed?"

Flying Tiger sneered, and said, "Do you doubt that the four of us can't beat you?"

Lin Xian'er shook her head and said, "Of course not. The four of you are highly skilled in martial arts, even if there are ten Lin Xian'er, you are still no match for you."

"It seems that you still have self-knowledge. Since you are not our opponent, why do you say that we are overestimated?"

(End of this chapter)

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