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Chapter 401 Who is the waste

Chapter 401 Who is the waste

Zhao Qiaoling wanted to hide, but Qin Ruxue had already kissed her on the face and said, "Why are you like this? You are such a nymphomaniac, you don't even let women go."

"Heh! Since you say I'm a nympho, I'll show you."

"Okay, no kidding, let me tell you something serious."

"Tell me, who's son do you like, do you need me to thread a needle for you?"

"No, it's a friend of mine. She was very distressed. Something happened to her yesterday and she couldn't think about it, so she complained to me and asked me to give her advice. After I heard it, I didn't have anything to say, so I wanted to ask you Views."

"Say, what's wrong with your friend?"

"My friend's family is very rich, he is a rich second generation."

"Isn't that very similar to your situation?"

"The conditions are similar to mine, but she has never been in a relationship, so she is a little afraid of falling in love, so she is very distressed."

"Speak the key."

"My friend was asked out by a member of the opposite sex yesterday."

"Does she dislike the other party's lack of money?"

"Don't interrupt. The boy is very rich. The boy directly spent 3000 yuan in a coffee shop, but the woman felt that the man spent too much money and was very angry. Male AA."

"With such a good boyfriend, give me a stack."

"Is he fine? Why don't I think so?"

"Think about it, he can buy a coffee shop for [-] packs, which means that he has this."

"What is this?" Zhao Qiaoling imitated Qin Ruxue and rubbed her fingers together. "

"This is Mani—money. The more money he spends, the more he cares about that girl. If that girl doesn't care about it, I think that girl really has a low EQ, or she's just elm-headed."

Zhao Qiaoling's face was particularly ugly and she said, "My friend isn't that bad, is he?"

"Later, speaking of the ending, your friend is really wonderful."

"Later, my friend left angrily after hearing what the man said."

"What did the man say?"

"The man asked the woman if she fell in love with someone else. Isn't this an extreme mistrust of my friend?"

"Then I want to ask, does that woman have a close relationship with any other man?"

Zhao Qiaoling opened her eyes a lot, and said, "She didn't say that."

"No need to ask, the woman must have done something to misunderstand the man."

"Oh, so according to what you say, it's the woman's fault?"

"Actually, you two..."

"Huh? Who are you talking about? It's the two of them."

"Yes, it's your friend, not you. Oh, I said Qiaoling, you can't even lie, it's obviously you, why do you have to say it's someone else?"

"If you say it again, I will ignore you."

"Okay, okay, I won't talk about you. In fact, I think the two of them still have little communication. If there is any misunderstanding, they should communicate it at the time, and things will not happen in the future."

"Okay, I see. Let's go, let's go shopping, and then go to fly high."

"What's the hurry, I haven't changed my clothes yet."

After Guo Qishuai turned into a white light and disappeared, he came to another world.

Here is a peach forest, and the peach blossoms are in full bloom.

There is a sweet smell of pollen in the middle of the peach blossoms, and there are many bees flying around there not far away.

In front of Guo Qishuai, there are dozens of small white butterflies flying, besides, there are very pleasant birdsong.

Guo Qishuai doesn't know where this is, but he thinks the scenery here is beautiful, and he still thinks that it would be great if Zhao Qiaoling could come with him to enjoy the beautiful scenery here!

Guo Qishuai continued to walk forward, and when he had walked a dozen steps, he suddenly heard regular footsteps in front of him.

The sound of footsteps was very neat, as if it came from a single person.

The sound of footsteps seemed to be made by a giant, neat, shocking, and rhythmic.

Guo Qishuai performed lightness kung fu and immediately flew to a tree with lush branches.

Through the dense peach blossoms, Guo Qishui saw a very huge red sedan in front of him.

The sedan chair is not only brightly colored, but also very tall, just like a house.

The people who carried the sedan chair were all strong men with a height of eight feet, all tall and mighty, all men in red clothes.

Hanging this black flag above the sedan chair, there is nothing else on the flag except a painting of a copper coin with a square inside and a circle outside.

"Money, money, money gang?" Those words quickly flashed in Guo Qishuai's mind.

"The leader of the money gang is Shangguan Jinhong. What is he doing here?"

The sedan chair suddenly flew up and landed on the peach forest.

There was no engine or hot steam on the sedan, so it was impossible for a sedan like this to fly. However, the sedan did fly.

The reason why this sedan chair can fly is not a magical thing, it is just a very common thing.

The sixteen people carrying the sedan chair are all top martial arts masters, and each of them has very high lightness kung fu.

The dozen or so people lifted the sedan chair into the sky with light work.

However, the sedan chair soon fell down.

The dozen or so people didn't take a breath. They had a clear division of labor and quickly found their positions.

Be on alert, those people are all on alert.

Guo Qishuai still hasn't seen whether the person sitting in that sedan chair is actually Shangguan Jinhong.

After about 5 minutes, a very beautiful woman with a particularly good figure walked out of a small sedan.

The woman was born with fox eyes and looked charming and charming.

When she walked, she twisted her thin waist, bringing up a fragrant breeze.

Who is this woman but Lin Xian'er?

Lin Xian'er actually came to find Shangguan Jin Hong?
Lin Xian'er walked into Shangguan Jinhong's big sedan chair with light steps.

Although the voices of their conversation were very low, Guo Qishuai could still hear a little.

"Xian'er, why did you come? Let me wait impatiently."

"Master, you know that it is very inconvenient for me to do anything now. I can only come out when he falls asleep."

"He? The person you mentioned, but that trash?"

"He is not a piece of trash. He is the fast sword A Fei. He once defeated countless masters of the rivers and lakes with a sword. Up to now, everyone in the rivers and lakes will be scared when they hear A Fei's name."

"That was before. Recently I heard that Ah Fei was beaten to the ground by some gangsters in a restaurant because of you. If you hadn't appeared in time, he would have died long ago."

"I know, he became like that for me."

(End of this chapter)

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