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Chapter 396 Fair Final

Chapter 396 Fair Final
Yang Fan suddenly quickened his pace and walked towards the east garden.

Guo Qishuai was not in the mood to look at the results anymore, so he followed Yang Fan to the garden path.

Yang Fan excitedly ran to Zhao Qiaoling and said, "Qiaoling, congratulations, congratulations, your college entrance examination score is 732, and you have no problem at all in Qingyun University."

"I already know the score, it's two more than I expected."

Qin Ruxue said: "Yang Fan, seeing how happy you are, I'm afraid your scores will be enough to get into Qingyun University, right?"

"I..." Yang Fan grabbed his hair with his hands and said, "I only got 688 points in the test this time, which is far worse than Qiao Ling's test."

Qin Ruxue pushed Yang Fan's shoulder violently, and said, "Okay, Yang Fan, you actually scored 688 in the test, and I only got 666 in the test, which is far behind you."

Yang Fan said: "666 is not a lot, and there is no problem in being admitted to Qingyun University."

"But this time, the best person in our school is Guo Qishuai, who always takes the bottom No. 1 in the exam. He actually got 750 points in the exam this time, which is a perfect score. Really, isn't it too bad? open your eyes?"

Zhao Qiaoling said: "Hey, why do you have such a big opinion on Guo Qishuai? How did Guo Qishuai offend you?"

"Hey, Qiaoling, what's the matter with you? How can you speak up for that scumbag?"

Zhao Qiaoling said: "If Guo Qishuai is a scumbag, then the entire Tongzhou Province will not have anyone who has studied well."

"Qin Ruxue lowered her head and said, "I'm sorry, I was wrong.Don't be angry. "

"Qiaoling, I'm very happy today. I have two happy events. How about I invite you to spread your wings and eat braised lion's head?"

Zhao Qiaoling was too embarrassed to refuse, and said, "What two happy events do you have?"

"First, I was admitted to Qingyun University, and second, I found a good part-time job. I can earn more than 2 yuan in tuition fees in one summer vacation."

Qin Ruxue said excitedly, "Okay, Yang Fan, you can earn so much money in one summer vacation, tell me where you work part-time, and if there are any people there, I want to work part-time too."

Zhao Qiaoling said: "What kind of job are you going to do part-time? Are you short of money?"

"Of course I'm not short of money to spend, but am I happy to spend the money I earn? Why don't we go to Yang Fan's big hotel together to make some money for Qiaoling? What do you think?"

Zhao Qiaoling hesitated and said, "I'm afraid this is not good?"

"What's wrong? I think it's okay. Qiaoling, think about it, if you go home and tell your dad that you want to make money, your dad will definitely arrange you to go to his company, under your dad's supervision every day Work, how tiring is that?"

"Anyway, I have to discuss this matter with my dad first."

Qin Ruxue patted Yang Fan's shoulder and said, "Hey, Yang Fan, do you know someone in that hotel? Can you let the two of us go in too?"

"My friend is the general manager there, so I think it should be fine."

"Okay, then you can ask us first, if possible, Qiaoling and I will go there."

Yang Fan said: "I will try my best to ask for you."

Zhao Qiaoling lowered her head and asked, "Hey, Yang Fan, let me ask you, you and Guo Qishuai went to an appointment last night, what happened in the end?"

Yang Fan said triumphantly: "Oh, you said that thing, it's just a few gangsters who want to trouble us, all six of them are carrying sticks, and they look very arrogant. In the end, I took the lead and rushed up. With three punches and two kicks, I beat those people to the ground."

Qin Ruxue was a little surprised, her eyes widened unconsciously, and she said, "You hit six of them by yourself, aren't you too stupid?"

"It's not how good I am, it's because those people are too useless."

Knowing that he was lying, Zhao Qiaoling lost her affection for Yang Fan all of a sudden, but Yang Fan did not do anything excessive, and she was too embarrassed to refuse his kindness, saying: "Yang Fan, why don't you invite Guo Qishuai and He Huo to treat you today?" handsome?"

"He Jun is busy with a date, and Guo Qishuai is busy recently. I think it's just the three of us."

Zhao Qiaoling nodded and said, "Okay, I promise you, we'll spread our wings and fly high tonight."

"Okay, I will book the room early and wait for you to come."

Yang Fan made an appointment with Zhao Qiaoling, so he went to find He Jun.

He Jun also just finished reading the score.

Yang Fan's face was full of spring breeze, with a bright smile, and he said, "He Jun, how are you doing? How many points did you get in the test?"

"It's too far from my estimate, and I don't want to say it."

"Don't be discouraged, if you don't pass the exam this year, you can fight again next year."

"I estimated the score to be 650 points, but after the results came out, it turned out to be 690 points. You say it's annoying or not."

"It's irritating, it's enough to be irritating. When evaluating the score, you were more than 20 points lower than me. This final score is actually two points higher than mine. It's really unreasonable."

"Actually, two points are nothing."

"Two points is nothing? Two points can open up hundreds of rankings. How many people does Qingyun University enroll?"

He Jundao: "Look at your expression. I am usually worse than you in the exam. This time I am a little taller than you, so you are not happy. Why don't you compare yourself with Guo Qi, he got 750 in the exam this time. A classmate who got a score of 700 played cool in front of him, saying that if he was more careful and his composition didn’t go off topic, he could get a score of 750. Guo Qishuai responded to him at that time, saying that you got a score of 700 because of your Ability can only be tested with 700 points, and he took 750 points because all the test papers only have 750 points. Is this a person of the same level?"

Yang Fan said: "Is Guo Qishuai an ordinary person? How can I compare with him? My score was obtained because I drank his blood-colored mineral water. However, if I drank a bucket of blood-colored mineral water, I would definitely pass the exam." 750 points."

He Jundao: "Why do I feel so greedy?"

"What did you say? You said I was greedy?"

"Isn't it? Guo Qishui's blood-colored mineral water is worth a fortune. Some people can't buy it for even [-] yuan. But Guo Qishui gave us the blood-colored mineral water for free. Not only are you not grateful, you also said that he gave us less. You even You still want to surpass him, how come you have such an idea?"

Yang Fan also felt that his words were a bit too much, and said: "You don't understand what I mean, what I mean is that the blood-colored mineral water is indeed amazing, and I didn't say anything disrespectful to Guo Qishuai, why are you ungrateful? It's over!"

"One more thing, I have to remind you."

"what's up?"

"You and Zhao Qiaoling are not the same way, don't get too close to her."

Yang Fan was not happy, and said: "He Jun, I don't like to hear your words. What do you mean I am not the same as her? Why are we not the same? Pursuing love is my freedom. If you like her, you You can also chase, let's have a fair final, what do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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