Yijie Taobao store

Chapter 393 The Secret of Success

Chapter 393 The Secret of Success
"Don't, don't... I said, I said."

Cross-eyed was so frightened that he almost peed, and said: "Zhang Xiangtang's father, Zhang Xiangyang, also participated. He also said that when we finished the work, he would throw a celebration banquet for us in Xiaoyao Pavilion."

Guo Qishuai said: "You take us to Zhanchi Gaofei Hotel now, I want to see what kind of celebration banquet the manager has prepared for you."

Cross-eyed and said: "Okay, I'll take you to Xiaoyao Pavilion right away."

Guo Qishui called Lin Shitong, the boss of Shitong Express, and told him that he was sitting in Xiaoyao Pavilion. Zhang Xiangyang had prepared a table of good wine and food waiting for him, hoping he could enjoy it.

Lin Shitong said that he has a very important dinner, but he can decline it, because Guo Qishuai's invitation has no reason for him to decline.Lin Shitong asked Guo Qishuai if there was anything wrong, and Guo Qishuai said let him go to Xiaoyao Pavilion.

Crosseye and the others could come by taxi, so they also took a taxi when they went back.

Xiaoyao Pavilion will arrive soon.

Cross Eye waited for the six people to go in first, and Zhang Jintang came up excitedly to look at Cross Eye, and said, "How is it? Did you succeed?"

Dou Cock Eye was covered in injuries, and he said to Zhang Jintang: "Next time, if this happens again, I won't go even if you have 100 million."

Zhang Jintang narrowed his eyes and said, "It failed, right?"

"That person is not human at all. The six of us didn't even move, and as a result, all six of us fell to the ground."

Zhang Xiangyang said: "You were beaten to the ground, and you still have the face to come back for the celebration banquet?"

Cross-eyed sneered and said, "I said Manager Zhang, you think we shouldn't come back to eat your meal, don't you?"

"Only if you win are you eligible to eat. If you lose, you are not eligible."

"We really don't want to come back to eat your celebration banquet, but there is no way, we have to come back."

"Why is this?"


"because I."

Guo Qishui, Yang Fan and He Jun walked in.

Guo Qishui was not polite. He sat directly opposite Zhang Xiangyang. He Jun and Yang Fan saw Guo Qishui sitting there like this, so they sat down on the table without being polite.

Zhang Xiangyang was so frightened that he couldn't sit still, and said, "You...why are you here?"

"Manager Zhang, what you said seems to be very unwelcome to me."

"How could that be? Of course I welcome you."

"Actually, I didn't want to come. You invited me to come here."

Zhang Xiangyang said with a wry smile: "Mr. Guo, are you bullying too much?"

"Really? I don't want to bully you, but you always make trouble for me."

"Mr. Guo, you let my son eat shit, and then let my son beat me up. Isn't this bullying too much?"

"You asked what your son did? He robbed He Jun's girlfriend and beat He Jun. I vented my anger on my friend, but I just taught your son a lesson."

"That can't be done in this way."

"It seems that Manager Zhang feels that he has been greatly wronged, but you still have to do this celebration banquet."

Zhang Xiangyang was so angry that his nose was crooked, and he said, "What? I still have to prepare a celebration banquet for you? Go ahead and dream!"

"Manager Zhang, who are you asking to dream?"

When Zhang Xiangyang saw that it was Mr. Lin's secretary Wan Jianfeng, he immediately stood up and said respectfully, "Secretary Wan, why are you here?"

"Open your dog eyes wide, it's Boss Lin coming."

Zhang Xiangyang looked at the door and saw an old man in good spirits.

The old man looked over 40 years old, but in fact he was 64 years old.

Zhang Xiangyang immediately lowered his head and said, "Mr. Lin, you are here, why don't you let me prepare. Now I have nothing here."

Guo Qishui was still sitting in his seat, not paying attention to Lin Shitong at all.

He Jun and Yang Fan couldn't help standing up.

"You think I'm here for you? My younger brother Guo Qishuai is going to treat me to dinner at Xiaoyao Pavilion, and I'm here for the appointment."

Guo Qishuai said: "Mr. Lin, please sit down. Today's meal is a bit special. It's a celebration banquet."

"Oh? What kind of celebration banquet?"

Guo Qishuai said: "Since this celebration banquet is held by Manager Zhang, then please ask Manager Zhang to explain why this celebration banquet is held?"

Manager Zhang stood aside, faltering, not knowing how to explain.

Guo Qishuai glanced at Cross Eyed and said, "Cross Eye, let's talk about it."

Cross-eyed and said: "I said, it was Manager Zhang who gave us 1 yuan each, and said that the six of us would break one of Guo Qishuai's legs. After that, he would hold a celebration banquet for us here."

"Hahaha..." Lin Shitong laughed, and when he finished laughing, he looked at Zhang Xiangyang and said, "Zhang Xiangyang, you are so powerful that you dare to find someone to beat my brother. How do you want to solve this matter?"

Zhang Xiangyang stood beside Lin Shitong, trembling with fright, and said: "Boss Lin, I was wrong, give me another chance!"

"Pack up and get out, I'm giving you an annual salary of 50 yuan, not for you to buy me a murder case. If this matter is public tonight, you will end up in jail for a few years. However, I have always been soft-hearted. That's all."

"Boss Lin, I was wrong."

"In a person's life, some mistakes can be made, and some mistakes cannot be made. You have known that Guo Qishuai is my younger brother, and you have seen the Supreme Gold Medal, but you still found someone to touch my brother. The violation of the rules of the group did not pay attention to me at all, such a mistake is unforgivable. Go to the finance department tomorrow to pay the bill and leave."

Zhang Xiangyang knew that no matter what he said, it was useless, so he stood up and said, "Well, Mr. Lin, since you said so, I'll just go."

After Zhang Xiangyang left Xiaoyao Pavilion with his son and his son's friends, Wan Jianfeng had already served a table of good wine and food to a waiter.

Guo Qishuai poured a glass of wine, toasted Lin Shitong, and said: "Brother, today's matter is thanks to the elder brother, I toast you a glass."

Lin Shitong picked up his glass and said with a smile: "Qi Shuai, you are my younger brother and my savior. I am very happy that I can do something for you. If you are willing to ask me to solve this matter today, then It's for my face, I know, if it was someone else, someone like Zhang Xiangyang would not only eat shit, maybe he wouldn't even know how he lost his life."

Guo Qishuai said: "Brother, if you say that, you think highly of me. I don't have that ability."

He Jun raised a glass of wine and said: "Mr. Lin, my name is He Jun, and I am Guo Qishuai's friend. I have always admired you because you are not only the boss of the express company, but also the boss of Shitong Group. You have your own chain store. Industry, I am able to see you here today, that is my three lifetimes luck."

Lin Shitong picked up the wine glass, smiled all over his face, and said: "Since you are Guo Qishuai's friend, you are also my friend. I always respect friends of friends. You don't have to worship me. I am actually a very ordinary person. Others just work harder."

(End of this chapter)

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