Yijie Taobao store

Chapter 384 Estimated Scores

Chapter 384 Estimated Scores
After Xiang Feixia sorted out the estimated scores of all the students, she uploaded them to the computer. After uploading the estimated scores of all the schools, she walked onto the podium with a copy of the estimated scores.

More than 40 students were listening to her carefully.

"Students, I am very happy to be able to gather with you today. Today is the day for everyone to estimate scores. Although these estimated scores are exaggerated, overall, they still have certain reference value."

"Teacher, please tell me about the evaluation this time!"


"Estimate the score, I can estimate 750 points, but I didn't report it."

"What others estimate is true, but what you estimate is nonsense."

Xiang Feixia asked everyone to be quiet, and said: "Our bureau has also drawn a line for this evaluation. The key undergraduate course is 610, the second course is 550, the third course is 500, and the specialist line is 460. You can compare it. The line drawn will not vary much from year to year."

Although it is an estimated score, Zhao Qiaoling and Guo Qishuai's score of 720 and 730 still caused quite a stir, and many students talked about it.

But no one doubted that their scores were overestimated.

The next step was to apply for admission. Zhao Qiaoling and Guo Qishui both applied for Qingyun University.

Zhao Qiaoling applied to the medical school, and Guo Qishuai also applied to the medical school.

Although he is not interested in the hospital, he is willing to do it for Zhao Qiaoling.

Waiting for scores is a very torturous thing. Guo Qishui has already vacated his house in the No. [-] Scholar Building and returned to his own home.

His father pestered him every day, asking Guo Qishui to invest in a supermarket for him.

Guo Qishuai said that their family is not short of money, but Guo Chengwang doesn't think so.

Guo Qishuai didn't understand the matter of opening a supermarket, and he didn't bother to take care of it, so he handed over the matter to his father.

Whenever his father asked for money, he would send it.

When Guo Qishui is bored, he uploads some things to Yijie Taobao store and then delivers them.

After all, this other world is also very exciting.

Guo Qishuai was lying on the sofa, flipping through the phone, and after opening the personal center, she found that there was a gold silk soft armor inside.

The golden silk soft armor is a treasure that Guo Qishuai obtained from the dead scholar, and he has not worn it yet.

Guo Qishuai wanted to give this golden silk soft armor to Zhao Qiaoling.

But I don’t need it now, I’ll give it to him after I’m in college.

He looked at the personal center again, and there was a leaf given to him by Ji Gong in it.

That leaf is not an ordinary leaf. With that leaf, you can cut off someone else's extra fingers without bleeding. With the help of that leaf, you can also grow the severed finger on another person's body.

Guo Qishuai put away the magical leaf, smiled inwardly, and was about to squint for a while when suddenly his cell phone rang.

After he connected, he said, "Hello, who is it?"

"It's me, Yang Fan."

"What's wrong? Your voice doesn't sound right to me."

"Qi Shuai, my dad was driving an electric tricycle just now. On the road, he hit a person's BMW and hit a big hole. The owner of the car refused to let my dad go, and even called three people. My dad insisted on taking 10 I paid out ten thousand yuan. My dad thought that the pit was not worth one hundred thousand yuan at all, so he refused to pay. Now, I don’t know what to do.”

"Don't worry, I'll go over and take a look."


"Intersection of Lingtong Avenue and South Ring Road."

"Okay, I see, I'll go right away."

Yang Fan is a senior high school graduate from No. [-] High School in Lingtong City.

When Guo Qishui first entered high school, the first friend he made was Yang Fan.

Yang Fan's family is from Lingtong City, he is a real person, he has no bad intentions, and he gets along well with Guo Qishuai.

Yang Fan later introduced He Jun to Guo Qishui.

He Jun was the worst student in the class and no one wanted to play with him. However, Guo Qishui's grades were also at the bottom, so the two had a close relationship.

Both He Jun and Yang Fan drank the blood-colored mineral water provided by Guo Qishuai, so their academic performance improved rapidly.

Yang Fan and He Jun are both dead brothers.

Back then, before Guo Qishuai got the Yijie Taobao store, one night, while surfing the Internet in an Internet cafe, he was beaten by some gangsters. After He Jun and Yang Fan knew about it, they joined the battle without saying a word. As a result, the three were beaten by four A gangster was beaten all over his body.

Now that Yang Fan is in trouble, Guo Qishuai has to help.

He rode a mountain bike and rushed to the scene of the incident quickly.

The scene.

Yang Fan stood beside his father and said, "Your car hit my father's tricycle on the crosswalk, and you want us to pay for it. How can there be such a thing?"

The car owner smiled and said, "I want you to pay compensation, what? If you don't pay, let's see if you can leave today?"

Yang Fan said: "We have something to discuss, right? Your car hit my dad's car, and we will pay you 100 yuan. What do you think?"

The big belly stared and said: "What? Pay me 100 yuan? Send the beggar? 10 yuan, not a penny less. Dude, I will not make things difficult for you, just take 1 yuan When the yuan comes out, you leave."

"1 yuan? We don't have it."

"Hurry up, who doesn't have 1 yuan these days?"

"We have money, but we can't compensate you."

The big belly punched Yang Fan in the heart, knocking him to the ground.

It can be seen that this big belly has also been practiced, and his shots are quite good.

When Yang Fan's father went to pull Yang Fan, he was kicked by the big belly and fell to the ground.

Yang Fan's father said: "Why do you still beat people?"

"It was you who beat me, old man."

When Yang Fan grabbed the stone and was about to hit the fat man, three people appeared behind the fat man and said, "You try to hit it? Just hit it here, hit it! You are a bear, you are worse than your father."

Yang Fan couldn't help but hit the fat man on the head with the stone in his hand.

The fat man's scalp was bleeding like a column in an instant.

"You uncle dare to hit me, you don't want to live, do you?"

The fat man returned to the car with blood, took out a machete, and wanted to fight Yang Fan desperately.

Yang Fan was afraid, so he took his father and ran away.

The fat man chased after him holding a knife...

Yang Fan's father suddenly tripped over a stone and fell to the ground accidentally.

When Yang Fan went to pull his father, the fat man came behind him with a knife.

The knife slashed at Yang Fan's back.

When the knife was about to reach Yang Fan's back, Guo Qishui rushed over ten meters away.

He stretched out two fingers to clamp the knife, clamped the knife and said: "The knife is a good knife, but the person holding the knife is not a good thing."

The fat man pulled out the knife vigorously, but the knife didn't move at all.

"You... who are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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