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Chapter 366 Are You Worrying Too Much?

Chapter 366 Are You Worrying Too Much?

Lu Jing walked up to Tang Sanzang, looked at the pale Tang Sanzang, and said, "This is Tang Sanzang? Hey, he looks so handsome!"

"Jun is useless, he's about to be ripped apart." A wolf demon who was sharpening his knife over there said while sharpening his knife.

The deer essence gave Tang Sanzang a wink, and Tang Sanzang immediately said, "Ah, poor monk's stomach hurts, it hurts me to death."

"Stomach pain? Hold on, the belly will be ripped out soon, and the pain is useless."

Lu Jing said: "I'm talking about the wolf demon. He is in a hurry and needs to go to the toilet immediately. If you don't solve it, you will let him choke his intestines, and the meat will not taste good."

The wolf demon waved his hand and said, "Go there, hurry up, the toilet is over there."

There is a simple latrine behind this stone room, which is covered with cloth.

After Tang San hid in, the smell was so bad that he wanted to cover his nose.

Lu Jing gave him a white jade mold box, and whispered to him: "Elder Tang, to make a long story short, your apprentices were all turned into golden men by that goblin with some gold sticks, and now only your blood can turn them into human forms again. You are in the latrine, use this small knife, cut your finger, and drip your blood into this white jade mold box, the white jade mold box will turn your blood into a golden stick, master, hurry up, otherwise, it will be too late."

"who are you?"

"Master, don't ask, I was sent by Taishang Laojun to save you."

"I see."

After Tang Sanzang went in with the things in hand, he immediately cut his finger and dripped blood into the white jade mold box.

Soon, a red glowing golden stick will be ready.

"Lu Jing, are you ready? Hurry up, there's an urgent call from outside. I want to disembowel Tang Sanzang as soon as possible."

"What's the rush? Wait, Tang Seng hasn't finished pulling yet."

"You don't have to wait until the stretching is over, just pull it over and let the blood out first."

Lu Jing said: "Hey wolf demon, come here, come here, Tang Seng fell into the latrine, I can't hold him back."

"You are such a fool, you can't even pull a mortal."

The wolf demon came to the back of the rock and asked, "Where is Tang Monk?"

The deer spirit used all his strength, taking advantage of the wolf demon's unpreparedness, and slapped him on the back of the head, knocking him out.

Tang Seng came out of the latrine to take a look, and said, "He... is he alright?"

"Hush..." Lu Jing asked Tang Seng not to speak.

Lu Jing took out two monkey hairs from the phone, and he turned the wolf demon into Tang Sanzang, and Tang Sanzang into a wolf demon.

Lu Jing said: "Elder Tang, please feel wronged, you are now a wolf demon, and you are responsible for disemboweling this Tang Sanzang on the ground."

"Ah? This... this won't work, you let the poor monk kill people, the poor monk..."

Lu Jing said: "Master, you must not use the word poor monk, or those goblins will kill you."

"I will never kill."

"If Elder Tang doesn't kill people, then those goblins will kill you."

"The poor monk will not kill even if he dies."

Lu Jing was so angry that he lost his temper.

"Hey! Wolf demon, what's going on, you've been gone for so long, have you fished out Tang Sanzang?"

Lu Jing said: "You wild boar spirit, what are you in a hurry for? We just fished out Tang Sanzang."

"The goblin over the boiling water is urging us again, telling us to bleed Tang Sanzang quickly."

Lu Jing said: "Wild boar, come here and help me, this Tang Sanzang is so smelly, I am dizzy from the smell, the two of us can't lift it."

After the wild boar spirit came in, he said, "You can't even do this little thing, what else can you do?"

Boar spirit and deer spirit carried Tang Sanzang out together.

The deer spirit picked up the knife sharpened by the wolf demon, drained Tang Sanzang's blood with one stroke, and continued with a basin, saying, "Isn't it easy to drain the blood?"

The wild boar spirit praised: "Oh, you are so fast! Your skills are superb. I will definitely repay the favor to you. I will feed you more when Tang Monk's meat is steamed."

"Okay! Then let's get to work!"

After the wolf demon walked over from behind the rock with gentle steps, he saw Tang Sanzang lying on the ground. He was surprised and said: "Ah? He...he..."

The wild boar spirit laughed and said: "Hey, I said wolf demon, what's wrong with you? Usually you are the most courageous, and you disembowel us for everything we eat. What's wrong with you today? See a The dead man is so frightened that I even wonder if you are really a wolf demon."

The wolf demon was about to say "Amitabha". As soon as he said "ah", the deer spirit reprimanded him: "Uh uh uh uh what uh? Hurry up and put that person's blood aside."

The wolf demon shook a few times and almost fell to the ground. The deer spirit quickly subdued him, touched his forehead, and said, "Why is it so hot?"

The wild boar spirit said: "He may have contracted a cold, let him lie down for a while!"

The deer spirit quickly helped the wolf demon to a rock beside him, and let him lie down.

The deer spirit said to the wild boar spirit: "You have rinsed Tang Monk with water here, and I'll go see how the water boils."

"The water has boiled a long time ago, come here to help, and wash Tang Sanzang clean together."

"I'm not going to..."

"Looking for your Lan Lan, isn't it?"

"Brother Wild Boar, I'll come as soon as I go."

"Hurry up, I can't handle it by myself."

After the deer spirit went out, he found out where the golden monkey was. When he walked to the entrance of the cave, he happened to see a thick, black and beautiful elf with a hook nose passing by him.

Lu Jing immediately lowered her head and stood aside, not daring to speak.

The black-browed eagle said kingly, "What are you doing here?"

The little goblin next to the Black-browed Eagle King said, "Don't you hurry up and kneel down to the King?"

Lu Jing knelt down to the Black-browed Eagle King, and said: "Go back to the king, the younger one is here to ask the king, see if the king likes spicy food or mild spicy food."

"Spicy, heavy spicy, my king likes peppers that are hot, so go prepare them!"


The deer spirit turned around and walked forward slowly.

After the Black-browed Eagle King walked a hundred steps forward, he entered the room in the black robe.

The black robe was thinking about Go inside, thinking alone.

The Black-browed Eagle King looked at the chess pieces and said, "Sir, Situ Yujiao and I will get married tonight, and Tang Monk's meat will also be served tonight. This is all master's clever strategy!"

The black robe said: "You really killed Tang Seng?"

"Hey! Is this fake? Tang Seng has been bled by the deer essence, and now he is scalding in a hot pot, and will be served in a steamer soon."

"Tang Seng is really dead?"

"Hey, I said black robe, how could this Tang monk not die?"

"I'm just curious. He was chosen by Guanyin Bodhisattva to learn Buddhist scriptures. How could he be killed so easily?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"What I mean is that if Monk Tang is in trouble, Guanyin Bodhisattva will definitely send someone to rescue him. Now, Tang Sanzang has not been killed by you, and the person who rescued him has not appeared. This is unreasonable."

The black-browed eagle king said: "Aren't you worrying too much? At night, let's just eat Tang's monk meat with peace of mind."

(End of this chapter)

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