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Chapter 362 What?

Chapter 362 What?

When the Black-browed Eagle King walked out of the stone gate with a big smile, he also ordered the little demon outside the gate to take good care of Tang Seng. If Tang Seng ran away, he would stew the two rabbit spirits.

The Black-Browed Eagle King walked more than 100 steps forward, turned around and came to another cave.

There is a golden table in the cave. On the golden table are golden teapots, golden teacups, and a table of fruits.

Sitting next to the table was a beautiful woman in a white dress.

The woman was wearing gold on her head and neck.

The Black-Browed Eagle King came in, sat opposite the woman, and said, "Jiaojiao, look at you, your eyes are swollen from crying, why bother?"

Situ Yujiao sobbed and said, "Your Majesty, please let me and my husband go! Our husband and wife are very grateful to you!"

"Yujiao, I really love you, can't you give up your husband for me?"

Situ Yujiao cried again and said: "Tiancheng treats me very well, his mother treats me like my own daughter, I can't betray them."

"Jiaojiao, I can give Tiancheng a lot of gold, and they can live outside Lianhua Mountain. I will build him a huge manor and buy him many beauties to serve him. They will live happily."

"He doesn't need this kind of life, he just loves me."

"Really? Well, the king will let you see how your husband loves you."

Situ Jiaojiao was taken to the cave where her husband was bound.

It was dark and damp inside, and the air was stale and foul-smelling.

"I'll take you in, and you ask him if he loves you."

Situ Yujiao walked up to Dongfang Tiancheng, looked at the scars on his face, and said sadly, "Tiancheng, are you okay?"

Dongfang Tiancheng took Situ Yujiao's hand away, and said, "You don't care if I'm okay or not, you go away!"

"Tian Cheng, what's wrong with you? You know, I was forced, and I didn't want to, but I can't help it."

Dongfang Tiancheng picked up a piece of paper from the table and threw it at Situ Yujiao, saying: "Situ Yujiao, you can see clearly, this is the divorce letter, and you will no longer be my wife in the future."

"Cheng Lang, why did you treat me like this, what did I do wrong?"

"You are fine. I am not good enough for you. If I want you, I can't even save my life. However, if I don't want you, I can not only live a good life, but I can live another 100 years. The Black-browed Eagle King has promised Me, as long as I write the letter of divorce, I can get countless gold and beauties, so..."

Situ Yujiao slapped Dongfang Tiancheng on the face, causing his mouth to bleed, and said, "Dongfang Tiancheng, I didn't expect you to be such a person."

"I'm such a selfish person in the first place. You misread it before."

"The sea is dry and the rocks are rotten, the earth is long and the earth is long, and the old age is old. It turns out that it is all fake."

"Yes, it's all fake, I lied to you."

Situ Yujiao turned around and tore up the divorce papers, saying: "I don't agree, even if I die, I'm not wrong, you have no reason to divorce me."

"You have been captured by the goblin. I don't believe you are green and white. Is this reason enough?"

Situ Yujiao felt her heart was bleeding, she felt dizzy and almost fell down.

The Black-browed Eagle King supported her, and said, "My lord, let's go, I don't want to see him again, so send him away quickly!"

"As long as you are willing to marry me, I can send him away now."

"I am willing to marry you, but you have to send him away first, and then settle him down. I will marry you only after I see him live happily."

"The day you marry me will be the day when I eat Tang Monk's meat. By then, we will both live forever and be a happy couple, do you agree?"

Situ Yujiao said: "Why do you want to eat people? Your Majesty, aren't you immortal?"

"I...I can only live to be five hundred years old, so I have to eat Tang Priest's meat. My lady, you are still a mortal, and you can only live to be 60 years old at most. If you eat Tang Priest's meat, you can live forever. "

"I don't want to hurt others for me."

"Ma'am, you don't have to worry about these things. All right, come and send Dongfang Tiancheng out, give him 1 taels of gold, buy him a manor in Lianhua Town in Lianhua Mountain, and buy another hundred Maid servant, let's go!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Come here, send Madam back too, so I can watch, and don't let Madam happen to me."

"As ordered!"

"Hahaha... Black-browed Eagle King, how do you feel? Is the method I mentioned particularly effective?"

A black-robed man wearing a red mask suddenly appeared in front of the Black-browed Eagle King.

The Black-browed Eagle King brought him into his stone room, sat down the black robe, and said, "Thank you for your guidance, sir, otherwise, I wouldn't have won the beauty's heart so quickly."

"Dongfang Tiancheng is a very filial child. If he knows that his mother is in trouble, he will definitely go to save him. Let alone ask him to divorce his wife, he will do it even if he asks him to kill his wife."

"Mr. is really clever. It seems that Mr. Dongfang Tiancheng's calculations are very accurate. I would like to thank you here."

"Your Majesty, you are welcome. In fact, I have a question that I have always wanted to ask my Majesty."

The black-browed eagle king handed a cup of tea to the black robe with a demon method.

"Sir, please have some tea! After you finish your tea, sir, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask."

The black robe took the tea and drank it down, saying: "The tea is good tea! Ah! Actually, I have always wanted to ask you, that Situ Yujiao is not a stunning beauty, let alone she is already married. Why are you so attached to her?"

"Sir, I don't know. Three years ago, I killed a wild deer on the Lotus Mountain. I was about to bring the wild deer back to the cave, but the leopard spirit in the Lotus Cave led hundreds of fairies and brought me More than a dozen goblins surrounded them and insisted that I give them the wild deer. I didn't want to, so I fought with the leopard spirit. As a result, all the goblins I brought were killed by the leopard spirit, and I suffered too. Seriously injured, when I ran away, I got into Situ Yujiao's house. Situ Yujiao was cooking at the time. When she saw me, she was very scared, but in the end, she saved me. From then on, I deeply love I fell in love with her deeply, and I swear, if I escape back successfully in the future, I must repay her well."

Heipao was a little shocked and said, "Your reward is to marry her?"

"I married her and gave her Tang Monk meat to make her live forever. What do you think of my way of repaying?"

"Actually, your trick is not very clever."

"what do you mean……"

"If you had met me earlier, I would have made Situ Yujiao obediently marry you."

The Black-Browed Eagle King was full of joy, and said, "Oh, do you have a way to get Situ Yujiao to marry me?"

"That's right!"

"What way? Say it quickly!"

"It's just useless to say it now."

(End of this chapter)

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