Chapter 36
"What do you know? Many rich people don't care how expensive the wine is. The more expensive the wine, the more they like it. Only those who have no money will say that the wine is expensive. Don't worry, my wine will not be sold. Sometimes, when many people get treasures at the Treasure Appreciation Conference, they will come to the famous wine venue to buy wine and buy famous wine to celebrate."

"To be honest, I really didn't take your Drunken Immortal Noodle seriously. I want Immortal Drunk."

"Immortal drunk? You can't afford it even more. That bottle of wine costs 100 million. You just have to take a look. Smell it, even if you die in this life, it's worth it."

"What if I take a sip?"

"Take a sip? Hey, I'm afraid you don't have that blessing."

Guo Qishuai walked to the booth next door, looked at the old man, and said, "Old man, please bring me a bottle of Immortal's Drunk, I want it!"

After the old man handed the luxuriously packaged Immortal Drunk to Guo Qishuai, he said, "Little friend, why are you buying Immortal Drunk? This wine is not suitable for children."

Guo Qishuai felt that the old man was very kind, and said, "I don't drink this wine, I bought it for others."

The old man said: "It's best to use an amber cup to drink such a fairy drunk. I have a pair of amber cups here, worth 10 yuan. Would you like to buy them?"

"Bring it to me and see."

The old man handed the amber wine glass to Guo Qishuai for a look.

Guo Qishuai said: "This wine glass is also a good wine glass, I bought it."

The shopkeeper next to him stared wide-eyed and said, "What? You really bought it? Where did you get so much money?"

"Swipe your card!"

"Okay! Sir, swipe your card here!"

The old man was obviously very polite to Guo Qishuai.

The shopkeeper next to him saw that Guo Qishuai really paid 110 million, his eyes widened and he said, "Oh, I can't see it, you still have 110 million."

"Don't look at people with colored glasses all day long. If you go around the street, a junk picker might have hundreds of millions."

"That's, that's, it's my blindness."

Guo Qishuai took the amber cup and got drunk with the fairy, found a place where no one was around, took a photo and uploaded it to the Yijie Taobao store.

His purpose this time is to let Monkey King place another order, so that when he wants to deliver the goods, he can ask Monkey King how to see through the jade.

After Guo Qishuai uploaded Immortal Drunk, there was an order soon.

The Yijie Taobao store is facing the Yijie plane, and there is no need to worry about no customers buying it. Therefore, in this case, it is not easy to get Monkey King to place an order.

[The order has been placed. Will the host deliver the goods? 】

"Can I ask who the customer who placed the order is?"

【cannot! 】

"Okay, delivery!" Guo Qishuai reluctantly agreed.

[Please move the host to no-man's land, and then activate the plane transfer function of this system. 】

Guo Qishuai looked at the people around him, and went directly to the men's room.

After closing the door, the system turned on the plane transfer function.

【Ten, nine, eight, seven...】

[Plane teleportation successful! 】

A flash of white light, Guo Qishuai has come to another world.

The world is full of white snow.

The snowflakes are bigger than goose feathers, which is very spectacular.

Guo Qishuai was still wearing summer clothes, and he shivered from the cold.

"System, you are so mean. If you want me to deliver goods to this place, you must at least ask me to add a few more clothes. What if I freeze to death?"

【The host please don't complain, and find your clients quickly. 】

"Who is my client? There is no one around."

"It's too cold, I'd better have a sip of wine to warm myself up!"

Guo Qishuai took out his phone and wanted to get out the bottle of Immortal Drunk, but he couldn't get it out no matter what.

The phone screen is like a toy screen.

"What's the matter? The phone is broken? The goods can't be retrieved."

【The host please don't try to drink the customer's wine.As a deliveryman of Yijie, it is your duty to deliver the goods to customers safely.It's disrespectful for you to open the customer's wine without permission. 】

"I knew I was wrong. Even if I was frozen to death, I would never try to get drunk again."

"Quick! Come on, surround that person."

Dozens of men in ancient clothes surrounded Guo Qishuai with big knives in their hands.

A one-eyed man in the lead looked at Guo Qishuai and said, "Who is it? This is a world of ice and snow, with no village in front or shop behind. What are you doing here?"

Guo Qishuai didn't know if the Immortal Drunk was given to them, so he tentatively asked: "Several heroes, I am the owner of the Taobao store in Yijie, and I am here to deliver goods. May I ask if you are in Yijie Have you placed an order from Taobao?"

"What Yijie Taobao store? What shopkeeper? We've never heard of it."

Guo Qishuai knew that these people were not his clients, but the next step would be more troublesome. When encountering these robbers, it would definitely be impossible to reason with them.

Guo Qishuai doesn't know martial arts, so he will definitely not be able to beat those people in a fight.

Even though he had taken the Reborn Pill, he was still not confident in the face of a person with a big knife in his hand.

It seems that 36 strategies can only be the best policy.

"If you haven't heard of Yijie Taobao Store, then I'm not delivering goods to you. Please give me your hands and let me go."

"Hahaha... Do you want to leave? Yes, leave the money on your body."

"I have no money."

"There's no money to keep the goods, aren't you the delivery man?"

"The goods are not for you, and you can't keep them."

"Huh! No one dares to talk to me like this. Let me ask you again, are you dying or wanting goods?"

"I want life, and I want goods."

"That's up to you. Come here, cut this kid off!"

Guo Qishuai turned around and ran away immediately.

Although he doesn't know how to do light work, but after taking the Reborn Pill, he still has strength.

So, he ran faster than those people.

In the snow, Guo Qishuai quickly left those people behind.

However, soon, he found that the one-eyed man flew over.

It turned out that this person's lightness kung fu was very good, he put his feet on the head of one of his subordinates, took off three more times on the snow, and flew thirty zhang.

The one-eyed man held a big knife in his hand, and after doing two somersaults in the air, he slashed at Guo Qishuai's head.

"Want to run? Find death!"

Guo Qishuai thought that he would die, but who knew that it was not him who died this time, but the one-eyed man.

The one-eyed man lay on his back on the ground, the knife in his hand was still tightly grasped.

His eyes stared at the sky, as if he was dying.

There is a flying knife at the throat of this person, the owner of this flying knife is Xiao Li Feidao Li Xunhuan.

Guo Qishuai saw that Li Xunhuan was standing in front of a carriage, carving wood with a knife in his hand.

He didn't seem to care about what happened in front of him at all, he only cared about the wood carving in his hand.

"Ah! It's Xiao Li Fei Dao Li Xun Huan, run!"

(End of this chapter)

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