Chapter 300
Tang Seng stopped Zhu Bajie and said, "Bajie, don't act recklessly, spare her life."

Zhu Bajie put away the rake and said, "Today, for the sake of my master, I will spare you once."

Lingyun said: "You white cat, why don't you follow me back soon? If you don't know how to repent, I will tell the queen mother what happened today. Even if you are the queen mother's favorite cat, the queen mother will not let you go when she is angry. you."

"I know I'm wrong, I know I'm wrong."

Tang Sanzang said: "Wukong, she has realized her mistake, just come out!"

"Master, this goblin is not trustworthy. She has the formula for binding immortal ropes. None of us can do anything to her. It's better for my old grandson to rip her belly out."

"Ah! No, Great Sage, I was wrong, please give me a chance!"

"You tell me the real formula for binding the fairy rope, otherwise, my old grandson will break your stomach."

"No, I say, I say, the real secret to tying the immortal rope is that I am the only one who dominates!"

Sun Wukong asked Guo Qishuai to try the formula to see if it worked.

Guo Qishuai tried it out and said, "The fairy rope is still obedient, and the formula is correct."

Sun Wukong said: "Okay! Open your mouth! My old grandson will go out now."

After Sun Wukong went out, Bai Xia stepped back three steps, leaned against the wall, changed the pipa out, played it a few times, and said, "Hmph! What a despicable Monkey King, he actually used this method to deal with me. Today, none of you can think about it!" escape!"

"I am the only one!"

When Sun Wukong said that I am the only one, the fairy rope tied him up. He struggled on the ground and said, "This... my old grandson fell for her again."

Sun Wukong glared at Baixia angrily and said, "What a dishonest fairy, next time, my old grandson will never spare you lightly."

"My lord, you have no chance."

When Baixia was still playing the pipa, Guo Qishuai said, "Baixia, I advise you to be kind."

"You are a mortal, go away!"

"If you go back with Lingyun now, I'll let you go, otherwise..."

"Otherwise what?"

"You see what this is?"

Guo Qishui took out the gold medal given to her by the Queen Mother and took a photo of it at Bai Xia. Bai Xia threw the pipa away, covered her head with both hands, and soon turned into a cat.

The cute white cat jumped on the ground a few times before jumping into Lingyun's arms.

Lingyun said happily: "Thank you, otherwise I will be punished by the Queen Mother."

Guo Qishuai said: "You're welcome!"

Zhu Bajie looked at Guo Qishuai in shock and said: "It seems that you are the most powerful person, but you have such a powerful baby, and you only show it now, are you looking for a beating?"

"Marshal Tianpeng, you masters and apprentices should be in such a catastrophe this time, how can I take action casually?"

Sha Wujing said: "Second Senior Brother, Senior Senior Brother is still tied up with a fairy rope, what should we do?"

Zhu Bajie said: "Only the white cat knows the formula for binding the fairy rope. Now the white cat has become a cat and can't speak. I'm afraid Brother Hou can't escape again."

Lingyun said: "Only the Queen Mother knows the formula for binding the fairy rope. The Great Sage is probably going to the Heavenly Court."

Monkey King stood up from the ground, his arms shook, and the bundle of fairy ropes broke into countless pieces.

"How can this little fairy rope bind me?"

Zhu Bajie was shocked again: "Brother Hou, you have such a powerful ability, why did you use it until now? It made us panic."

"Bajie, don't you understand this? My old grandson thinks this bundle of fairy rope is a good treasure, so I want to cheat the formula so that I can use it to subdue other monsters. Now my grandson has not got this formula. , this bundle of fairy rope is useless, it might as well be destroyed."

Guo Qishuai said: "Everyone don't need to make a fuss, if Sun Dasheng can't even deal with an immortal rope, how can he make a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace?"

Zhu Bajie said: "Brother Monkey has made us suffer a lot. I haven't eaten yet? I'm so hungry that my stomach is growling."

Sun Wukong said: "There is a lot of food hidden in the goblin's cave, how about I let those little goblins make a pot of porridge for everyone to fill their stomachs?"

"That's great!" Zhu Bajie almost jumped up.

When the little goblin went to cook, Guo Qishui walked up to Sun Wukong and said, "Great Sage, do you still remember the bet I made with you?"

"You bet? When did it happen?"

"The great sage has a bad memory. I said that if Guanyin Bodhisattva sends someone to ferry your master across the river, you will lose ten monkey hairs to me. Do you remember this?"

"Remember, of course I remember, don't you want ten monkey hairs? My old grandson will give it to you."

Monkey King plucked ten monkey hairs and gave them to Guo Qishuai.

After Guo Qishuai took the monkey hair, his mobile phone indicated that the battery was low.

If the phone ran out of battery, Guo Qishuai would not be able to return to the world he was in, so he hurriedly bid farewell to Tang Sanzang and others, and then disappeared into a white light.

Tang Sanzang and others ate white rice porridge, stayed in Baimaojing Cave for one night, and continued on their way the next morning.

After Lingyun took the white cat to heaven to return to the Queen Mother, the white cat was deprived of its spiritual power and imprisoned in the cat cage again. After returning home, merits and demerits are equal, neither punishment nor reward.

After Guo Qishuai returned from Journey to the West, he hadn't gone to class for two days.

The head teacher, Xiang Caixia, knew of his ability and was favored by him, so she asked him for sick leave directly.

After Guo Qishuai charged his mobile phone in the champion building, he lay down and slept for a while.

He didn't get up until 02:30 in the afternoon to go to class.

After Guo Qishuai arrived in class, he heard Zhao Qiaoling arguing with a girl.

The whole class was there watching.

Zhao Qiaoling said: "Zhao Shuting, this pair of bracelets on your hand is mine, please take it off."

Zhao Shuting said: "Why should I pick it off? Do you think it's yours if you say it's yours? I bought this bracelet yesterday."

Zhao Qiaoling said: "My name is engraved on this bracelet. You can see for yourself."

"You said this bracelet has your name on it? You can take a look, there is no name on my bracelet. She, Zhao Qiaoling, is framing a good person."

After reading it, some students said that there is no name on the bracelet.

Some students asked Zhao Qiaoling if she had an invoice for her bracelet. Zhao Qiaoling said no, and asked her where she bought the bracelet. She also said she couldn't remember. Finally, Zhao Shuting took out the invoice for the bracelet and said that Zhao Qiaoling was framing her. .

Many students said that what Zhao Qiaoling did was really despicable, and they also said that she should stop here. If the incident was reported to the police, it would be bad for her.

Zhao Qiaoling was so wronged that she almost cried, and said: "The gold bracelet on Zhao Shuting's hand is really mine, why don't you believe it?"

"You don't have an invoice, others have an invoice, how can you make everyone believe you?"

"Qiaoling, what's going on?"

(End of this chapter)

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