Yijie Taobao store

Chapter 296 Happy too early

Chapter 296 Happy too early
Zhu Bajie burst into tears as he spoke.

Tang Sanzang also felt that what Zhu Bajie said was reasonable, and said: "Bajie, I have wronged you!"

"Master, it's okay for me, old pig, to feel a little wronged. It's just Master. The disciple can no longer follow the master to the West to learn scriptures. If there are any monsters along the way, Junior Brother Sha, you must protect the master. If the master is attacked by monsters, Eat it, and I won’t let you go in the underworld.”

"What are you talking about, you idiot? Don't talk nonsense."

"If I don't say it again, I won't have a chance in the future. Master, take care of yourself."

Tang Sanzang said: "Bajie, I know it as a teacher."

"Hey, the master said that there has been a swine fever recently, and this pork may not be safe. He wants us to change it. After an hour, we will eat the shark."

"Huh? Don't eat my old pig, it's all right now, and my old pig can live for a few more hours."

Sha Wujing looked sad, and said: "Second Senior Brother, I..."

"Junior Brother Sha, don't cry, don't cry, go at ease, if I am saved by Brother Monkey, I will definitely protect Master for you, so you don't have to worry about it."

When Sha Wujing thought that after an hour, he would be eaten by the goblin, he felt so bad that he couldn't laugh anymore, and said: "Master, this disciple has just followed the master, and he will be killed if he hasn't done much for the master. If the monster eats it, the disciple will not be reconciled!"

Zhu Bajie smiled all over his face and said: "I said Junior Brother Sha, why are you crying? You were not so sad just now."

"I... I'm not reconciled! Master, the disciple has something to say to the master at the end of his life."

"Wu Jing, don't be impatient. Speak slowly."

"Master, my disciple was originally the rolling shutter general beside the Jade Emperor 500 years ago. Only because he accidentally broke the glass cup, the Jade Emperor demoted me to the Liusha River to become a shark spirit. I thought that I would be a shark spirit in this life. I also have no chance to enter the Heavenly Court. Fortunately, Guanyin Bodhisattva enlightened me and let me go to the west to learn Buddhist scriptures with my master. But who would have thought that after an hour, the disciple would become the goblin's appetizer."

Zhu Bajie said: "Junior Brother Sha, how come your last words are so similar to mine?"

"Master, the disciple will serve the master again in the next life."

"Wujing, Master, I'm sorry."

Guo Qishuai said: "Marshal Tianpeng, General Roller, both of them are gods in the sky, why can't they even beat a cat?"

Zhu Bajie said: "That cat is not very powerful, but the pipa in her hand is very powerful."

Lingyun said: "When this cat is in the heavenly court, it likes to play the pipa when there is nothing to do. The queen mother is very happy to see that it can play the pipa. She specially asked Taishang Laojun to make one for it. I didn't expect this cat demon to play the pipa. To be able to control that pipa is really incredible."

Guo Qishuai said: "Sister Lingyun, what should we do now? My formula for binding the immortal rope was also changed by it."

"I think we can only wait for the Great Sage Sun Sun to come and save us."

An hour later, two little leopard spirits came in, and one of the thinner leopard spirits waved the knife in his hand and said: "The queen has an order. As long as Tang Sanzang is willing to marry our queen, she is willing to kill pigs and slaughter her." The sheep entertain everyone, but if Tang Sanzang refuses to agree, then Sha Wujing will be slaughtered with a single knife."

Tang Sanzang was in a dilemma, and said, "This..."

Zhu Bajie said: "Master, I say master, why are you hesitating? Brother Sha is about to be killed by that goblin, can't you agree to that goblin?"

"Bajie, how can I agree to her as a teacher?"

"Okay, if you don't agree, then Junior Brother Sha will go to see the King of Hell. Junior Brother Sha, you go ahead. Don't walk too fast on the Huangquan Road. I, the old pig, will follow you later."

"Second Senior Brother, I'll wait for you!"

"Master, take care of yourself, the disciples are leaving first."

The thin goblin said to the fat goblin next to him: "Hey, Huabao, go tell the queen that Tang Sanzang agrees to marry her, and let her arrange the bridal chamber properly, and the wedding will start right away." .”

Hua Bao was stunned and said: "Hua Bei, you... are you lying? This old monk would rather his disciple die than marry our queen. What can you do?"

"Don't worry, Huabao, I have my own solution."

"I can tell you, you know the queen's temper. If you dare to lie to her, he can break your bones."

"Don't worry, I'm absolutely sure."

"Okay, Huabei, then I will trust you once."

After Huabao left, Tang Sanzang said, "You don't need to waste your time, I won't marry her even if I die."

"Master, you have to bow your head when you are under the eaves. Master, if you trust me just once, I will definitely get rid of that goblin."

"Wukong, you..."

"Haha, I thought it was some goblin who came, but it turned out to be Bi Mawen."

"Hush!" Sun Wukong whistled and said, "You idiot, keep your voice down."

Sha Wujing excitedly said: "Elder brother, I knew you would come."

"Junior Brother Sha, don't be afraid, my old grandson will rescue you out."

Tang Sanzang said worriedly: "You monkey, how could you agree to them casually? You will never obey my teacher."

"Master, my grandson knows that you are eager to learn scriptures, so how could you marry a goblin? It's just that the fairy rope in the goblin's hand is too powerful. I'm afraid my grandson won't be able to get her. Master just promises to pretend to marry her and cheat her." With the formula of binding the fairy rope, my old grandson naturally has a way to deal with her."

Tang Sanzang thought again and again and said: "This... I'm afraid..."

"Master, don't hesitate anymore, don't you want my old grandson to be arrested by him, and let her cook us one by one as appetizers?"

Zhu Bajie said: "Eldest brother is right, master, you can't hesitate any longer."

Sha Wujing said: "Eldest senior brother, second senior brother is right!"

Tang Sanzang was a little shy and said: "Master can promise her this, but I never lie. I'm afraid I won't be able to deceive the goblin."

"Master, that goblin is affectionate and righteous to you. If you say something nice, the goblin will definitely listen to master."

"Well, let's try it as a teacher."

Huabei walked out of the cave and said to the fairies guarding outside: "Hurry up and tell the queen that Tang Sanzang has agreed to marry our queen, and ask the queen to come and greet Tang Sanzang quickly."

"Queen, Tang Sanzang has promised to marry you."

"Oh, is this true? I... I look like this... No, I have to dress up quickly."

When Bai Xia was dressing up, he asked Hua Bao, "Hua Bao, what did Tang Sanzang say?"

"Queen, it was Huabei who said he could persuade Tang Sanzang to marry the queen. He asked me to tell the queen first."

(End of this chapter)

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