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Chapter 24 You're Unworthy

Chapter 24 You're Unworthy

Guo Qishuai fell in love with a girl, and the relationship between the two was very good, so they just confessed.

Later, after Chen Deng appeared, the girl directly dumped Guo Qishuai, saying that he was handsome but he couldn't be eaten, and he had to be rich.

She has been Chen Deng's girlfriend ever since.

Chen Deng has always harbored ill intentions towards Guo Qishuai, and made trouble for him many times. Whenever he saw Guo Qishuai, Chen Deng wanted to go up and give him a hug. For more than two years, Guo Qishuai has been enduring Chen Deng. When we meet here today, we can say It's because the enemy's road is narrow, and when enemies meet, they are extremely jealous.

"Guo Qishuai, your poor life, no matter how hard you fight, you will never surpass me in this life. This is life, you have to be appointed. Don't talk about 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi all the time. Don't bully young people and poor bullshit. Let me tell you, even if you are given another 300 years, you will still be poor."

"Guo Qishuai, why are you here?" A girl ran over from behind Chen Deng.

"Caifeng, are you still following him?"

Shi Caifeng was the girl Guo Qishuai had been chasing after when he was freshman in high school.

She and Guo Qishuai are from the same hometown, both from Guojiazhuang. They went to elementary school and junior high school together when they were young. The relationship between the two has been very good until the first year of high school.

"Yes, Mr. Chen knows how much he loves me and bought me a lot of things. You see, the things I wear on my hands and around my neck, I'm afraid you won't be able to afford them in your lifetime."

"Yes, I may not be able to afford it, but people change. Just because I'm poor now doesn't mean I'll be poor forever."

"All right, all right, I don't want to hear your ramblings. You've been saying these things since elementary school, and it's still the same when you're in high school. 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, don't bully the young and poor, right! Damn! Just like you , still want to get ahead? A ghost would believe it!"

Shi Caifeng turned into this, really made Guo Qishuai very speechless, just now Shi Caifeng's saliva sprayed on his face, he wiped it with his hands, and said: "Will I succeed, you don't deserve to point fingers."

"I'm too lazy to talk to you. Just go away and don't disgust me here."

"What if I don't leave? This is not your home."

Chen Deng said to a security guard: "Security guard, security guard, come here and blow this person away, it's disgusting here."

The security guard was about to speak to Guo Qishuai when someone suddenly said, "The old man has gone!"

"What? Uncle, what should I do if you leave like this?" Chen Deng quickly ran over.

Guo Qishuai felt that Shitong Express's service was good and had a good reputation, so he decided to use Wanling Life Pill to save Lin Shitong.

He hurried over and said, "I have a way to save Mr. Chen."

A security guard stopped him and refused to let Guo Qishuai in.

At this time, Chen Pingchao, Chen Shitong's son, came over and said, "What did you just say? Can you save my father?"

Guo Qishuai nodded and said, "I can try."

"The doctor has announced that my father has no vital signs. What can you do?"

"I have a panacea to bring the dead back to life!"

"Cousin, don't listen to his nonsense. There is no panacea in this world. He is a liar." Chen Deng fanned the flames.

"Am I a liar? May I ask what did I lie to you? Did I ask you for money?"


"Chen Deng, don't say a few words. My father is dead. If he can save my father, our Chen family will naturally be grateful to him. Even if he can't save my father, it doesn't matter. My friend, please tell me I come."

"Cousin, do you really let him try?"

"As I said, my father has been declared dead by the doctor. Even after taking his panacea, I would not blame him if my father did not come back to life." Graduated from the Department of Finance and proficient in business operations, he can fully support the sky of WorldCom Express.

Chen Deng's father was only the person in charge of a region in Shitong Express, also called the regional manager, and his father also had to listen to Lin Pingchao. Therefore, Chen Deng dared not have the slightest objection to Lin Pingchao's words.

Chen Pingchao hurriedly brought Guo Qishuai to Lin Shitong's bed.

Chen Pingchao said sadly: "Mr. Guo, can my father be saved?"

Director Liu, the attending doctor at the side, said: "The person has no vital signs. Among the more than 1000 cases I announced, none of them can be revived. This young man, are you here to be funny?"

Guo Qishuai had already given Lin Shitong Wanling Life Pill, and took it with warm boiled water, and said, "I don't know if this medicine can bring Mr. Lin back to life, I just want to try it. Young Master Lin, if my medicine doesn't matter Yong, you won’t blame me, right?”

Lin Pingchao shook his head sadly and said: "Mr. Guo, please rest assured. I am very aware of my father's condition. Even if your medicine doesn't work, it doesn't matter. I won't blame you."

Guo Qishui felt that Lin Pingchao had no airs at all. He was really different from rich second generation people like Ren Zhipeng and Chen Deng.

Liu Zhiyuan, the attending doctor on the side, sneered and said: "Mr. Lin, your father is gone, why do you need to let people mess with your father's body again."

"Shut up! My father is not dead. It's a quack doctor like you who is incapable of curing my father's illness. It's not my father who can't do it, it's you who can't."

Liu Zhiyuan said: "Young Master Lin, although you are the legal heir of Shitong Express in the future, you can't say that about me. I am the best physician in Lingtong City. I can't save your father, and neither can others. If he If you can save your father, I will kneel down and kowtow three times for you."

"Okay! It's a deal!"

"But what if your father dies?"

"I knelt down and kowtowed to you three times!"

Chen Deng reminded Lin Pingchao: "Cousin, this bet..."

"I have my measure."

In fact, Lin Pingchao is not a reckless person, because he saw his father's eyelids move, so he concluded that Guo Qishuai's medicine is useful, and his father will definitely be able to live.

Guo Qishui saw Lin Shitong's hand move. He quickly grabbed Lin Shitong's hand, pressed his wrist and said, "Mr. Lin, Mr. Lin has a pulse."

Lin Pingchao immediately grabbed Lin Shitong's hand, two lines of excited tears could no longer be controlled, and said: "Dad, you woke up, you really woke up, I thought I would never see you again."

Lin Shitong said with difficulty: "Ping Chao, don't cry, this is not the first time for your dad, am I fine every time?"

"Dad, you are more serious this time than before. This time, your vital signs are gone."

"Which bastard said I have no vital signs? Don't you think I'm fine now? I feel more energetic than before."

"It's Liu Zhiyuan, your personal doctor who spent 100 million yuan here."

"It's you?"

Liu Zhiyuan was so frightened that he was trembling all over, and said, "No, no, it's impossible. Just now you clearly had no vital signs, so how could you be resurrected?"

(End of this chapter)

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