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Chapter 100 Arrested

Chapter 100 Arrested

Ma Xian's eyes widened and he gritted his teeth. When he shook the bell, Guo Qishuai was so uncomfortable that he couldn't read the formula, and Ma Xian felt much better.

Ma Xian shook the bell vigorously several times, and Guo Qishui almost fainted. Fortunately, he had also taken the Rebirth Pill, and his eyes just couldn't see which one in front of him was the real Ma Xian.

He shook his head vigorously a few times, and recited the formula of the green rope.

Seeing that the green rope was getting tighter and tighter, Ma Xian was almost out of breath. Guo Qishuai thought he could tie Ma Xian up, but who knew that Ma Xian's mana was so strong that he actually broke the green rope. broken.

When the rope broke, Ma Xian laughed and said, "Hahaha...you want to use this rope to tie the jade rabbit to tie me, it's really fantastic! Don't even think about it, even the reins that tie the fairy horse can't tie me. How about a broken rope?"

Guo Qishuai looked at Ma Xian worriedly and said: "I advise you not to mess around. This is the Guanghan Palace, not far from the Heavenly Court. If you make trouble here, Marshal Tianpeng will come back soon. At that time, he will take the You take it back."

Ma Xiandao: "What you said is reasonable. My magic power is indeed inferior to Marshal Tianpeng. If he comes, he will definitely take me back. How about this, tell me where is the safest place, and I will escape there."

"The next generation will be a demon, do you want to?"

"It's okay to let me go to the mortal world to be a fairy. But where is the road to the mortal world?"

"Did you see that blue planet?"

"Planet?" Ma Xian put on a blindfold and looked at the blue planet, and said, "What is a planet?"

"The planet is a very big ball, and there are many people, monsters and monsters living on it. If you go there and find a deserted mountain top, become your own king, and practice every day, wouldn't it be free and happy?"

Ma Xian thought for a while and said, "What you said makes sense, but how can I go there?"

"With your cultivation, how far can you go?"

"Of course there is no problem with my cultivation base, but I heard that after the next session, it will be difficult to improve if you want to practice. Therefore, I want to get some elixir from the Supreme Lord before going somewhere."

Guo Qishui was surprised and said: "You want Taishang Laojun's elixir? You don't want to live anymore? Is that something that ordinary fairies can get?"

"It is very difficult for a god like me to get an elixir, but Chang'e is an exception. You said that if I exchanged your life and the life of the jade rabbit for an elixir, would Chang'e help me get it? "

"You are overthinking. I am just a mortal with no connection with Chang'e. Even if she dies, she will not shed a tear. There is also the Jade Rabbit. The Jade Rabbit makes Chang'e angry every day, so the Jade Rabbit is dead. Chang'e will not be sad either."

Ma Lian shook his head and said: "You are wrong. I think your life is very valuable. Your father is sick, and Chang'e will go to Yaochi to get water at the risk of being fined. If you are kidnapped, she will definitely go to fetch water." Elixir."

Guo Qishuai said: "I advise you to leave here as soon as possible, otherwise, when the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavens are coming, you may not be able to escape if you want to."

"If you can't escape, I will kill you first."

"Who is talking nonsense in my Guanghan Palace?"

Hearing Chang'e's voice, Ma Xian immediately transformed a dagger against Guo Qishuai's throat, and said to Chang'e, "It's me. I want you to go to the Taishang Laojun to get an elixir. Would you like to go?"

Chang'e said anxiously: "Calm down, calm down, don't mess around. Listen to me, I can't go to heaven, otherwise, if the Queen Mother catches me, I will be punished."

"You have already gone to Yaochi, and you have already violated the rules. What are you afraid of when you go to Tushita Palace again?"

Chang'e said: "I really can't go anymore. Ma Xian, you have to think clearly, you are the imperial horse of the Jade Emperor. In the heavenly court, you can eat, drink, and be happy. If you come down to the mortal world, then you It’s a goblin. Every year, the Jade Emperor will send a large number of gods to the lower realm to catch monsters. Do you think you can escape? You should go back!”

"Stop talking nonsense, if I count to three and you don't go to the Taishang Laojun to get the elixir, then I will cut off one of his arms."

"One, two..."

The sound was like a reminder, and Guo Qishuai's heart beat even faster.

"Wait, calm down, I'm going to find you an elixir."

After Chang'e left, Ma Xian said to Guo Qishuai: "See? Chang'e's heart is still very kind, and you have a special place in her heart. Your life is more important than hers. She really went I'm looking for the Taishang Laojun. I believe Chang'e will be able to get the elixir."

"Why are you so sure? The elixir is not an ordinary medicine. It's not easy for the Taishang Laojun to refine it. How could you give it to Chang'e so easily?"

"Fairy Chang'e still has a lot of face, so you don't have to worry about her."

Guo Qishuai said: "Ma Xian, are you really planning to go to the lower realm to become a demon?"

"I have no other choice. After being captured, I will definitely be thrown into the [-]th floor of hell and suffer the pain of reincarnation. I can only be a demon."

Just as Ma Xian finished speaking, Guo Qishuai saw a gust of wind blowing at the door.

That gust of wind turned into white smoke.

As soon as the white smoke condensed, it turned into a beautiful and moving Chang'e.

Chang'e looked at Ma Xian, holding a red elixir between her thumb and forefinger, and said, "Ma Xian, this fairy has already obtained an elixir from Taishang Laojun. If you let him go, I will take this elixir." I'll give you an elixir."

Immortal Ma said: "Leave the person with one hand and the elixir with the other."


Chang'e gave the elixir to Ma Xian.

Ma Xian took the elixir, sniffed it around his nose, and said angrily, "The elixir is fake."

Chang'e waved her hand, and a white light hit him on the left shoulder, knocking him back three feet.

Ma Xian opened his eyes again, and Chang'e in front of him turned into Marshal Canopy.

"Ah! You are not Chang'e."

"Ma Xian, come back with me."

"Don't think about it!"

"It's not that easy to leave."

Ma Xian turned into a white light and disappeared, and Marshal Tianpeng also turned into a white light and chased him out.

When Ma Xian flew out of the Moon Palace, Marshal Canopy also chased him out of the Moon Palace. He beat the nine-toothed nail rake down in the direction Ma Xian flew from above the Moon Palace.

Although Ma Xian escaped quickly, Marshal Tianpeng's nine-toothed rake was even faster.

After the nine-toothed rake grabbed Ma Xian by the back, he brought him to Marshal Tianpeng.

Marshal Tianpeng said: "Don't say you are a little horse fairy, even Wu Qu Xingjun can't escape my nails."

Immediately, Ma Xian knelt down to Marshal Tianpeng, and said, "Marshal, spare your life, Marshal, spare your life, I will never dare to run away again."

"Don't dare to be the best!"

Guo Qishuai said: "Hey, Ma Xian, didn't you just say that this heaven is too boring, you don't want to be someone else's mount anymore, why are you going back now?"

(End of this chapter)

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