city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 992 A Divine Object

Chapter 992 Three Divine Items
If you guessed correctly, the inside of the cave should be the ruins of the Naga Protoss.

"Found it! It's the ruins! The entrance is over there!"

Jie scanned around, and immediately found the place where the stone steps began to extend, which was at the feet of several people.

Everyone immediately went up the stone steps.


After walking a few steps, a few strange tones came from above the stone steps.

Two Naga Sea-Monsters showed their figures from above. They played the clarinets in their hands at the same time, and at the same time, two water curtains rose from the Naga Sea-Monsters.

Four huge sea elementals emerged from the water curtain and blocked in front of them.

"It's a summoned creature!"

When Haowan gave the warning, Fang Tian had already made a move. His figure quickly skipped between the water curtains, ignoring the sea element in front of him. They sprang out from the gap between them, and rushed straight to the Naga Sea-Monster behind them.

The speed is so fast, not to mention the sea element, even Hao Wan didn't react.

Being approached rapidly by Fang Tian, ​​the two Naga Sirens played clarinets at the same time.


Fang Tian frowned, feeling dizzy in his brain, and at the same time rows of red numbers emerged from his body.

The magic damage that cannot be defended, through the sound as the attack medium, the Naga Siren's attack method is the same as in the legend, which makes Fang Tian a headache, all he can do is speed up and eliminate them Naga Siren, interrupt They cast spells.

The dagger slashed across the scales on the back of the Naga Siren, bursting out a red number of tens of thousands.

This number made Fang Tian feel a little relieved. Fortunately, these two Naga Sirens are not elite-level creatures, otherwise it would be very troublesome to attack each other with magic output.

The Naga Siren is a mage-like crispy skin with low blood volume. Fang Tian swung the dagger one after another, and the two Naga Siren fell to the ground immediately, and the summoned sea element disappeared at the same time.

A holy light healing technique boosted Fang Tian's blood volume, and before Fang Jie and the others could breathe a sigh of relief, several Naga sea monsters appeared in front of him.

Fang Tian raised his dagger, knowing that he couldn't hit like this, and gestured to Hesna behind, ready to put down his steps, and with the help of Hesna's treatment, he slowly cleared the past.

Once the offensive slowed down, the two sides became a tug-of-war. The Naga Siren continued to summon sea elementals, release ice arrows, and apply blood recovery skills to the sea elementals. Here, Hesna stood in front to absorb the damage, relying on Fang Tian The high-explosive bursts solve the sea elements one by one.

These are ordinary creatures, and Jie was too embarrassed to be lazy at this time, so he cooperated with cleaning up the sea elements and helped to pull and pull, even though he felt that his role was almost zero.

Generally speaking, the risk factor is extremely low, and the car will basically not roll over, which is just a waste of time.

It took a lot of time to clean up the creatures outside the stone steps. Finally, after some tiring, everyone arrived inside the cave smoothly.

There is no sign of hostile creatures inside the cave ruins.

After everyone entered the cave, they realized that the whole cave was actually not deep, and the deepest part was less than ten meters, but the interior was extremely wide.

There are three statues cast at the bottom of the cave, the Naga statue wearing a crown in the middle, the Naga guard outside the portal on the left, and the Naga banshee just met on the right.

Apart from the Naga statue wearing a crown in the center, what attracted Fang Tian's attention the most was the ancient magic circle embedded in the ground in front of the stone statue.

Fang Tian squatted on the ground and observed carefully.

Jie looked around, but didn't find anything special. Seeing Fang Tian staring at the magic circle in a daze, he couldn't help leaning over, and asked in his ear, "How is it? Did you find anything?"

Fang Tian thought for a while, stood up, and said, "This is an ancient magic circle, and it belongs to the same type as the magic circle we saw in Baishi Church before."

Jie blinked, thinking what could this mean?
Fang Tian focused his eyes on the depressions inside the magic circle, "Look carefully, do you see the depressions inside?"

Jie leaned over and took a closer look. Sure enough, as Fang Tian said, there were three depressions with different shapes in the middle of the magic circle. Vaguely, Jie seemed to feel that he had caught something, but he couldn't tell.

Fang Tian gave the answer directly. He pointed to a certain depression in it, "Look at this depression, it is exactly the same shape as the depression on the magic circle we found in the White Church."

Jie was stunned, and blurted out: "Then why are there three depressions here?"

"Because three different artifacts are needed to open this magic circle."

Hao Wan explained calmly at the side.

Jie turned his head and said in astonishment, "How do you know?"

"Have you seen these three stone statues?" Hao Wan has been staring at these three stone statues for a long time, she pointed to these three stone statues, "Looking at their expressions and movements, I feel that they should have held some What is it."

Fang Tian raised his head, and after Hao Wan said this, he also noticed that, in this case, the artifact in Archbishop Keoli's hand should have been taken away from here.

"Then... we are still a step late, and the things have already been taken away?" Jie felt a little disappointed, and couldn't help saying: "It took so much effort to get here, isn't it a waste of time for us."

"Are you a pig's brain!" Hao Wan glared at Jie. After what happened before, she had already analyzed the matter thoroughly. Seeing that he was still in the fog, she still sighed and said "Obviously, a group of unknown people came here one step ahead of us. They tried to repair the formation here, but they couldn't activate the formation. You guessed it right, they should have also discovered that an artifact is needed to activate the formation. things."

Jie was still in a very dazed state, blinking constantly.

Haowan was helpless, "Why are you so stupid? Their purpose of seizing the artifact is to open the magic circle here. There is no sign of the magic circle here being opened yet. What does this mean?"

"Ha! I know!" Jie clapped his hands, thought clearly, and said excitedly: "This means they haven't found all three artifacts yet. We just need to wait here and reap the benefits!"

After thinking about this, Jie completely relaxed, "It's alright now, let's take a good rest and wait for those people to come to our door, and when the time comes, we will join hands with the artifacts they have worked so hard to get. Isn't it flattering?"

Hesna is not as optimistic as Jie, but her expression is a little dignified, her eyes stay on the three stone statues, and she only hears her whisper, "You can't relax your vigilance, but there is no guardian of the ruins here, I think There should have been a BOSS-level guardian here, and it should have been wiped out by those who were one step ahead of us. These people can come here to destroy the boss, and they can also kill Archbishop Keoli who has the artifact. The strength of people is definitely not low, and we cannot underestimate them."

(End of this chapter)

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