city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 955 Skills

Chapter 955 Skills

Hao Wan shuddered, panting heavily, and responded: "Yes, master."

She raised a ninety-degree bow to Yu Qiu, and Hao Wan rested on a nearby rock. Hao Wan respected Yu Qiu very much.

I don't know when Hao Wan began to call Yu Qiu her master, but Yu Qiu didn't say anything about it, and didn't tell her not to call her that way, so Hao Wan just kept on calling.

Yu Qiu didn't say much, his gaze shifted to Fang Tian.

Since just now, Fang Tian has been sitting on a rock not far away, without saying a word.

"I see, it's a good technique." Yu Qiu praised in a low voice, "When there is no danger, the mind in the body can be continuously twisted in the form of a spiral, and the body's resistance to the mind can be enhanced by changing directions, and the body's resistance to the mind can be continuously strengthened. The ability of the body to control thoughts, this technique is called "inner rotation". If you want to use "inner rotation" all the time, you must make the control of thoughts an instinct of the body. This is an extremely difficult cultivation skill .”

Yu Qiu's calm narration came to Hao Wan's ears, "When practicing, the mind is gradually released out of the body in the form of rotation. The direction of internal rotation and external rotation is different, and the frequency and speed, range and breadth of the rotation , all of which can greatly exercise the ability to control perception and thought, as opposed to 'internal rotation', this technique is called 'external rotation'."

Sitting on the rock to rest just now, Hao Wan was about to see what kind of high-level cultivation Fang Tian was going to do, when she heard Yu Qiu's words, she couldn't help being startled.

She knew that Yu Qiu's words were told to herself, she glanced at Fang Tian, ​​that guy had been sitting there just now, so it turned out that he had been cultivating in secret all this time?
It's no wonder that at the same age as me, I can far exceed myself. In addition to talent, there is also continuous hard work in cultivation.

Thinking about it, Hao Wan's face turned slightly pale. She pulled herself together and tried to use the method Yu Qiu said just now to form internal rotation in her body. However, she just activated the mind to form a rotation in her body, and the mind suddenly disappeared. Being manipulated by perception almost caused her inner breath to become disordered.

"The skill of 'spin' is difficult and requires a certain foundation. Don't worry, you are too far behind now, and you need to make up the foundation first."

Yu Qiu glanced at Hao Wan, as if to remind her.

Basics first?Hao Wan's mouth was a little bitter, the more she understood, the more she realized that the gap between herself and Fang Tian was so big, Hao Wan took a breath, and once again there was an unyielding energy in her eyes.

Fang Tian put away the 'spinning' state, jumped off the rock, and stood opposite Yu Qiu.

"I told you when I came here that your foundation is perfect and you don't need any more training. Let's directly start the training of special skills."

"Okay." Fang Tian also answered concisely. He felt that Yu Qiu's cultivation method that directly entered the topic was very suitable for him.

"Same as dark shock, the technique of detonation is also divided into three points, the gathering of power, condensation, and explosion." Yu Qiu said and stretched out three fingers, "Put these three points to the extreme, strength and punching speed Reaching a certain critical point, combined with the vibration technique launched by the power, the power is urged to the peak, and the final result is a detonation."

Fang Tian nodded half-understood. So, Dark Shock and Shock Detonation are skills of about the same level?

Just as he was thinking, suddenly, Fang Tian sensed a great threat coming from Yu Qiu, and he instinctively sprinted backwards.

A tyrannical aura erupted from Yu Qiu's whole body.

Fang Tian's pupils reflected the wave of thoughts visible to the naked eye.

It's the eighth-order flame!

The uncontrollable, explosive, materialized thoughts!

Sure enough, his strength is far more than that of sixth-order burning!

Fang Tian stared at Yu Qiu closely, he stopped thinking about these things, he knew that Yu Qiu was going to show him the technique of blasting.

Perhaps in order to be able to demonstrate this blow, Yu Qiu's movements were very slow, he slowly tightened his fists.


Immediately afterwards, Fang Tian only heard a muffled bang in his eardrums, and at the same time, the world was turned upside down instantly, his brain was dizzy from the shock, his body flew backwards uncontrollably, and he heard the sound of a forest tree being slammed into his ears. The sound of smashing.

Opening his eyes again, Fang Tian found that he had been sent flying more than ten meters away by the shock, and Hao Wan was not much better, standing next to him, holding his forehead and barely supporting his body.

Looking up, Yu Qiu stood in the same place, with him as the center, the entire ground was sunken into a circle of nearly two meters, and the big trees within ten meters around were without exception swept away by the air waves generated by the fist.

a mess.

Fang Tian recalled the situation just now, although he could still see the movement of retracting his fist, but Yu Qiu's movement of punching and exerting force was too fast, so fast that he couldn't catch it with his eyes.

The movement before punching turned into slow motion, replaying in Fang Tian's mind step by step...

Compared with Fang Tian, ​​Hao Wan was even more shocked. She couldn't help thinking, is this really the power of a punch?

Yu Qiu coughed uncontrollably, a blush appeared on his pale face.

From the looks of it, the forced explosion of the eighth-level burning seemed to consume Yu Qiu a lot.

It took a long time for Yu Qiu to recover. He walked back in front of Fang Tian, ​​shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, I haven't mastered the technique of detonation, so I can only use this method to make an incorrect move like you. Demo."

Fang Tian was startled.

That punch just now was just an incomplete version of the shock?

"Detonation not only requires extremely strong power, but also requires extremely strong control of power. The two are indispensable. The eighth-level burning is already extremely difficult for me. I can't achieve subtle and extreme power control." Yu Qiu's complexion gradually recovered, he was very calm, and continued: "I've said it before, this is an extremely difficult technique."

The damage caused in this way is just an incomplete state of shock?Hao Wan was also frightened by this skill, she couldn't help but look up at Fang Tian, ​​this guy, why is he given such high expectations?Why does Senior Yu Qiu think that Fang Tian is capable of displaying this skill?
The more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable Hao Wan felt, and she couldn't help asking: "Senior Hao Wan, even you can't learn this skill, is Fang Tian too reluctant?"

"Ahem...ahem..." Yu Qiu couldn't help coughing a few more times, he took a breath, shook his head and said, "No, you're wrong, this skill is extremely difficult for anyone , as far as I know, so far this skill has only been mastered by the senior who created this trick."

Hao Wan opened her mouth in surprise and wanted to say something, but her voice was stuck in her throat and she couldn't say anything.

Fang Tian was also startled when he heard that.

(End of this chapter)

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