city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 93 Gathering Technique

Chapter 93 Gathering Technique

He has seen the skill of gargoyle puppet alchemy with his own eyes, and the success rate of this skill description is 30.00%.This kind of life professional skill is usually done by players, which means the success rate is about 20.00%. I originally thought that Fang Tian would be very talented if he could achieve a success rate of [-] to [-]%, but now the success rate is actually so much higher. ?

Shen Luoluo became a little incoherent, and you pointed at Fang Tian, ​​"No, no, didn't you say before that there was only half the success rate? Why are there so many materials left?"

"I didn't master the skills before, and you were watching next to me, which distracted me." Fang Tian yawned again, and walked towards the outside of the craftsman's temple. He didn't expect the delay in making the alchemy puppet to be so long. There is still an hour before 10:30, and today I have to brush the Ghost Tower three times, "Lolo, it's already 09:30, wait a minute, I have to go to the Ghost Tower, 10:30 [-] I want to download the game, or I will talk about the rest tomorrow..."

"Hey...wait a minute..." Shen Luoluo grabbed Fang Tian, ​​his eyes were full of stars, and he thought that this Fang Tian was a treasure!Alchemy has a 40.00% to [-]% success rate, and the best alchemy player specially trained in the guild has only a [-]% success rate. This guy must not be let go!
"Fang Tian, ​​let me ask you, you just said that you have skills in making alchemy puppets, so do you know the skills in refining medicine? What about the skills in collecting?" Shen Luoluo suddenly said, "By the way, this is the first time I see When you collect the dead soul grass, the completeness of the dead soul grass is very high, you must have skills, right?"

Fang Tian nodded dully, isn't this common sense...

"Great!" Shen Luoluo slapped Fang Tian on the shoulder as he said, "Wait a minute, our group will start a level 60 dungeon soon, I will reserve a spot for you when the time comes, you can accompany us Let's go together and collect medicinal materials for us!"

"The sixty-level dungeon? Collecting medicinal materials?" Fang Tian was also stunned for a long time. Is Shen Luoluo talking about the highest level dungeon?
Fang Tian also heard from Luo Jianbin that no one has successfully cleared the level [-] dungeon since the service was launched, so his master is no good?

Since even someone as powerful as the master can't do it, it's definitely not good to change yourself, and it would be a waste of time to go, so I really don't want to go this time.

"That's right, there are a lot of high-level medicinal materials in the level 60 dungeon. The sub-professional players of our union say that the success rate of collecting is too low. Every time they are collected by force, a lot of high-level medicinal materials are wasted. After returning, the president will feel distressed and die." As Shen Luoluo said, she blinked at Fang Tian again, throwing out a demonic temptation, "You help me collect medicinal materials, how about we split the bill at that time?"

Thirty-seven points! ?Fang Tian's eyelids twitched.

Now he was really moved.

Uncle Hubbard was right, you can't get anywhere in this world without money.

But now, Fang Tian just has no money. The last time he opened the treasure left by the legendary undead mage, he spent almost all the money he had on him.

Learning skills costs money, doing tasks costs money, and buying equipment costs money. Fang Tian can hardly afford to support his three gargoyle puppets now. I want to go to the assassin mentor to learn the soul system skills, and I also know that the assassin mentor who loves money will not let him learn skills so easily.

Thinking about it this way, he really needs a lot of money...

"Okay!" After briefly thinking about the gains and losses, Fang Tian nodded and agreed, but this also reminded Fang Tian of one thing, after he completed the task of the assassin trial, he still needs to clear the dungeon of the corresponding level to be able to Unlock the level cap.

"Lolo, I estimate that the mission will be completed in two or three days. Can your regiment bring me a high-level dungeon by then?"

"A high-level dungeon? What do you want that for?" Shen Luoluo just asked casually, without waiting for Fang Tian's answer, she said, "Okay, the day after tomorrow there happens to be a team that is going to farm, I'll add you to it .”

"Oh, then the day after tomorrow." Fang Tian said as if Shen Luoluo was waving, and ran away in a hurry.

After such a delay, another 5 minutes passed, and in less than an hour, he still needed to quickly scan the Ghost Tower three times.


In Chinese class, Fang Tian lay on the table and fell asleep.

He is very tired.

Last night, he first helped Shen Luoluo Guild make gargoyles, which exhausted all his energy, and then he quickly played the Ghost Tower three times with great concentration. While playing the game, Fang Tian felt a splitting headache and went to bed early.

However, after sleeping for a whole day, he still didn't recover. He felt dizzy when he was in class today. After a while, he lay flat on the table.

"Fang Tian! Fang Tian!"

The Chinese old man standing on the podium is the grade group leader of his grade. He is usually very strict. He has never seen any students sleeping or playing with their mobile phones in his class. Even the worst students, when they encounter When it comes to his class, you have to obediently pretend to be listening carefully!
And this student was sleeping on his face in front of him, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

If it weren't for the fact that the student was sitting in the last row and couldn't aim properly, the chalk in the Chinese old man's hand would have flown out long ago.

Hearing someone calling his name, Fang Tian rubbed his eyes, raised his head, and looked around in a daze, "Huh?"

Pfft ha ha ha ha!
Seeing Fang Tian's look of not waking up, the whole class roared with laughter.

This Fang Tian, ​​who is usually quiet, actually fell asleep in the class of the grade group leader. Now it's fun to watch, many students gloated and entered the mode of watching a play.

Tang Qian couldn't help being amused when she saw that Fang Tian had suffered from the misfortune of the grade group leader.

"Sleeping in class? Who taught you? Stand outside for me!" The old man in Yuwen stared at him, picked up his book and pointed to the door, signaling Fang Tian to stand outside.

go outside?What are you doing outside?Fang Tian blinked his eyes, just now, his mind seemed to be clearer, "What?"


The classroom laughed again.

It's over, this is really miserable, Luo Jianbin cast a sympathetic look at Fang Tian.

"Haven't woken up yet? Come to sleep in my class! I've never seen a student like you before. How does your class teacher teach you? I'll let you out!"

Fang Tian scratched his head, and didn't understand why the old Chinese man standing on the podium was so angry, but it was better to obey the teacher's words. He thought about standing up from his seat, and walked out of the classroom door step by step.

(End of this chapter)

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