city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 924 sacrifice

Chapter 924 sacrifice

"Hey, amazing, I knew you had a way to come here, but it took a bit of time, but luckily you still caught up."

Fang Tian scanned around, "What is this place? What does it mean to catch up?"

"The Black Dragon Altar." Aldo spread his hands, "Everyone has only 24 hours to enter this special space. Once the time is up, they will be forced to teleport out..."

As soon as the words fell, Fang Tian raised his eyebrows, the speed of his feet increased in vain, his body leaned forward, and the dagger swung forward.


Aldo didn't expect Fang Tian's sudden attack, and he didn't react too slowly. He backed up immediately, flicked his wrist, and took out a short dagger to block Fang Tian's stab.

"Who are you? Why did you bring me here?" Fang Tian said in a deep voice.

"It's just a coincidence whether it attracts or not."

Under Fang Tian's gaze, the layer on Aldo's face melted like glue and fell off, forming another face of a middle-aged man. He took out a copper-green badge from his pocket, and said in a deep voice: "Let me introduce myself, Ma Xilu, the head of the underground city of the Assassin's Guild - Aldo."

After confirming, that is indeed the high-level seal of the Assassin's Guild.

Fang Tian slowly retracted the dagger, "You know me?"

"Hey, of course Fang Tian, ​​you are a senior member of the Assassin's Guild, I have every senior member in my mind, don't think I'm always in the dungeon, the outside news can't escape me Ears, not to mention that you have been in the limelight recently." Aldo said, pointing to his head, and exclaimed: "I didn't expect to disappear for two years and make such a big noise outside just after coming out, even the Pope died. In your hands, it can be regarded as giving face to our Assassin's Guild, and it's a good job."

Fang Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, "Why did you bring me here?"

"Don't be so ugly, I didn't attract you." Aldo's face melted again in an instant, returning to his previous youthful appearance, and his tone became a little more frivolous, "This is because you were hunted down, This is your best escape route and your chance to fight back."

"Counterattack? What do you mean?"

"I appreciate your vigilance, but you can let it go now. For the outstanding young generation, our Assassin's Guild has always held a supportive attitude." Aldo said, turning his back and leading Fang Tian forward Go, "You have the existence of the mark of the dungeon on you, right?"

Fang Tian frowned, he didn't ask how the other party knew, there were only a few reasons, high-level reconnaissance skills, high-level special props, judging from the speed of his explosion just now, having such props is not enough Surprised.

"The mark of the dungeon can effectively deal with these creatures outside. Otherwise, it will take more strength to get here, and even if you can get here, it will be difficult to get the approval of the Black Dragon Clan."

"What do you mean?"

"Follow me, you will know later." Aldo paused, walked towards a corridor, and continued, "The seventh-level angels outside are not easy to deal with. I want to give you a chance, so I brought When you come here, you probably think you can sign a contract with the black dragon and use the power of the seventh-level black dragon to deal with these heavenly creatures."

Fang Tian followed up and asked, "Is this your purpose?"

"Yeah, I haven't seen the juniors of the Assassin's Guild for a long time. When I see them, I have to support them and form a good relationship, right?" Whether you can survive or not depends on yourself, I will not go out to provoke those angels when I am full, and you can't afford the price for asking me to do it."

Fang Tian thought for a while, followed Aldo and continued to move forward along the straight passage.

"You said just now, you know that I killed the Pope?"

Aldo is extremely sensitive to business, "Huh? What do you want to ask? Let's talk about it in advance, and you will be familiar with it. Some questions will be charged."

Fang Tian selectively ignored the topic of charging, and asked directly: "The Pope, the Pope who was killed by me, is it fake?"

Aldo didn't speak, as if he was thinking, and after taking a few steps forward, he replied: "You are right, the pope you killed is fake, it seems that you killed the pope, In the limelight, the fact that you accidentally became someone else's scapegoat."

"Who did it? The real Pope?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, don't worry, there will be a fee for this question." Aldo looked sideways at Fang Tian, ​​"Unless you are willing to exchange information from the Holy Church, according to our intelligence analysis, your strength has greatly improved, and you will definitely be able to compete with the Holy Church." Temple rune fragments are inseparable, how many temple runes do you have?"

Seeing that Fang Tian didn't speak, Aldo smiled and said, "If I'm not mistaken, counting the ones I took from the Church of the Holy Cross last time, there are at least four of them, right?"

"More than four." Fang Tian turned his head and said: "There are seven fragments of the runes of the temple. After collecting seven pieces, you can get the inheritance of the temple."

Aldo was stunned for a moment, and stared back at Fang Tian, ​​"You already got the inheritance?"

"Partial inheritance." Fang Tian responded, "Okay, that's all I can say, you should give me the corresponding information."

Aldo thought for a while and said, "Okay, then I will give you a name, Odella."

"Odella..." Fang Tian whispered the name silently, "Who is she?"

"One of the archbishops of the Church of the Holy Cross."

"No more?" Fang Tian frowned, "Only one name?"

"Then add another name, Dark Holy Court."

Fang Tian's pupils shrank.

This was the second time he had heard the name of the Dark Holy Court. The first time was in the Ice and Snow Goddess Temple, and it was that power that controlled the Ice and Snow Goddess Temple.

"What is the Dark Holy Court?"

"The Book of Doomsday Prophecy."

Another weird term popped out of Aldo's mouth.

"Okay, this doesn't have much to do with you. Audella and the Dark Court are just our internal suspicions." Seeing Fang Tian's blank face, Aldo changed the subject, "You give You can only get these things, if you want to know more things, you need to give some practical things in exchange.”

Fang Tian was extremely curious about the Dark Holy Court, but after all, the Holy Church was his biggest secret, and it would be extremely idiotic to exchange this for news, so Fang Tian also kept his mouth shut.

There is no rush at this time. If there is news about the Dark Holy Court, give him a little more time, and he will always be able to find it.

The two fell silent again.

Soon, walking along, they came to the main hall.

(End of this chapter)

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