city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 920 Dragon Cliff

Chapter 920 Dragon Cliff
"Hey, why don't you say anything? They will catch up if this keeps up. Are you sure you can beat them then?"

Fang Tian didn't know this truth, it's just that he was locked by the big prophecy and had no choice, so he could only escape passively, and he couldn't help saying in a deep voice: "I can't beat it."

Aldo actually sped up his speed and walked to Fang Tian's side, "Ah? Then what about introducing me to the powerful lord that we agreed to? Are you cheated too?"

Fang Tian narrowed his eyes, "I'm locked by tracking skills, what can you do to ask me to track you?"

"A solution? Let me think about it." Aldo shook his head as if thinking, and then raised his head, "You say that, it seems that there is really a solution."


"Come with me, there is a place where they are absolutely afraid to go in." Aldo said with a look of confidence, he suddenly raised his speed and faintly surpassed Fang Tian, ​​and took the lead to rush forward.

Fang Tian squinted his eyes, he had already exploded into a fourth-order fire, and his speed was extremely fast in this state, but Aldo seemed to have more energy. Could it be that it was really what he said, that he just had some special skills in escaping? ?
Or is he getting close to him on purpose, with some special purpose?
Several complicated thoughts quickly flashed through Fang Tian's mind. He felt that coming to Marsilü City was a coincidence. It was unlikely that Aldo approached him intentionally. But in this case, he was just running around and following Aldo away. It's a better choice. Let's see what the situation is first. Maybe he really has a way?
Aldo turned Fang Tian in one direction and headed towards the east of Dilussel's territory. From the map of the dungeon, it was getting farther and farther away from Fang Tian's entrance to the underground world.

Under Fang Tian's limit speed, he moved extremely fast, and a fast-moving light spot could be seen on the map.

The two archangels in the rear are chasing closely, and Fang Tian can feel that the other party is getting closer and closer, almost catching up.

"How long?"

"Hurry up, hurry up, don't worry, it's not far ahead." Aldo didn't look back, turned another angle, and ran in another direction, "Did you see it? It's just ahead!"

Looking ahead, Fang Tian's pupils shrank, and he saw a mountain in front of him.

The underground world is actually a huge underground cave. Generally, the distance between the underground and the top of the cave is only about 100 meters. I have never seen such a peak. When I look up, the sky is really black, and I can’t see anything clearly. thing.

"What's on that mountain?"

"Hey, that's not a mountain, it's Longya."

Dragon Cliff?

Fang Tian was startled. He turned over the game map, and sure enough, he saw a purple mark at that position - with a few words crookedly written in purple ancient dungeon lingua franca next to it.

Fang Tian translated these words, and said in a deep voice, "Black Dragon Altar?"

"you know too?"

Aldo didn't look back, and ran towards the hill, saying, "The Black Dragon Altar has already been said by the older generation, and now we call him Longya."

Fang Tian followed and asked, "What is it for?"

"In ancient times, the black dragon altar was used to recruit black dragons. In the past, dungeon lords or heroes only needed to contribute some gems and valuable gold coins to hire black dragons to fight. Now it is different, because black dragons are in the dungeon. During the civil strife, they were massively recruited by the dungeon lords, resulting in a significant reduction in the number of their clan, and a large number of black dragons died in killing each other."

Aldo recalled the past stories passed down from the mouths of the elders, and explained: "Since a certain day, the black dragons began not to accept this kind of primitive employment. They set up a portal to the black dragon's lair here. The portal, after passing certain special assessments to obtain the recognition of the black dragon clan, and after signing contracts of various ranks with them, the black dragon will accept the call of the dungeon lord or hero to fight for them. Since then, this place has changed The name, we call it Longya."

"Simply put, this is the portal to the territory of the Black Dragon Clan?"

While talking, Fang Tian and Aldo approached Longya infinitely. From a close distance, there was a tall black spire on Longya.

"In other words, it is the gate of trials." Aldo said with a chuckle: "There are not only joint guards composed of various dungeons near Dragon Cliff, but also sub-dragon guards. Generally speaking, all humans can participate in the assessment, but those The special race is..."

Fang Tian raised his eyelids, "You mean angels can't enter the portal?"

"It's not certain, after all, no one has tried it, but I can conclude that at least the guards of Dragon Cliff will not let creatures like angels enter the range of Dragon Cliff. If they want to force their way in, the Black Dragon Clan will not let them go. Their."

Seeing that he was about to enter the position of the mountain, Aldo chuckled, and his speed began to slow down, "Okay, slow down, don't release your breath, it will be considered as a hostile expression."

Fang Tian frowned.

"Believe me, you don't need to do it yourself, someone will deal with those chasing soldiers behind you."

Fang Tian decided to believe Aldo's words for the time being, and immediately dissipated the fluctuations in his body.

The power of the Holy Light behind him has been chasing closer and closer. Fang Tian didn't have much time to think about it. With his own strength, Fang Tian followed Aldo and climbed up the slope to the Dragon Cliff.

The two archangels obviously did not slow down, they flew at low altitude with the wings on their backs, and chased after Fang Tian straightly.

"Swish! Swish!"

Fang Tian raised his head and saw a black shadow flying past his head, he couldn't help raising his head to see what it was.

"That's the sub-dragon species. They have guarded the teleportation entrance for generations. The two angels behind entered the forbidden area and released such strong fluctuations. They will be regarded as intruders." Aldo smiled, obviously already Everything is planned.

Fang Tian understood that these sub-dragons were not of the blood of real dragons, and they didn't seem to be very powerful, at least delaying the angels was always possible.

The mountain looks quite huge from a distance, and it took less than 5 minutes for Fang Tian to reach the top of the mountain.

On the top of the mountain, there is a huge black stone pillar linking the black sky. It is unclear what material the stone pillar is made of, but it seems to be painted with extremely weird silver-white lines, and the overall style seems a bit heavy.

It's a pity that after the tempering of time, the stone pillars have already been mottled.

At the bottom of the stone pillar, there is a small entrance portal, and two human beings are standing outside the portal, staring at Fang Tian and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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