city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 908 Countermeasures

Chapter 908 Countermeasures
Outside the mining area, time passed by every minute and every second, and Cosemoni couldn't help it. From here, she found that there were more and more demonic creatures gathered in the mine, and she couldn't help but give birth to a very shocking Scary thoughts, hell!Is there a crack leading to hell inside the mine?
"Everyone, there are more and more hell creatures, are you still planning to continue watching here?" Cosemoni said in a low voice, "I suspect that there may be hell cracks in the mine, if you delay, hell creatures will More and more."

These lords were not stupid either. Mal Xiao knew what Cosemone meant, which was to let them work as human shields. No one was an idiot. They pretended not to hear these words.

"Cosemoni, let's open the skylight and tell the truth, this is your mining area, why should my team go there to die?" Motai Texi looked even more desperate.

Cosemoni knew that these people were not easy to deal with, so she said in a deep voice, "What do you think?"

Motetsi curled his lips, "Everyone is working under Di Lussel, if you want us to help you, it depends on whether you are willing to pay a price."

"Everyone, 100 units of magic crystal."

"Cosemone, are you begging for food? At least 500 units of gold sulfur and enchanted crystals."

"Don't give me too much." Cosemoni restrained her anger, gritted her teeth and said, "300, or get the hell out of here."

"Hey, it's a deal." The evil-eyed monster on the side immediately put on a flattering look, said in its weird tone, moved its tentacles to point to the giant spore in the group of red long-horned evil spirits, and said, "That's right. That thing, its spores will cause nearby creatures to enter a state of frenzy, and we suffered a loss at his hands."

Cosemone stared at the spore, with a strange look in her eyes. She had already discovered this giant spore before, but she didn't expect it to have this special ability.

So what to do with it?For plant creatures, it is undoubtedly the best choice to use fire attribute long-range attack. Seeing the dense mining area over there blocked by hell creatures, Cosemoni thought to herself, or use high-altitude flying units to skip the hell The creature attacks that spore directly.

Unfortunately, the dungeon lacks flying units, and the only flying unit is the seventh-order black dragon.

Now that I think about it, the black dragon is simply the nemesis of this kind of spore. First of all, it is a flying unit that can quickly approach the past from a long distance. Secondly, the black dragon's dragon flame belongs to dragon language magic, including fire attribute attack effects.

It’s just that it’s very difficult to control creatures like black dragons in the dungeon. First, they need to be recognized by the black dragon clan and sign a contract with the black dragon clan. Most dungeon heroes can’t do this. The hero and lord of the contract is already one in a hundred. Until now, only the Black Dragon Queen has been able to sign the highest-level contract with the Black Dragon Clan.

Cosemone happened to be one of the heroes who signed a contract with the black dragon. Although it was the lowest level of the contract, it also proved her strength to some extent, but it was only the lowest level of the contract, and Cosemone could at most Recruiting two black dragons to fight for her at the same time, but for now, recruiting one is her limit.

It's just that ordinary recruitment needs to consume a lot of resources. For special recruitment, Cosemoni is reluctant to spend such a high price. Unless she is forced into a desperate situation, she will definitely not use this trick.

After thinking about it, Cosemone immediately gave up this idea, she has other plans, "Then what if we do it in person?"

Mal Xiao was startled for a moment, and then said, "Crazy woman, that spore will drive people into a frenzy, I won't accompany you to find death."

"I know you have no guts." Cosemoni chuckled unremittingly, "You lend me your soldiers, and I will lead the team up personally."

Mal Xiao and the others looked at each other, Motai Texi nodded and said: "The ugly thing is up front, you can borrow your army, no matter whether you win the mine in the end, we will keep the 300 units of magic crystal ore for you on the head."

"Yes, a group of cowards." Cosemone expressed disdain for these people, then drew out her dark long sword and held it high in the air, "Warriors from the dungeon! Follow my orders and come with me! Charge!"

Corsemone shouted, urging the nightmare horse under her feet, taking the lead and rushing into the mine among a group of swift knights.

Seeing the back of Cosemone leaving, Marlowe snorted softly, "Tch, a lunatic without a brain."

During the rest, Fang Tian suddenly opened his eyes, staring at the entrance of the mine.

That's human?Is it the hero under Drussel?
Among the group of swift and fierce knights, Cosemone's aura was as dazzling as a star, and Hesna and Fang Tian's attention was immediately attracted.

Immediately afterwards, Corsemone and a group of swift knights beside her charged into the crowd of horned demons.

It has been delayed for an hour and a half. Hundreds of horned ghosts have been summoned in the cave, and these horned ghosts are enough to withstand the first wave of swift and fierce knights.

There was a layer of black mist on the long sword Cosemone drew out.

A single basic attack takes the life of a horned goblin.

The heroine didn't look simple, Fang Tian's pupils shrank, and he said to Hesna: "I'll go, you stay here."

After all, Fang Tian tapped his toes, restrained his breath, and entered the stealth state while leaping forward.

Fang Tian's perception locked Kesemoni firmly. In his opinion, Kesemoni is very likely to be the leader of this siege battle. As long as she is killed, the dungeon creatures led by her will naturally be destroyed. will retreat away.

Similarly, Cosemoni has always focused on Fang Tian and Hesna, and has raised her vigilance when she saw the disappearance.

However, she did not expect Fang Tian's attack to come so unexpectedly.


Shadow attack!

A blow from behind knocked Cosemone into a stunned state.

Fang Tian frowned, he found that the feeling of the dagger piercing into the body was wrong!A large part of the strength has been relieved!




Fang Tian's whole body was bright with white light, bursting into a fifth-level burning state, and constantly waving the dagger to speed up the output of basic attacks.


Kesemoni recovered from the dizziness faster than Fang Tian expected, and the dark long sword condensed from the black mist spit out from the shadows.

Fang Tian pushes the dark long sword away with his backhand, and leaps back gently.

"Who are you!"

The horror in Cosemoni's heart was far greater than Fang Tianlai's. This kind of powerful assassin rarely exists underground. If it weren't for the special treasure on her body that can resist damage and reduce the stun effect, she might have been caught by Fang Tian just now. Spike.

(End of this chapter)

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