city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 900 2-hand preparation

Chapter 900 Prepare with both hands
Fang Tian brandished his dagger and wandered among the swift cavalry, his meritorious value increased crazily. As time passed, some of the swift cavalry began to go into a state of frenzy under the influence of the spores, and began to attack the nearest allies around them. Troops attack.

Seeing this scene, Fang Tian was sure. He clearly realized that the special skill of the hell-origin spores, the malicious infection, had taken effect. For this kind of low-level creatures, they were more susceptible to the malicious infection and fell into a trap. state of frenzy.

And once they enter the state of frenzy, they will completely lose their minds when attacking nearby units that ignore the enemy and themselves.


In another place, the team led by Cheng Xue also started the journey of killing monsters. Compared with Fang Tian and others, they chose another tactic. They found a camp belonging to Dilussel on the map and began to sweep it continuously camp.

This method of spawning monsters is relatively monotonous, but as long as they are strong enough, they can earn meritorious deeds without any consumption.

The Crimson Scaled Sword Master and melee professions stand in front, and the Medusa team in the back row can kill a large number of enemies every time they gather and release chain lightning.

For a time, the merit value skyrocketed.

Satisfied, Chilin Sword Master glanced at the task list.

After an hour of constantly spawning monsters, until the entire camp was destroyed, the entire team's merit points had accumulated to nearly 12.

He consciously paid attention to Fang Tian's situation. Seeing this, Chilin Sword Master couldn't help but twitch his eyelids.

15W merit value! ?

Fang Tian and the others' achievements are not weaker than their own?3W more than yourself?
This number surprised Chilin Jianzun, but soon, the corner of Chilin Jianzun showed a hint of sarcasm, saying that Fang Tian and the others do have some strength, but that's all, the more they brush The better, when the time comes, this meritorious service will also be counted on his own head.

You know, this is a snowball effect. As more and more Medusas are recruited, the speed at which they clear the camp will only get faster and faster!The speed of earning merit points will also become faster and faster!

Thinking of this, Chilin Sword Master shifted his gaze to another place, "The next camp is not far away, let's continue!"


Holding a dagger in his hand, Fang Tian stood under the big tree of Hell Origin Worm, lost in thought.

Under the influence of the spores of the hell-originated insects, most of the hell-originated insects in front have entered a state of frenzy, and they began to kill each other. They only need to guard the small area outside the mine entrance.

The power of the hell-derived insects that took root here is far stronger than that in Yin Shiqi's realm. The reason is that those undead are inanimate units, and the spores of hell-originated insects cannot work on them. For low-level creatures, as long as they continue to persist for a while, the spores will drive them into madness, thus killing each other and absorbing malice from their bodies.

Fang Tian could clearly feel the pleasure from the Hell Origin Worm.

There is also a circle of hell blasphemers standing under the hell worm tree. Under the influence of the spores, many hell blasphemers have been promoted successfully, and they can have a chance to release advanced hell fireballs like serial bursts.

Just as he was thinking, Fang Tian heard a game prompt.


"Reminder: The player's initial demonology level has been raised to LV: 8"

"Hint: The player comprehends the formation: the first-level hell three-headed dog summoning."

Formation: Summon the first-level hell three-headed dog.

Effect: Enslave three-headed dogs to fight for you. The number and level of three-headed dogs enslaved are related to the level of the formation.

Note: After the formation is completed, you need to continue to pay soul energy to enslave the three-headed hell dog you summoned.

Fang Tian, ​​the three-headed hell dog, has seen Chris summon many times. It belongs to the third-order creature of hell. Except for its superior movement speed, its other attributes are mediocre.

Fang Tian glanced back at Chris, and happened to see him staring at him at the same time.

Suddenly, Fang Tian felt a little strange. The summoning technique used by Chris seemed to be different from his own. Why didn't he use similar techniques to use the summoning array?

Chris walked over, looked into the distance, and said, "Fang Tian, ​​it seems like they are scared?"

Fang Tian looked back, after half an hour of continuous attack, the Swift Knights no longer continued to attack, but gathered outside the mine area in formation.

The remaining swift and fierce knights were also rapidly reduced in number during the cannibalism, and were finally wiped out by the tauren team led by the tauren Akuta Kunde.

"Huh... no, it's not that simple."

Fang Tian breathed a sigh of relief, raised his head and looked into the distance. He could see a group of dungeon troops blocking the outside in the distance, staring at this place. Obviously, these dungeon creatures gave up attacking so easily.

He decided not to think about anything else, and took advantage of the short rest to set up a three-headed hellhound summoning array on the ground.

Now it's passive defense. Instead of thinking about so many useless things, it's better to increase the level of elementary demonology and earn more merit points.

"Fang Tian, ​​I think our previous plan seemed to be a bit miscalculated. These underground city armies arrived faster and in greater numbers than we imagined. What do you think?"

"Hmm." Fang Tian spent most of his mental power on drawing the alchemy magic circle, distractedly listening to Chris's words, and asked, "So, what do you want to say?"

"There is always a bad feeling. Time keeps dragging on. If you are trapped here and can't get out, then the joke will be big. I think we need to make two plans." Chris's rare seriousness Once.

Hesna was listening to the conversation between the two, and she also thought of this. The group of dungeon soldiers outside kept surrounding and refused to leave, gathering more and more.If that time really comes, she will do her best to protect Fang Tian from leaving.

"No, they stopped me." Fang Tian is very confident about this. In the extreme state of Liu Ran, there are really few people who can stop him. It is not difficult to break a hole and take Hesna away.

"Damn it, they really can't stop you, but they can stop the absentees behind, and there are so many magic crystals, do you understand?"

Fang Tian was obviously reminded by Chris, and looked back at the mine cart behind him. The ore mining efficiency of this new mine is very high, and most of them produce two kinds of ore. One kind of gold and sulfur is the favorite thing of hell creatures. The value of sacrifice is extremely high, and another kind of enchanted crystal is also high-grade ore, but they are not loved by hell, and forced sacrifice can only get a small amount of soul points.

The best way to deal with this enchanted crystal is to bring it back to Laman and exchange it for a lot of merit points from him.But the problem is that these ores are extremely heavy and cannot be carried. They can only be transported out by mine carts. Originally, Fang Tian planned to let the hell boy drag the mine carts back to the dungeon on the last day. Now it seems that he may not have this opportunity. up.

After thinking for a while, Fang Tian raised his head and said, "Then what do you want?"

"Simple, have you forgotten these troglodyte miners?"

Fang Tian looked back at the absentees, and asked in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"These cavemen are not only good at mining by nature, they are also good at digging tunnels underground. We are ready to try to dig a tunnel out of the mine, and then we can transport these ores out. Leave yourself a way out."

Fang Tian looked back into the depths of the mine, nodded and said, "This proposal seems to be very good."

(End of this chapter)

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