city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 891 Medusa's Harp

Chapter 891 Medusa's Harp
Aware of Fang Tian's intruders, the troglodyte guard on the tower uttered a strange cry, and several troglodytes emerged from the sentry post, rushing towards Fang Tian and the others.

"Hey! Go to hell!"

Chris laughed dryly and pressed down hard with both hands at the same time.

Two magical fluctuations suddenly flashed.

The evolved scorched hell beasts emerged from the magic circle respectively.

Two huge bodies stood in front of Fang Tian and the others, and all the bone spears in this round were blocked by the scorched hell beast.





Dense red numbers emerged from the scorched hell beast, causing more than 50 damage at most, which was negligible for the scorched hell beast.

"It seems that their output is not very good..."

As soon as Chris waved his hand, the two scorched hell beasts began to slowly accelerate to meet the bone spears that were constantly flying, and charged towards the sentry not far away.

The caveman is an ordinary first-level creature in the dungeon, and the scorched hell beast is already a special creature of the sixth rank. The strength of the two sides is not at the same level. The scorched hell beast rushed towards the sentry area against the caveman's attack.


Chris suddenly let out a light snort. He saw a lot of floating evil-eyed monsters emerging from the sentry camp. These one-eyed monsters can emit special shock energy waves from their eyes, and the energy waves bombard the Hell Scorch Beast. Dealing damage to the hell scorched beast, the blood volume begins to drop.

After the scorched hell beasts ran, the inertia was so great that few people could block them head-on. However, after a while, two scorched hell beasts rushed into the sentry post, and one of the scorched hell beasts hit the wooden post with a 'boom'. On the tower, the sentry tower collapsed with a bang, and another scorched hell beast rushed into the crowd of cave dwellers, disrupting the formation of the cave dwellers.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Hesna, who was hiding behind the scorched hell beast, drew out her long sword. The golden holy light shrouded the long sword, and swung the long sword of holy light to start the slaughter.

Fang Tian had already groped to the back of the Xieyan, aiming at the back of their heads and stabbing them.

Slanting Eyes has weak points all over his body, and his blood volume is also poor. Fang Tian can take away the life of a Slanting Eye with one blow, causing huge chaos among the evil eye monsters.

Chris summoned the three-headed hell dog from a distance, and the three-headed hell dog kept coming towards the sentry station to suppress it.

Suddenly, Fang Tian noticed something, and his eyes moved to the entrance of the guard post not far away.

Is that an elite creature of cavemen?


In another place, Cheng Xue and others also left the dungeon under the leadership of Chilin Sword Master. They did not go directly to the battlefield area, but walked in another strange direction.

"Sword Master Chilin, we came out with you only because we believed in you. We have been walking for nearly an hour now, and we are getting farther and farther away from the battlefield. Shouldn't you also tell me your plan?" The speaking soldier Mo Lige said in a deep voice: "This is a bet between you and Fang Tian, ​​if you still can't come up with a plan that I can convince..."

"Don't worry, isn't it here?" Scarlet Scaled Sword Master pointed towards the direction not far away with a look of winning, "Look, it's there."

Everyone looked at the direction pointed by the Red Scaled Sword Master, with puzzled expressions on their faces. There was a Medusa's lair, which was used to recruit Medusa.

Medusa is a fourth-tier combat creature in the dungeon. Apart from the two weaknesses of slow movement and low blood volume, her strength is relatively prominent. The key point is that they can not only shoot arrows to cause physical damage, but also release arrows. Spell-Forked Lightning, this is a range of magic output. Even when they are promoted by the enemy, they can also release the petrification skill to restrain melee combat. If they can gather enough Medusa, they can indeed play a powerful role.

"You want to recruit Medusa?" Golden Sweet Potato seemed to have thought about what the Red Scaled Sword Master wanted to do, he frowned, and said in a deep voice: "I don't think this is a good way, it takes a lot of money to recruit Medusa." We have no merit points to waste on this, and now, we..."

Just halfway through the words, the Scarlet Scaled Sword Master had already walked to Medusa's lair.

The two Medusas guarding the door of the lair looked at these alien visitors with vigilant eyes, until the Red Scaled Sword Master took out a petrified harp from his arms.

When she saw the harp, the guarding Medusa showed a respectful expression and stepped aside.

Everyone looked at the Scarlet Scaled Sword Master in doubt.

Red Scaled Sword Master chuckled, and showed a prop in front of everyone.

Artifact: Queen Medusa's Harp.

Level: low-level artifact.

Description: Special props, effective in the backpack.

Skill [-]: Eternal Gaze.

Skill Description: Permanently immune to LV: petrification effect below 30, the effect of petrification skills is reduced by 80%.

Skill [-]: Ancestral Prayer

Skill Description: When recruiting Medusa, get a 50% reduction in resource consumption. After recruiting, Medusa will get an additional level +5, the player's (owned) city Medusa training speed +30%, Medusa race favorability + 5000.
Skill [-]: Light of Medusa.

Skill Description: Gather a Medusa's soul in the harp every three days (maximum storage: 30), get an elite Medusa's soul every other week (maximum storage: 5), and every other month The soul of royal Medusa can be obtained (group storage: 2), and players can use the soul to summon Medusa in any Medusa lair (altar).

Until seeing the condition of this prop, the expressions of these players changed slightly, and Cheng Xue couldn't help but nodded slightly. She finally understood why the Red Scaled Sword Master was so swearing that he could earn a large amount of money in a short period of time. If these Medusas cooperate with the long-range output, it can indeed make up for the shortcomings of their team. At that time, some high-level tasks can be attempted to complete.

Kill enemies, complete missions, gain merit, and exchange for more Medusa. Once a virtuous circle is formed, the speed at which they earn merit points will only get faster and faster.

The Scarlet Scaled Sword Master followed Medusa into the lair, and said with a smile, "So, that kid Fang Tian is doomed."

Just after this sentence was finished, a game prompt sounded in everyone's ears.

"Tip: Player Fang Tian successfully killed the sentry elite guard-Bruce Grollo and obtained 3000 combat points."

"Reminder: Player Fang Tian, ​​Chris successfully captured the No. 20 No. 1 frontline sentry, and gained 3000 combat merit points, and the mercenary group he belonged to gained an additional [-] team combat merit points."

"Hint: The team's merits can be assigned by the captain."

As soon as the reminder sounded, the Red Scaled Sword Master, who was proudly saying that Fang Tian would never win, suddenly changed his expression, and then snorted softly, "It's only been more than an hour, and they have already breached a guard post!" ?Are they so lucky?"

(End of this chapter)

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