Chapter 874
In the midst of the fierce battle, the childhood sweetheart, who was commanding the team to fight, froze and stood there dumbfounded.

The Revenant Mask looked at the president in horror, "President, how could it be..."

Qingmei Zhujiu didn't say a word, he closed his eyes and tried to restrain himself, the veins on his neck were bulging, obviously he was extremely angry.

"President! I can't get in touch with the contact person of Endless Dusk." The soul of the dead failed to establish communication with Endless Dusk after several fake interviews, and hurriedly said: "President, there must be something wrong with Endless Dusk, no matter what In this way, there is only Fang Tian alone in the guild town, and we will bring people back to fight back, and we will definitely be able to regain our town."

Seeing Qingmeizhujiu without saying a word, Revenant Mask pushed Qingmeizhujiu anxiously, "President!"

After a long time, when he opened his eyes again, his childhood sweetheart said in a deep voice, "No, let's continue! We must take down Winter City!"


"Stop talking nonsense and concentrate on the above. We have already bet everything on this battle. We cannot lose, and we cannot afford to lose."

Shen Luoluo, the commanding officer on the city wall, was so excited when she got the system prompt. She thought that the immortal soul would retreat angrily after gaining the territory and being captured, but what she didn't expect was that after the initial panic, the enemy's attack became more and more serious. violently.

Glugelu also frowned. From time to time, he raised the longbow behind his back and aimed at the weakest enemy. Each attack would take away the life of an enemy. He said, "Sister Luoluo, it seems that the immortal soul People have to work hard."

"Tch, desperately! If we say desperately, are we still afraid of him?" Shen Luoluo is also extremely tough, that is to say, she is using the Ice and Snow Goddess Scepter that cannot be equipped and used. If it is a mage's staff, It is estimated that I can't bear to throw skills outside.

The phantom of the ninth-order scroll of the Shining One has gradually dissipated after gaining a great advantage for the Fallen Sun Guild. Chris’s summoned creatures from hell have also been almost cleaned up. He stood next to the few people and waved his hands, " No, no, no, I can't move anymore, I want to rest and catch my breath."

"That's not enough? Didn't I just say that I will leave everything to you?" Shen Luoluo looked at the bottom of the city wall. Hesna led two teams of players and was still fighting bravely in the crowd. The power of the Holy Light on her body The richness is to the extreme, it seems that there is no consumption at all, every time a sword is swung, a large number of red numbers will appear on the enemy, highlighting a strong force.

Even so, in terms of the situation on the scene, the immortal souls still had the upper hand, and they were forced to rely on the defense of Twilight City.

"Are you still talking about me? You use the light attribute scroll to tell me nothing, it will only cause me trouble." Seeing Shen Luoluo's expression, Chris pouted, full of complaints, "Okay, I'll rest For a while, anyway, Hesna can withstand it, and I will come again after the duration of your magic scroll is over."

The two were talking when the game communication rang.

Shen Luoluo asked excitedly: "Hello? Fang Tian! How are you doing?"


Fang Tian glanced at the Immortal Revenant Station, who was laughing and inspecting the excavated earth in the warehouse, and said, "The town has been initially controlled, how about you?"

After destroying the territory stone, Fang Tian had gained control of the town. Fang Tian didn't know how to control it, so he left it all to Digging Earth. He cleaned them up and stayed in the town to prepare for a counterattack. Immortal Soul player, seeing that the cleanup was almost done, Fang Tian began to contact Shen Luoluo.

"Fang Tian, ​​you have so many enemies, and you have offended so many people, you can't kill them all." Chris at the side heard the communication from Fang Tian, ​​and leaned over and said.

Fang Tian felt a little nervous, and asked: "Is the situation bad?"

"Don't listen to his nonsense, but we also miscalculated the determination of the immortal soul. He has no plan to retreat, and he will die with us even if the guild is completely wiped out. But your scroll is very strong, and now we can barely hold it. Hold on, we can drag it on for a while." Shen Luoluo also had unique insights into controlling the battlefield.

Fang Tian nodded, "Okay, what should I do."

"Cut the weeds and eradicate the roots." Glugelu joined the voice chat and said, "Brother Fang Tian, ​​I will send all the resident coordinates of the remaining snow-covered guilds. Taking advantage of the emptiness inside them, I will send their resident coordinates one by one. Clear All."

Fang Tian frowned, and said in a deep voice, "Can you stand it?"

"Hehe, these guilds are not of one mind. Now it's just the unlucky immortal souls alone. At most, they will be a bit of a pain in the ass. If it's their turn to be unlucky one by one, they will immediately mess up on their own. Instead, the pressure we receive It will get smaller and smaller, as long as you can quickly break through their garrisons, there will be absolutely no problems on our side."

I see, Fang Tian didn't waste time, hung up the game communication and prepared to leave the town and go to the nearest player guild.


At this time, not far from the town, through the prism, Jie and the others could clearly see Fang Tian's killing of Endless Dusk.

After the initial surprise, Jay immediately reported this information to Nichkhun.


Unexpectedly, after hearing the news, Nichkhun didn't have too many surprises, he just hummed softly.

Jie opened his mouth, not knowing what to say for a moment.

"Endless Dusk sent three bottom-level players. According to our analysis of the previous video, Fang Tian does have the strength to deal with them. Jie, now I have a very important task for you."

Jie was taken aback, "What task?"

"We need you to try to contact Fang Tian."

Hearing this, Jay almost yelled, "Boss! What are you talking about!? Are you crazy?"

"In the emergency meeting held before, the upper management meant that we might be able to join forces with him."

Jay's mind was a little confused, "But between him and hell..."

"Originally, I personally took the matter personally, but now there is a bigger problem in the world, and I can't make it through for a short time, and now Fang Tianzheng needs our help." Ni Kun's tone was cold, "You have to do it." The most important thing is to try to communicate with him, establish a preliminary contact, and win his trust as much as possible. The request made by the other party can be satisfied to a certain extent, and you can report to me at any time.”

Before, he was dying, but now he suddenly turned into a wooing. This huge contrast made the corner of Jie's mouth full of a wry smile.

"Jie, this is an order from above, do you hear it?"

"Okay, Boss, I understand." Jie hesitated, looked at Fang Tian in the prism, and said with a wry smile: "But Boss, he may not be willing to cooperate with us..."

"Well, you don't have to worry about this, I will send a document over immediately, and destroy it immediately after looking at it, and rot it in my heart. This is the highest level of confidentiality."

After hanging up the communication, a simple three-page document came from the other end immediately.

After reading it, Jie couldn't help but change his expression.

(End of this chapter)

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